Title:__________________________________________________ Date: __________________
Quantum system:
Radius of system 2: ______ Removed: ____________________ Added____________________
Radius of system 3: ______ Number of integer charges: ________
Basis set: ______
Atoms in system 1: __________ Atoms in system 3: __________
Atoms in system 2:
__________ Number
of point charges: __________
Unusual residues in system 1: _________________________________________
Unusual residues in system 3: _________________________________________
Other changes to leap 1: ______________________________________________
Other changes to leap 3: ______________________________________________Cap: last non-cap atom=______; cutcap=_____; cap centre=________________
Changed charges: ___________________________________________________
Basis set: _______________________ DFT functional: ____________________
Charge on QC system: _______________ Number of basis functions:
Warnings from checkcoord: ___________________________________________