You should also make an appropriate ending of a period (PhD time,
post doc, visiting scientist).
You should discuss:
- Make a normal update meeting (i.e. give feedback).
Man bör diskutera:
- Varför valde du forskarutbildning?
- Blev det du förväntaded dig?
- Blev dina förväntningar på utbildningen uppflyllda?
- Blev dina förväntningar på handledaren uppflyllda?
Specific list for our department
- Ensure that all files are collected and that there is a backup of
all files.
Both copies should be on external disks, because the coputers mover
The copies should include all files in the /home and /away directories.
Insert the files in the file backup.ods.
check purtur (find * -name dens_cao* -print)
gzip -r *
du -sh
- For each project, ensure that you know where the files are and
that they have proper names.
- Decide for each project who owns it, i.e. who may change in the
- Are there any programs that may be useful for other people in the
If so, they should be put into /away/bio and they should be described
in http://www.teokem.lu.se/~ulf/Methods
- Article pdf files should be copied to /away/bio/Articles
- Seminars should be copied to /away/bio/Presentations
- Keys
- Card
- Appartment
- Laptop
- New address
- New email
- Results backuped or burnt on DVD
- File system cleaned
- Programs documented on home pages
- Programs moved to /home/bio
- Remote computers emptied
- Computer password
- Decided how to proceed with projects and articles