MEAD 2.2

This distribution includes five programs implemented using the MEAD object library: potential solvate, solinprot, multiflex and sav-driver. It also includes the program redti, which does not use the MEAD objects. The next five sections are fairly brief descriptions of the purposes and particular features of the five MEAD programs. Detailed discussion of most command line options and file formats is deferred to the sections, "THE COMMAND LINE" and "FILE FORMATS", because many of the programs share many of the same options and formats. Finally the program, REDTI is described.


Calculates the potential due to the molecule, MolName (a name specified on the command line), whose coordinates radii, and charges are specified in a file MolName.pqr, and writes out its values at points specified by the MolName.fpt file. The -CoarseFieldOut and -CoarseFieldInit options will cause the coarsest potential lattice to be written to, or initialized from, an AVS (Advanced Visualization System) "field" file. Requires MolName.pqr and MolName.ogm. MolName.fpt is not strictly required, but if neither the .fpt file nor the -CoarseFieldOut option are used, the program produces no output of the calculated potentials. The -epsin flag is mandatory.
See below for general explanations of files, arguments and flags.


Solvate calculates the Born solvation energy of a molecule -- that is, the difference in the electrostatic work required to bring its atom charges from zero to their full values in solvent versus vacuum. MolName (a name specified on the command line) is the molecule(s) for which the the calculation is to be done and whose coordinates radii and charges are specified in a file MolName.pqr Solvate requires a MolName.pqr file and a MolName.ogm file (see below) as inputs. THE -epsin FLAG IS MANDATORY. This is a change from older version. I found that people got confused when the default epsin (previously 4.0) was contrary to people's expectations; so no more default behavior! The Born solvation energy is written to standard output in kcal/mole. Physical conditions and units for I/O can be set by flags on the command line (see below). By default solvate assumes we are going from vacuum (eps=1) to water (eps=80). Note that solvate uses the -epssol and -epsvac flags rather than the -epsext flag to control solvent conditions. You can try it out on a sphere to check agreement with the Born formula. See the born subdirectory.
A NEW FEATURE of solvate is turned on with the -ReactionField flag. In this case, a MolName.fpt file is expected to contain points at which you want the value of the reaction field. It will be written out to the file, MolName.rf.


USAGE: solinprot [flags] solute protein
Calculates the "solvation" of the molecule named by solute (for which there must be solute.pqr and solute.ogm files) inside the molecule named by protein (for which the must be a protein.pqr file) which is, in turn, in some solvent (water, by default). The interior of the solute is presumed to have the dielectric constant, epsin1 (given by the -epsin1 flag) and regions interior to the protein but exterior to the solute are presumed to have the dielectric constant, epsin2 (given by the -epsin2 flag) and regions exterior to both protein and solute are presumed to have dielectric constant, epsext (80.0 by default). The protein may contain charges and their interaction with the solute will contribute to "solvation energy." The solvated energy is calculated relative to a vacuum calculation in which the dielectric constant has a value of epsin1 inside the solute and epsvac (1.0 by default) outside.
The calculation works like this: First the potential due to the solute charges (call them rho_solute) in the above described dielectric environment is calculated. Call this potential phi_sol. Next the potential due to rho_solute is calculated in the vacuum dielectric environment described above. Call this potential phi_vac. The reaction field component of the solvation energy is then, (rho_solute*phi_sol - rho_solute*phi_vac)/2, where "*" indicates a suitable sum or integral of charge times potential. So far, this is the same as the solvate program except for the three-dielectric environment on the solvated side. We also need the contribution due to protein charges, rho_protein, interacting with the solute: rho_protein*phi_sol.
The flags are similar to those for the solvate program except that the -epsin1 and -epsin2 flags (see below) are mandatory and the -epsin flag is forbidden. The -epsext flag is used instead of -epssol for specifying the solvent dielectric. (Is this a bug?). The -ProteinField flag, described below, is also available.


Multiflex does the electrostatic part of a titration calculation for a multi-site titrating molecule. It can do single-conformer calculations based on the methods described in Karplus and Bashford (1990) and Bashford and Gerwert (1992) which assumes a rigid molecule, or it can included limited conformational flexibility by the method of You and Bashford (1995a). In the latter case, the user must supply the coordinates for the conformational variants and the corresponding non-electrostatic energies. This can be done with a program like CHARMM. For single-conformer calculation, multiflex works like the old multimead program. It takes MolName.pqr, MolName.ogm, MolName.mgm, MolName.sites and files as inputs (see below) and as its main outputs, produces a MolName.pkint file, which contains the calculated intrinsic pK's; a MolName.g file, which contains site-site interactions in units of charge squared per length; and a MolName.summ file which summarizes the self and background contributions to the intrinsic pK of each site. The MolName.pkint file and the Molname.g file can be used directly as input to redti, the program for calculating titration curves. Multiflex also produces a file, MolName.sitename.summ for each titrating site which contains some summary information that is mainly interesting for multi-conformer (flexible) calculations; and it produces a large number of *.potat files, which are binary files that are useful if a job is interrupted and restarted (see below). The -epsin flag is mandatory. Other flags can be used to change units and/or physical conditions or include a membrane. For the "flexible" calculations which involve multiple conformers, multiflex needs the input files described above but it also needs additional files: For each flexible site there must be a file, MolName.sitename.confs, in which "sitename" is constructed from the MolName.sites file by the procedure, "7 GLU" --> "GLU-7" These .confs files tell about the possible conformers of that site. They contain lines of the form: confname mac_non_elstat_energy mod_non_elstat_energy where "confname" is the name of the conformer and the next two entries are non-electrostatic energies of the conformer in the macromolecule and in the model compound corresponding to this site. The energies must be given in kcals/mole unless the -econv flag (see below) has been given to change the energy units. For each conformer named in a .confs file, there must be a .pqr file having the coordinates, charges and radii for the whole protein in that conformer. It must have the file name: MolName.sitename.confname.pqr You might need a lot of of .pqr files, for example, the You and Bashford calculations on lysozyme had 36 conformers for each of 12 sites and one MolName.pqr file is always needed so 433 .pqr files were needed for each titration calculation. Flexible and single-conformer sites can co-exist in the same molecule. The way multiflex tells the difference is that flexible sites have confs files and single-conformer files don't.


This program gives a demonstration of the SolvAccVol facility of MEAD which was described in our paper, You and Bashford (1995b), J. Comp. Chem. vol. 16, pp. 743-757. It is described in more detail in the file, README.SAV
The programs generally have the command line syntax:
program_name [flag value]... [flag]... MolName
where MolName is the base name for various I/O files. For example, "multiflex [flags] foo" will expect to find files named foo.pqr, foo.ogm, foo.mgm, and foo.sites, and will create foo.pkint, foo.g and foo.summ, as well as writing to standard output. The flags are used to set values pertaining to the physical conditions being modeled and the units used in the input files and the other flags. The default assumptions regarding units are that all inputs with dimension of length (coordinates, grid spacing) are in Angstroms, all inputs with dimensions of charge are in protons, concentrations are in moles/liter and temperature is in Kelvins.

The flags and their default values are:

-epsin fDielectric constant of molecular interior. In old versions of MEAD this had a default value, but this caused confusion, so now you must specify epsin explicitly.
-epsext f 80.0Exterior dielectric constant (potential only).
-epssol f 80.0The dielectric constant of one of the external media in the solvate program, presumably the solvent. (multiflex and solvate)
-epsvac f 1.0The dielectric constant of the other external media in the solvate program, presumably the vacuum. (solvate only)
-solrad f 1.4Solvent probe radius used in rolling ball procedure to determine contact surface which is taken as the boundary between epsin and epsext. (Angstroms, by default)
-sterln f 2.0Ion exclusion layer thickness which is added to atomic radii to determine region inaccessible to salt so that kappa term in PB equation is zero. (Angstroms, by default)
-ionicstr f 0.0Ionic strength (moles/liter, by default).
-T f 300.0Temperature (Kelvins by default)
-ReactionField(solvate only) Flag to write values of the solvent reaction field potential at space points specified by the user. The point should be in an input file named MolName.fpt in which points are listed in the format, "(x, y, z)". Corresponding reaction field potential values will be written to a file MolName.rf.
-epsave_oldwayRevert to the old style of "epsilon averaging". This refers to the problem of deciding what value of the dielectric to use for the region between two potential lattice points in the finite-difference method. The new way involves inverse averaging and is similar to a proposal by McCammon. The old way is a simple mean. The new way is significantly more accurate; the option to do it the old way is only provided for the sake of reproducing old experimental results. It is not recommended otherwise.
-converge_oldwayRevert to the old way of testing for convergence of the SOR method of solving the finite-difference representation of the Poisson--Boltzmann equation. The new method gives improved long-range accuracy for large lattices, but at a sometimes substantial computational cost. See the NEWS file for further discussion.
-kBolt f 5.984e-6(protons squared)/(Angstrom * Kelvin) The Boltzmann constant in units of charge unit squared per length unit per temperature unit. You must adjust this if you don't use the default units of length, charge and temperature
-econv f 331.842(kcal/mole)/(protons squared/Angstrom) Conversion factor for going from energy units of (charge units squared)/(length unit) to whatever energy units you want for your output. You must adjust this if you don't use the default units of length and charge, or if you want output in different energy units.
-conconv f 6.022214e-4((particles/cubic Angstrom)/(moles/liter)) Conversion factor for going from concentration units used for ionic strength to units of particles per cubic length unit. You must adjust this if you don't use the default units of length and concentration.
-site NDo a titration calculation only for the N-th site that is named in the .sites file. (multiflex only).
-CoarseFieldOut nmFor the first (coarsest) lattice specified in the .ogm file, write the lattice potential values to a file, nm.fld, which is an AVS "field" format. (potential only)
-CoarseFieldInit nmFor the first (coarsest) lattice specified in the .ogm file, read the lattice potential values from the AVS file, nm.fld, and use them to initialize the coarse lattice. (potential only)
-nopotatsPrevent multiflex from creating any .potat files. However, multiflex will still make use of .potat files found in the current directory (see discussion of .potat files below)
-membz f1 f2Set up a membrane parallel to the x-y plane extending from z=f1 to z=f2. (multiflex only). The "membrane" is a low-dielectric slab: all points within the specified z range are assigned the dielectric constant, epsin. (multiflex only)
-membhole f1 [f2 f3]Make a cylindrical "hole" through the membrane with radius f1 and central axis in the z direction x=f2 and y=f3 (or x=y=0 if f2 and f3 are not given). The meaning of the hole is that points that are inside the hole but outside the protein interior are assigned a dielectric constant of epssol. This is useful for calculations on membrane proteins that make channels or have water-filled cavities, such as bacteriorhodopsin. (multiflex only)
Controls how verbose the program will be. -blab3 is most verbose, and no blab flag at all is least verbose. In the latter case only essential info on the run parameters and results are printed to standard output. Writing to things like .pkint files are not effected.


MolName.pqr : Atomic coordinate file similar to a PDB (Protein Data Bank) file but with atomic charge and radii in the occupancy and B-factor columns, respectively. More specifically, lines beginning with either "ATOM" or "HETATM" (no leading spaces) are interpreted as a set of tokens separated by one or more spaces or TAB characters. The tokens (including the leading ATOM or HETATOM are interpreted as follows:
ignored ignored atname resname resnum x y z charge radius
Tokens beyond the radius token are ignored. Tokens can be of arbitrary length, but must not contain spaces or tabs. Lines that do not begin with "ATOM" or "HETATOM" are ignored. The programs make no distinction between ATOMs and HETATMs (note above that token 1 is ignored). No atname-resnum combination can occur more than once. (Atom data is stored internally in associative arrays and syntax of things like .st files depend on ability of atname-resnum combination to uniquely specify an atom.)
MolName.mgm :
Specification for the grid method. Each line specifies a level of a focussed set of grid calculations, starting with the coarsest and going to the finest. Lines have the format, centering grid_dimension grid_spacing where grid_dimension is an odd integer greater than 1 specifying the number of points along the edge of the grid; grid_spacing is a positive floating point number specifying the spacing between grid points; and centering is ON_ORIGIN, ON_GEOM_CENT or ON_CENT_OF_INTR, according to whether the grid is to be centered on the origin of the coordinate system, the geometric center or the "center of interest" which, for multiflex is on one of the titrating charges in the site being calculated (see .st files, below) and for other programs is on the origin (so ON_CENT_OF_INTR not much use with selfenergy). Multimead needs the .ogm file to specify the grid method for the macromolecule and the .mgm file to specify the grid method for the model compound. Other programs need only the .ogm file. For proper cancelation of grid effects, the finest levels for the model compound and the macromolecule must use the same grid spacing and centering style. The grid center can also be specified explicitly by giving a point in the format, "(x, y, z)" as the centering.
(multiflex only):
This file specifies which sites in a macromolecule are titrating and what kind they are. For each site it contains a line of the form, resnum site_type where resnum is the residue number of the site and will be matched to the residue number field of the atoms in the MolName.pqr file and site_type refers to files. Usually, site_type will be similar to a residue type name. and multiflex only) Multiflex expects a file of the name to specify details concerning each site_type that appears in the MolName.sites file. The first line contains one floating point number which is the model compound pK for that type of site. All remaining lines are of the form, resname atomname prot_charge deprot_charge where resname and atomname, along with the resnums given in the .sites file match an atom in the .pqr file that is part of a titrating site, prot_charge is that charge of this atom in the protonated state and deprot_charge is its charge in the deprotonated state. It is expected that the sum of all prot_charge subtracted from the sum of all deprot_charge will equal one. I plan to extend this file's syntax to allow a regular expression to be given that will specify how a model compound is to be made from the protein atom coordinates.
Something.potat :(output) This is a binary output file produced by some programs. It contains the potential at each atom of MolName (or a model compound) generated by some set of charges. Variations of "something" may denote charge states, sites, conformers, solvated or vacuum or uniform dielectric environments, depending on the application. Atomic coordinates and radii and the generating charges are also included for the sake of consistency checking. These files allow multiflex, etc. to avoid recalculating a lot of things when all you want to do is add or alter some site, but you must be careful about site names, which .potat files you leave sitting around, and so on. Specify the -blab2 flag for a blow-by-blow account of attempts to read and write .potat files in multiflex.
MolName.pkint, MolName.g
(multiflex) Described in the multiflex summary above.


Redti solves the multiple site titration curve problem given a set of intrinsic pK's (MolName.pkint) and a site-site interaction matrix (MolName.g) using the Reduced Site method described by Bashford & Karplus (1991) J. Phys. Chem. vol. 95, pp. 9556-61. Its command line syntax is:
redti [-cutoff val] [-pHrange val val] [-dry] MolName
where the "val" are numbers giving the protonation fraction cutoff for the reduced site method, the bottom of the pH range to be covered and the top of the range, respectively. The defaults are 0.05, -20.0 and 30.1, respectively. (Yes, that's an extreme pH range). The -dry flag causes redti to do a "dry run" in which it prints the number of sites to be included in the reduced site calculation at each pH point. This is useful for checking whether a calculation will require a prohibitive amount of CPU time since CPU time will go exponentially in the reduced site number.
Redti is written in C rather than C++.

Adapted from the README file included in the MEAD 2.2 distribution writen by:
       Donald Bashford

       Department of Molecular Biology
       The Scripps Research Institute
       10550 North Torrey Pines Road
       La Jolla, California  92037