
Jmol is a Java-based molecular viewer.
The home page is
It can be downloaded from there.
You run the program by simply clicking on jmol.jar.
It is mostly fully intuitive.

Change background colour
write in the console:
background white

Change the colour of an atom
color @9 orange

Use default colours for all atoms (with two different colour schemes)
color atoms cpk
set defaultColors Jmol
set defaultColors Rasmol

Add or remove cartoon for protein structure
cartoon on/off
ribbons on/off

Render in POV-ray:
Click on Icon or Archive–Export–POV-ray
Ensure that the povray program is installed (and give the absolute path):
brew install povray

Create or delete bonds
write in the console:
connect 3.0  (_CU) (_N) create   # creates bonds between Cu and N shorter than 3.0 Å
connect 4.0 (_FE) (_FE) delete # deletes bonds between Fe and Fe shorter than 4 Å
connect @2 @9 single  # Make a single bond between atoms 2 and 9