CCP4 (Collaborative Computational Project No. 4; http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/) is a
suite of software for macromolecular X-ray crystallography.
It contains several important software for X-ray crystallography,
- Coot
- Refmac
- edstats
CCP4 7.0 is installed on Aurora.
To use it, you need to add the following line to you
You can easily install it for other computers.
The description below applies to the version on Macintosh.
Working with Coot
- File - Open Coordinates (read pdb file)
- File - Open Map (read map in ccp4 format; you need to read in
3 maps)
alternatively and easier, you may use
File - Auto Open MTZ on the pdb_map_coerrs.mtz file
- You need to have a mouse with a central wheel
- Left button rotates
- Centre button translate and allows you to centre on some atom
- Right button zoom in or out
- Go to atom (small symbol on the top) helps you navigate
through the protein. Middle click to centre on that atom. Space
– next residue. Shift-space – previous residue.
- Letter F increases the slab, letter D decreases it.
- To show symmetry-related atoms:
Draw - Cell & Symmetry - Symmetry On
Sometimes, Coot does not read the pdb file
writing the line
into the file $HOM/.coot-preferences/startup.py
may solve the problem
- Display Manager shows all loaded maps and PDB files, and which
map to scroll with the wheel. You can also change colors
(properties) and delete objects here.
- https://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/personal/pemsley/coot/web/docs/crib-sheet.pdf
give additional data
- Scroll to change the sigma level of a map. The level is shown
on the top of the screen.
RMSD is the level in sigma.
The default is 1.5 sigma for 2Fo-Fc and 3.0 sigma for Fo-Fc
- In the difference map (Fo-Fc), positive density, green, is too
little electron density (i.e. an atom should be there that is
not), negative density, red, means too much electron density
(i.e. an atom is there that shouldn’t be there).
- Higher sigma levels show a stronger signal
Building protons
- On left side: press Play, then Play and
- Click on middle pointer and move around the box to the desired position
- Place atom at pointer
Other H
- File save coordinates
- Coordinates are put at the end of the file
Model building in Coot
The right-hand side of the Coot window has a lot of useful tools for
model building.
- Edit chi angles/torsion for manually changing the conformation
of a residue
- Add alternate conformation: you can view different alternate
conformers of a residue and choose which one to build in
- Place atom at pointer: useful for adding water molecules
- Escape button is useful if you got stuck in some processes
(the windows sometimes disappear)
- Real-space refine zone
- Delete atoms
- Add water
Looking at electron-density maps with
Can be done in 3 ways
Simplest is to load the precompiled map from EDS:
- Open Coot
- Select File - Fetch PDB&map using EDS
- Enter PDB Code
Download mtz file with Phenix
- Run on command line
phenix.fetch_pdb --mtz pdb_id
This gives a mtz file without any map
mtz_file pdb_file
This calculate the maps, which are 2Fo-Fc and Fo-Fc by default.
- This map file (in mtz format) can be opened in Coot, command
Auto Open MTZ
This can be done with Phenix's graphical interface (but normally
more complicated):
- Reflection tools - Reflection file editor
Enter file
Mark intensity or Amplitude and click on +
Do the same thing for refln.status (type unknown)
Output options
Untick generate R-free flags
Set name of file
If errors, go back to Data Selection and then click on output
arrays and change output column labels to "IOBS" "SIGIOBS" also
for Rfree
- Maps - Model-based maps
Model file: pdb
Reflection file: mtz
When maps are calculated, you can see R and Rfree in the output
The results are always put in a new directory.
Download cif file from PDB
- Find the PDB code on https://www.rcsb.org
- Download Files - Structure Factors (CIF)
- phenix.cif_as_mtz cif_file
This gives an mtz file of the structure factors
- phenix.maps mtz_file pdb_file
Neutron maps
- EDS never works.
- Be careful with phenix.cif_as_mtz! Neutron data usually
contain both neutron and X- ray data and the program will not
know which is which.
Manually check the cif file and construct an mtz file from the
- When building the maps, you need to build two separate map
neutron, using the neutron scattering dictionary
X-ray using the X-ray scattering dictionary.
- Download pdb and structure factors from PDB
phenix.cif_as_mtz 6eym-sf.cif
- Phenix - Reflection file editor
Read in the new mtz file and select the proper X-ray and neutron
intensities/amplitudes and R-free flags
- Then make maps in two steps (Model-based maps)
Scattering table n_gaussian for X-ray
Scattering table neutron for neutron maps
cif files
Avogadro can open cif files, but it opens a single assymetric unit
that may not show the full molecule.
Mercury from CCP4 works much better.
File formats
Structure factors
mtz (map coefficients, bin; can be read by Phenix, Coot, edstat; pdb_fmodel.mtz pdb_map_coeffs.mtz)
cube (QM, form)
dx (VMD, form)
NA4 (map, form but coded in letters; maptona4)
dsn6 (bin from PDB; can be read by Pymol)
map (bin)
ccp4 (bin, can be read by Pymol)
fs4 (XtalView; map2fs)
maptona4 forth and back between ccp4 and na4 maps
mapman and xdlmapman:
Supported input formats : PROTEIN
Supported output formats : CCP4 EZD MASK NEWEZD ENVELOPE
Reflections (structure factors)
Convert Xplor or CNS reflections to mtz: f2mtz (CCP4) or combat.
Convert mtz to cif: mtz2cif (CCP4)
Convert mtz to other formats (e.g. Xplor/CNS,cif): mtz2various
Installing CCP4
12/11-24 with MacOS Sequoia 15.1
- Download the app
- Move the *.tar.gz file to Apllications
- Remov old ccp4 and arpw directories
- expand the file by dubble-clicking
- Ensure that Xcode is installed
- Install xquartz med
brew install xquartz
- cd /Applications/ccp4-9
- ./BINARY.setup
- Double-click on the coot icon.
First time takes very long time to start and it is not seen in dock
- Possibly, do first
source '/Applications/ccp4-9/bin/ccp4.setup-sh'