{+ file: anneal.inp +} {+ directory: nmr_calc +} {+ description: dynamical annealing with NOEs, coupling constants, chemical shift restraints starting from extended strands or pre-folded structures. +} {+ authors: Gregory Warren, Michael Nilges, John Kuszewski, Marius Clore and Axel Brunger +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {+ reference: Clore GM, Gronenborn AM, Tjandra N, Direct structure refinement against residual dipolar couplings in the presence of rhombicity of unknown magnitude., J. Magn. Reson., 131, In press, (1998) +} {+ reference: Clore GM, Gronenborn AM, Bax A, A robust method for determining the magnitude of the fully asymmetric alignment tensor of oriented macromolecules in the absence of structural information., J. Magn. Reson., In press (1998) +} {+ reference: Garrett DS, Kuszewski J, Hancock TJ, Lodi PJ, Vuister GW, Gronenborn AM, Clore GM, The impact of direct refinement against three-bond HN-C alpha H coupling constants on protein structure determination by NMR., J. Magn. Reson. Ser. B, 104(1), 99-103, (1994) May +} {+ reference: Kuszewski J, Qin J, Gronenborn AM, Clore GM, The impact of direct refinement against 13C alpha and 13C beta chemical shifts on protein structure determination by NMR., J. Magn. Reson. Ser. B, 106(1), 92-6, (1995) Jan +} {+ reference: Kuszewski J, Gronenborn AM, Clore GM, The impact of direct refinement against proton chemical shifts on protein structure determination by NMR., J. Magn. Reson. Ser. B, 107(3), 293-7, (1995) Jun +} {+ reference: Kuszewski J, Gronenborn AM, Clore GM, A potential involving multiple proton chemical-shift restraints for nonstereospecifically assigned methyl and methylene protons. J. Magn. Reson. Ser. B, 112(1), 79-81, (1996) Jul. +} {+ reference: Nilges M, Gronenborn AM, Brunger AT, Clore GM, Determination of three-dimensional structures of proteins by simulated annealing with interproton distance restraints: application to crambin, potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor and barley serine proteinase inhibitor 2. Protein Engineering 2, 27-38, (1988) +} {+ reference: Nilges M, Clore GM, Gronenborn AM, Determination of three-dimensional structures of proteins from interproton distance data by dynamical simulated annealing from a random array of atoms. FEBS LEtt. 239, 129-136. (1988) +} {+ reference: Rice LM, Brunger AT, Torsion Angle Dynamics: Reduced Variable Conformational Sampling Enhances Crystallographic Structure Refinement., Proteins, 19, 277-290 (1994) +} {+ reference: Stein EG, Rice LM, Brunger AT, Torsion angle molecular dynamics: a new efficient tool for NMR structure calculation., J. Mag. Res. Ser. B 124, 154-164 (1997) +} {+ reference: Tjandra N, Garrett DS, Gronenborn AM, Bax A, Clore GM, Defining long range order in NMR structure determination from the dependence of heteronuclear relaxation times on rotational diffusion anisotropy. Nature Struct. Biol., 4(6), 443-9, (1997) June +} {+ reference: Tjandra N, Omichinski JG, Gronenborn AM, Clore GM, Bax A, Use of dipolar 1H-15N and 1H-13C couplings in the structure determination of magnetically oriented macromolecules in solution. Nature Struct. Biol., 4(9), 732-8, (1997) Sept +} ! Data taken from: Qin J, Clore GM, Kennedy WP, Kuszewski J, Gronenborn AM, ! The solution structure of human thioredoxin complexed with ! its target from Ref-1 reveals peptide chain reversal., ! Structure, 4(5), 613-620, 1996 May 15. {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) are not quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file -} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {======================= molecular structure =========================} {* parameter file(s) *} {===>} par.1="CNS_TOPPAR:protein-allhdg.param"; {===>} par.2="par_axis_3.pro"; {===>} par.3="CNS_TOPPAR:water.param"; {===>} par.4="CNS_TOPPAR:ion.param"; {===>} par.5=""; {* structure file(s) *} {===>} struct.1="mm3.mtf"; {===>} struct.2="axis_600.psf"; {===>} struct.3=""; {===>} struct.4=""; {===>} struct.5=""; {* input coordinate file(s) *} {===>} pdb.in.file.1="mm3.pdb"; {===>} pdb.in.file.2=""; {===>} pdb.in.file.3=""; {========================== atom selection ===========================} {* input "backbone" selection criteria for average structure generation *} {* for protein (name n or name ca or name c) for nucleic acid (name O5' or name C5' or name C4' or name C3' or name O3' or name P) *} {===>} pdb.atom.select=(name n or name ca or name c); {====================== refinement parameters ========================} {* type of molecular dynamics for hot phase *} {+ choice: "torsion" "cartesian" +} {===>} md.type.hot="cartesian"; {* type of molecular dynamics for cool phase *} {+ choice: "torsion" "cartesian" +} {===>} md.type.cool="cartesian"; {* refine using different initial velocities or coordinates (enter base name in "input coordinate files" field) *} {+ choice: "veloc" "coord" +} {===>} md.type.initial="veloc"; {* seed for random number generator *} {* change to get different initial velocities *} {===>} md.seed=1020114; {* select whether the number of structures will be either trial or accepted structures and whether to print only the trial, accepted, both sets of structures. *} {+ list: The printing format is as follows: trial = pdb.out.name + _#.pdb , accepted = pdb.out.name + a_#.pdb +} {* are the number of structures to be trials or accepted? *} {+ choice: "trial" "accept" +} {===>} flg.trial.struc="trial"; {* number of trial or accepted structures *} {===>} pdb.end.count=1; {* print accepted structures *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} flg.print.accept=false; {* print trial structures *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} flg.print.trial=true; {* calculate an average structure for either the trial or accepted structure. If calculate accepted average is false then an average for the trial structures will be calculated. *} {* calculate an average structure? *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} flg.calc.ave.struct=false; {* calculate an average structure for the accepted structures? *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} flg.calc.ave.accpt=false; {* minimize average coordinates? *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} flg.min.ave.coor=false; {=================== torsion dynamics parameters ====================} {* maximum unbranched chain length *} {* increase for long stretches of polyalanine or for nucleic acids *} {===>} md.torsion.maxlength=50; {* maximum number of distinct bodies *} {===>} md.torsion.maxtree=4; {* maximum number of bonds to an atom *} {===>} md.torsion.maxbond=6; {========== parameters for high temperature annealing stage ==========} {* temperature (proteins: 50000, dna/rna: 20000) *} {===>} md.hot.temp=50000; {* number of steps (proteins: 1000, dna/rna: 4000) *} {===>} md.hot.step=0; {* scale factor to reduce van der Waals (repel) energy term *} {===>} md.hot.vdw=0.1; {* scale factor for NOE energy term *} {===>} md.hot.noe=150; {* scale factor for dihedral angle energy term (proteins: 100, dna/rna: 5) *} {===>} md.hot.cdih=100; {* molecular dynamics timestep *} {===>} md.hot.ss=0.015; {======== parameters for the first slow-cool annealing stage =========} {* temperature (cartesian: 1000, torsion: [proteins: 50000, dna/rna: 20000]) *} {===>} md.cool.temp=1000; {* number of steps *} {===>} md.cool.step=0; {* scale factor for final van der Waals (repel) energy term (cartesian: 4.0, torsion: 1.0) *} {===>} md.cool.vdw=4.0; {* scale factor for NOE energy term *} {===>} md.cool.noe=150; {* scale factor for dihedral angle energy term *} {===>} md.cool.cdih=200; {* molecular dynamics timestep (cartesian: 0.005, torsion: 0.015) *} {===>} md.cool.ss=0.005; {* slow-cool annealing temperature step (cartesian: 25, torsion: 250) *} {===>} md.cool.tmpstp=25; {========= parameters for a second slow-cool annealing stage ==========} {* cartesian slow-cooling annealing stage to be used only with torsion slow-cool annealing stage *} {* this stage is only necessary when the macromolecule is a protein greater than 160 residues or in some cases for nucleic acids *} {* use cartesian cooling stage? *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} md.cart.flag=true; {* temperature *} {===>} md.cart.temp=2000; {* number of steps *} {===>} md.cart.step=0; {* scale factor for initial van der Waals (repel) energy term *} {===>} md.cart.vdw.init=1.0; {* scale factor for final van der Waals (repel) energy term *} {===>} md.cart.vdw.finl=4.0; {* scale factor for NOE energy term *} {===>} md.cart.noe=150; {* scale factor for dihedral angle energy term *} {===>} md.cart.cdih=200; {* molecular dynamics timestep *} {===>} md.cart.ss=0.005; {* slow-cool annealing temperature step *} {===>} md.cart.tmpstp=25; {=============== parameters for final minimization stage ==============} {* scale factor for NOE energy term *} {===>} md.pow.noe=75; {* scale factor for dihedral angle energy term *} {===>} md.pow.cdih=400; {* number of minimization steps *} {===>} md.pow.step=200; {* number of cycles of minimization *} {===>} md.pow.cycl=1; {============================= noe data ===============================} {- Important - if you do not have a particular data set then set the file name to null ("") -} {* NOE distance restraints files. *} {* restraint set 1 file *} {===>} nmr.noe.file.1="egf34_NOE_20.tbl"; {* restraint set 2 file *} {===>} nmr.noe.file.2="egf34_NOE_D2O_20.tbl"; {* restraint set 3 file *} {===>} nmr.noe.file.3=""; {* restraint set 4 file *} {===>} nmr.noe.file.4=""; {* restraint set 5 file *} {===>} nmr.noe.file.5=""; {* NOE averaging modes *} {* restraint set 1 *} {+ choice: "sum" "cent" "R-6" "R-3" "symm" +} {===>} nmr.noe.ave.mode.1="R-6"; {* restraint set 2 *} {+ choice: "sum" "cent" "R-6" "R-3" "symm" +} {===>} nmr.noe.ave.mode.2="sum"; {* restraint set 3 *} {+ choice: "sum" "cent" "R-6" "R-3" "symm" +} {===>} nmr.noe.ave.mode.3="R-6"; {* restraint set 4 *} {+ choice: "sum" "cent" "R-6" "R-3" "symm" +} {===>} nmr.noe.ave.mode.4="sum"; {* restraint set 5 *} {+ choice: "sum" "cent" "R-6" "R-3" "symm" +} {===>} nmr.noe.ave.mode.5="sum"; {======================== hydrogen bond data ==========================} {* hydrogen-bond distance restraints file. *} {===>} nmr.noe.hbnd.file="egf34_noe_hbond.tbl"; {* enter hydrogen-bond distance averaging mode *} {+ choice: "sum" "cent" "R-6" "R-3" "symm" +} {===>} nmr.noe.ave.mode.hbnd="sum"; {======================= 3-bond J-coupling data =======================} {* the default setup is for the phi dihedral *} {* Class 1 *} {* 3-bond J-coupling non-glycine restraints file *} {===>} nmr.jcoup.file.1=""; {* 3-bond J-coupling non-glycine potential *} {+ choice: "harmonic" "square" "multiple" +} {===>} nmr.jcoup.pot.1="harmonic"; {* 3-bond J-coupling non-glycine force value *} {===>} nmr.jcoup.force.1.1=1; {* 3-bond j-coupling multiple class force second value *} {===>} nmr.jcoup.force.2.1=0; {* 3-bond j-coupling Karplus coefficients *} {* the default values are for phi *} {===>} nmr.jcoup.coef.1.1=6.98; {===>} nmr.jcoup.coef.2.1=-1.38; {===>} nmr.jcoup.coef.3.1=1.72; {===>} nmr.jcoup.coef.4.1=-60.0; {* Class 2 *} {* 3-bond j-coupling glycine restraints files *} {===>} nmr.jcoup.file.2=""; {* 3-bond J-coupling glycine potential *} {* The potential for the glycine class must be multiple *} {+ choice: "harmonic" "square" "multiple" +} {===>} nmr.jcoup.pot.2="multiple"; {* 3-bond J-coupling first force value *} {===>} nmr.jcoup.force.1.2=1; {* 3-bond j-coupling glycine or multiple force second value *} {===>} nmr.jcoup.force.2.2=0; {* 3-bond j-coupling Karplus coefficients *} {* the default values are for glycine phi *} {===>} nmr.jcoup.coef.1.2=6.98; {===>} nmr.jcoup.coef.2.2=-1.38; {===>} nmr.jcoup.coef.3.2=1.72; {===>} nmr.jcoup.coef.4.2=0.0; {================ 1-bond heteronuclear J-coupling data ================} {* Class 1 *} {* 1-bond heteronuclear j-coupling file *} {===>} nmr.oneb.file.1=""; {* 1-bond heteronuclear j-coupling potential *} {+ choice: "harmonic" "square" +} {===>} nmr.oneb.pot.1="harmonic"; {* 1-bond heteronuclear j-coupling force value *} {===>} nmr.oneb.force.1=1.0; {=============== alpha/beta carbon chemical shift data ================} {* Class 1 *} {* carbon, alpha and beta, chemical shift restraints file *} {===>} nmr.carb.file.1=""; {* carbon, alpha and beta, chemical shift restraint potential *} {+ choice: "harmonic" "square" +} {===>} nmr.carb.pot.1="harmonic"; {* carbon, alpha and beta, chemical shift restraint force value *} {===>} nmr.carb.force.1=0.5; {===================== proton chemical shift data =====================} {* Class 1 *} {* class 1 proton chemical shift restraints file *} {===>} nmr.prot.file.1=""; {* class 1 proton chemical shift potential *} {+ choice: "harmonic" "square" "multiple" +} {===>} nmr.prot.pot.1="harmonic"; {* class 1 proton chemical shift force value *} {===>} nmr.prot.force.1.1=7.5; {* 2nd class 1 proton chemical shift force value for multi *} {===>} nmr.prot.force.2.1=0; {* class 1 proton chemical shift violation cutoff threshold *} {===>} nmr.prot.thresh.1=0.3; {* Class 2 *} {* class 2 proton chemical shift restraints file *} {===>} nmr.prot.file.2=""; {* class 2 proton chemical shift potential *} {+ choice: "harmonic" "square" "multiple" +} {===>} nmr.prot.pot.2="harmonic"; {* class 2 proton chemical shift force value *} {===>} nmr.prot.force.1.2=7.5; {* 2nd class 2 proton chemical shift force value for multi *} {===>} nmr.prot.force.2.2=0; {* class 2 proton chemical shift violation cutoff threshold *} {===>} nmr.prot.thresh.2=0.3; {* Class 3 *} {* class 3 proton chemical shift restraints file *} {===>} nmr.prot.file.3=""; {* class 3 proton chemical shift potential *} {+ choice: "harmonic" "square" "multiple" +} {===>} nmr.prot.pot.3="harmonic"; {* class 3 proton chemical shift force value *} {===>} nmr.prot.force.1.3=7.5; {* 2nd class 3 proton chemical shift force value for multi *} {===>} nmr.prot.force.2.3=0; {* class 3 proton chemical shift violation cutoff threshold *} {===>} nmr.prot.thresh.3=0.3; {* Class 4 *} {* class 4 proton chemical shift restraints file *} {===>} nmr.prot.file.4=""; {* class 4 proton chemical shift potential *} {+ choice: "harmonic" "square" "multiple" +} {===>} nmr.prot.pot.4="multiple"; {* class 4 proton chemical shift force value *} {===>} nmr.prot.force.1.4=7.5; {* 2nd class 4 proton chemical shift force value for multi *} {===>} nmr.prot.force.2.4=0; {* class 4 proton chemical shift violation cutoff threshold *} {===>} nmr.prot.thresh.4=0.3; {================ diffusion anisotropy restraint data =================} {* fixed or harmonically restrained external axis *} {+ choice: "fixed" "harm" +} {===>} nmr.dani.axis="harm"; {* Class 1 *} {* diffusion anisotropy restraints file *} {===>} nmr.dani.file.1=""; {* diffusion anisotropy potential *} {+ choice: "harmonic" "square" +} {===>} nmr.dani.pot.1="harmonic"; {* diffusion anisotropy initial force value *} {===>} nmr.dani.force.init.1=0.01; {* diffusion anisotropy final force value *} {===>} nmr.dani.force.finl.1=1.0; {* diffusion anisotropy coefficients *} {* coef: *} {* Tc = 1/2(Dx+Dy+Dz) in *} {===>} nmr.dani.coef.1.1=13.1; {* anis = Dz/0.5*(Dx+Dy) *} {===>} nmr.dani.coef.2.1=2.1; {* rhombicity = 1.5*(Dy-Dx)/(Dz-0.5*(Dy+Dx)) *} {===>} nmr.dani.coef.3.1=0.0; {* wH in *} {===>} nmr.dani.coef.4.1=600.13; {* wN in *} {===>} nmr.dani.coef.5.1=60.82; {============= susceptability anisotropy restraint data ===============} {* fixed or harmonically restrained external axis *} {+ choice: "fixed" "harm" +} {===>} nmr.sani.axis="harm"; {* Class 1 *} {* susceptability anisotropy restraints file *} {===>} nmr.sani.file.1="dipol_egf4.tbl"; {* susceptability anisotropy potential *} {+ choice: "harmonic" "square" +} {===>} nmr.sani.pot.1="harmonic"; {* susceptability anisotropy initial force value *} {===>} nmr.sani.force.init.1=0.01; {* susceptability anisotropy final force value *} {===>} nmr.sani.force.finl.1=1.0; {* susceptability anisotropy coefficients *} {* coef: ; a0+a1*(3*cos(theta)^2-1)+a2*(3/2)*sin(theta)^2*cos(2*phi) *} {* DFS = a0 *} {===>} nmr.sani.coef.1.1=-0.0601; {* axial = a0-a1-3/2*a2 *} {===>} nmr.sani.coef.2.1=-15; {* rhombicity = a2/a1 *} {===>} nmr.sani.coef.3.1=0.35; {======================== other restraint data ========================} {* dihedral angle restraints file *} {* Note: the restraint file MUST NOT contain restraints dihedral or end *} {===>} nmr.cdih.file="talos.tbl"; {* DNA-RNA base planarity restraints file *} {* Note: include weights as $pscale in the restraint file *} {===>} nmr.plan.file=""; {* input planarity scale factor - this will be written into $pscale *} {===>} nmr.plan.scale=150; {* NCS-restraints file *} {* example is in inputs/xtal_data/eg1_ncs_restrain.dat *} {===>} nmr.ncs.file=""; {======================== input/output files ==========================} {* base name for input coordinate files *} {===>} pdb.in.name=""; {* base name for output coordinate files *} {===>} pdb.out.name="minimize"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } { except for the torsion angle topology setup if you have } { molecules other than protein or nucleic acid } {===========================================================================} flg.cv.flag=false; flg.cv.noe=false; flg.cv.coup=false; flg.cv.cdih=false; flg.dgsa.flag=false; nmr.cv.numpart=10; ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.1 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) structure if (&struct.1 # "") then @@&struct.1 end if if (&struct.2 # "") then @@&struct.2 end if if (&struct.3 # "") then @@&struct.3 end if if (&struct.4 # "") then @@&struct.4 end if if (&struct.5 # "") then @@&struct.5 end if end if ( &BLANK%pdb.in.file.1 = false ) then coor @@&pdb.in.file.1 end if if ( &BLANK%pdb.in.file.2 = false ) then coor @@&pdb.in.file.2 end if if ( &BLANK%pdb.in.file.3 = false ) then coor @@&pdb.in.file.3 end if {ComQum: Read the 4th to 8th decimals and include them in x, y, z} do (xcomp=0.0) (all) do (ycomp=0.0) (all) do (zcomp=0.0) (all) coordinates disp=comp @mm3.pdb1 do ( x = x + xcomp/100000.0 ) (all) do ( y = y + ycomp/100000.0 ) (all) do ( z = z + zcomp/100000.0 ) (all) {ComQum: Read in fixed atoms <=> xcomp=0.000 and fix them} do (xcomp=1.0) (all) do (ycomp=1.0) (all) do (zcomp=1.0) (all) coordinate disposition=comp @fix.pdb fix select=(attribute xcomp < 0.5) end parameter if (&par.1 # "") then @@&par.1 end if if (&par.2 # "") then @@&par.2 end if if (&par.3 # "") then @@&par.3 end if if (&par.4 # "") then @@&par.4 end if if (&par.5 # "") then @@&par.5 end if end if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if parameter nbonds repel=0.80 rexp=2 irexp=2 rcon=1. nbxmod=3 wmin=0.01 cutnb=6.0 ctonnb=2.99 ctofnb=3. tolerance=1.5 end end {- Read experimental data -} @CNS_NMRMODULE:readdata ( nmr=&nmr; flag=&flg; output=$nmr; ) {- Read and store the number of NMR restraints -} @CNS_NMRMODULE:restraintnumber ( num=$num; ) {- Set mass values -} do (fbeta=10) (all) do (mass=100) (all) evaluate ($nmr.trial.count = 0) {- Initialize current structure number -} evaluate ($nmr.accept.count = 0) {- Initialize number accepted -} evaluate ($nmr.counter = 0) evaluate ($nmr.prev.counter = -1) @CNS_NMRMODULE:initave ( ave=$ave; ave2=$ave2; cv=$cv; ener1=$ener1; ener2=$ener2; flag=&flg; nmr.prot=&nmr.prot; ) {- Zero the force constant of disulfide bonds. -} parameter bonds ( name SG ) ( name SG ) 0. TOKEN end {- define a distance restraints for each disulfide bond, i.e., treat it as if it were an NOE. -} for $ss_rm_id_1 in id ( name SG ) loop STRM for $ss_rm_id_2 in id ( name SG and bondedto ( id $ss_rm_id_1 ) ) loop STR2 if ($ss_rm_id_1 > $ss_rm_id_2) then pick bond ( id $ss_rm_id_1 ) ( id $ss_rm_id_2 ) equil evaluate ($ss_bond=$result) noe assign ( id $ss_rm_id_1 ) ( id $ss_rm_id_2 ) $ss_bond 0.1 0.1 end end if end loop STR2 end loop STRM {- Count the number of residues and determine molecule type -} identify (store9) (tag) evaluate ($nmr.rsn.num = $SELECT) identify (store9) ( tag and ( resn THY or resn CYT or resn GUA or resn ADE or resn URI )) evaluate ($nmr.nucl.num = $SELECT) {- Improve geometry for torsion angle molecular dynamics -} evaluate ($flag_tad=false) if ( &md.type.hot = "torsion" ) then if ($nmr.nucl.num > 0) then flag exclude * include bond angl impr dihed vdw end minimize powell nstep=2000 drop=10. nprint=100 end else flag exclude * include bond angl impr vdw end minimize powell nstep=2000 drop=10. nprint=100 end end if evaluate ($flag_tad=true) end if if ( &md.type.cool="torsion") then evaluate ($flag_tad=true) end if if (&nmr.dani.axis = "harm") then do (harmonic=20.0) (resid 500 and name OO) do (harmonic=0.0) (resid 500 and name Z ) do (harmonic=0.0) (resid 500 and name X ) do (harmonic=0.0) (resid 500 and name Y ) do (harmonic=0.0) (not (resid 500)) restraints harmonic exponent=2 end elseif (&nmr.sani.axis = "harm") then do (harmonic=20.0) (resid 500 and name OO) do (harmonic=0.0) (resid 500 and name Z ) do (harmonic=0.0) (resid 500 and name X ) do (harmonic=0.0) (resid 500 and name Y ) do (harmonic=0.0) (not (resid 500)) restraints harmonic exponent=2 end end if do (refx=x) ( all ) do (refy=y) ( all ) do (refz=z) ( all ) set seed=&md.seed end {- Begin protocol to generate structures -- loop until done -} while (&pdb.end.count > $nmr.counter) loop main {- Set parameter values -} parameter nbonds repel=0.80 rexp=2 irexp=2 rcon=1. nbxmod=3 wmin=0.01 cutnb=6.0 ctonnb=2.99 ctofnb=3. tolerance=1.5 end end evaluate ($nmr.trial.count = $nmr.trial.count + 1) if (&md.type.initial = "coord") then if ($nmr.trial.count < &pdb.end.count) then evaluate ($coor_count = $nmr.trial.count) evaluate ($coor_count_init=0.) else evaluate ($coor_count_init=$coor_count_init+1) evaluate ($coor_count = $coor_count_init) if ($coor_count_init > &pdb.end.count ) then evaluate ($coor_count = 1) end if end if set remarks=reset end evaluate ($in_file = &pdb.in.name + "_" + encode($coor_count) + ".pdb") coor @@$in_file else do (x=refx) ( all ) do (y=refy) ( all ) do (z=refz) ( all ) end if if (&nmr.dani.axis = "fixed" ) then fix select=(resname ANI) end elseif (&nmr.sani.axis = "fixed" ) then fix select=(resname ANI) end end if do ( vx = maxwell(0.5) ) ( all ) do ( vy = maxwell(0.5) ) ( all ) do ( vz = maxwell(0.5) ) ( all ) flags exclude * include bond angle dihe impr vdw noe cdih coup oneb carb ncs dani sani harm end {- scaling of nmr restraint data during hot dynamics -} @CNS_NMRMODULE:scalehot ( md=&md; nmr=&nmr; input.noe.scale=&md.hot.noe; input.cdih.scale=&md.hot.cdih; ) {- Zero the force constant of disulfide bonds. -} parameter bonds ( name SG ) ( name SG ) 0. TOKEN end if ($flag_tad=true) then {- initialize torsion dynamics topology for this iteration -} dyna torsion topology maxlength=&md.torsion.maxlength maxtree=&md.torsion.maxtree maxbond=&md.torsion.maxbond {- All dihedrals w/ (force constant > 23) will be locked -} {- This keeps planar groups planar -} kdihmax = 23. @CNS_TOPPAR:torsionmdmods end end end if {- High temperature dynamics -} if ( &md.type.hot = "torsion" ) then igroup interaction (chemical h* ) (all) weights * 1 vdw 0. elec 0. end interaction (not chemical h* ) (not chemical h*) weights * 1 vdw &md.hot.vdw end end {Cqn dyna torsion cmperiodic=500 vscaling = false tcoupling = true timestep = &md.hot.ss nstep = &md.hot.step nprint = 50 temperature = &md.hot.temp end Cqn} else evalutate ($md.hot.nstep1=int(&md.hot.step* 2. / 3. )) evalutate ($md.hot.nstep2=int(&md.hot.step* 1. / 3. )) noe asymptote * 0.1 end parameter nbonds repel=1. end end igroup interaction (chemical h* ) (all) weights * 1 vdw 0. elec 0. end interaction (not chemical h* ) (not chemical h*) weights * 1 angl 0.4 impr 0.1 vdw &md.hot.vdw end end {Cqn dynamics cartesian cmperiodic=500 vscaling = true tcoupling=false timestep=&md.hot.ss nstep=$md.hot.nstep1 nprint=50 temperature=&md.hot.temp end Cqn} noe asymptote * 1.0 end igroup interaction (chemical h* ) (all) weights * 1 vdw 0. elec 0. end interaction (not chemical h* ) (not chemical h*) weights * 1 vdw &md.hot.vdw end end {Cqn dynamics cartesian cmperiodic=500 vscaling = true tcoupling=false timestep=&md.hot.ss nstep=$md.hot.nstep2 nprint=50 temperature=&md.hot.temp end Cqn} end if {- The first slow-cooling with torsion angle dynamics -} flags include plan end {- Increase the disulfide bond force constants to their full strength -} parameter bonds ( name SG ) ( name SG ) 1000. TOKEN end evaluate ($final_t = 0) evaluate ($ncycle = int((&md.cool.temp-$final_t)/&md.cool.tmpstp)) evaluate ($nstep = int(&md.cool.step/$ncycle)) evaluate ($ini_vdw = &md.hot.vdw) evaluate ($fin_vdw = &md.cool.vdw) evaluate ($vdw_step = ($fin_vdw-$ini_vdw)/$ncycle) if (&md.type.cool = "cartesian") then evaluate ($vdw_step = (&md.cool.vdw/&md.hot.vdw)^(1/$ncycle)) evaluate ($ini_rad = 0.9) evaluate ($fin_rad = 0.8) evaluate ($rad_step = ($ini_rad-$fin_rad)/$ncycle) evaluate ($radius= $ini_rad) do (vx=maxwell(&md.cool.temp)) ( all ) do (vy=maxwell(&md.cool.temp)) ( all ) do (vz=maxwell(&md.cool.temp)) ( all ) end if {- set up nmr restraint scaling -} evaluate ($kdani.inter.flag=false) evaluate ($ksani.inter.flag=false) evaluate ($kdani.cart.flag=false) evaluate ($ksani.cart.flag=false) if (&md.cart.flag=true) then evaluate ($kdani.inter.flag=true) evaluate ($ksani.inter.flag=true) @CNS_NMRMODULE:scalecoolsetup ( kdani=$kdani; ksani=$ksani; nmr=&nmr; input.noe.scale=&md.cool.noe; input.cdih.scale=&md.cool.cdih; input.ncycle=$ncycle; ) evaluate ($kdani.cart.flag=true) evaluate ($ksani.cart.flag=true) else @CNS_NMRMODULE:scalecoolsetup ( kdani=$kdani; ksani=$ksani; nmr=&nmr; input.noe.scale=&md.cool.noe; input.cdih.scale=&md.cool.cdih; input.ncycle=$ncycle; ) end if evaluate ($bath = &md.cool.temp) evaluate ($k_vdw = $ini_vdw) evaluate ($i_cool = 0) while ($i_cool <= $ncycle) loop cool evaluate ($i_cool = $i_cool + 1) igroup interaction (chemical h*) (all) weights * 1 vdw 0. elec 0. end interaction (not chemical h*) (not chemical h*) weights * 1 vdw $k_vdw end end {Cqn if ( &md.type.cool = "torsion" ) then dynamics torsion cmremove=true vscaling = true tcoup = false timestep = &md.cool.ss nstep = $nstep nprint = $nstep temperature = $bath end else dynamics cartesian cmremove=true vscaling = true tcoup = false timestep = &md.cool.ss nstep = $nstep nprint = $nstep temperature = $bath end end if Cqn} if (&md.type.cool = "cartesian") then evaluate ($radius=max($fin_rad,$radius-$rad_step)) parameter nbonds repel=$radius end end evaluate ($k_vdw=min($fin_vdw,$k_vdw*$vdw_step)) else evaluate ($k_vdw= $k_vdw + $vdw_step) end if evaluate ($bath = $bath - &md.cool.tmpstp) @CNS_NMRMODULE:scalecool ( kdani=$kdani; ksani=$ksani; nmr=&nmr; ) end loop cool {- A second slow-cooling with cartesian dyanmics -} evaluate ($flag_cart=false) if (&md.cart.flag=true) then if (&md.type.cool = "torsion") then evaluate ($flag_cart=true) dynamics torsion topology reset end end evaluate ($cart_nucl_flag=false) if ($nmr.nucl.num > 0) then evaluate ($cart_nucl_flag=true) parameter nbonds repel=0 nbxmod=5 wmin=0.01 tolerance=0.5 cutnb=11.5 ctonnb=9.5 ctofnb=10.5 rdie vswitch switch end end flags include elec end end if evaluate ($ncycle=int((&md.cart.temp-$final_t)/&md.cart.tmpstp)) evaluate ($nstep=int(&md.cart.step/$ncycle)) evaluate ($vdw_step=(&md.cart.vdw.finl/&md.cart.vdw.init)^(1/$ncycle)) evaluate ($ini_rad=0.9) evaluate ($fin_rad=0.8) evaluate ($rad_step=($ini_rad-$fin_rad)/$ncycle) evaluate ($radius=$ini_rad) @CNS_NMRMODULE:scalecoolsetup ( kdani=$kdani; ksani=$ksani; nmr=&nmr; input.noe.scale=&md.cart.noe; input.cdih.scale=&md.cart.cdih; input.ncycle=$ncycle; ) do (vx=maxwell(&md.cart.temp)) ( all ) do (vy=maxwell(&md.cart.temp)) ( all ) do (vz=maxwell(&md.cart.temp)) ( all ) evaluate ($bath=&md.cart.temp) evaluate ($k_vdw=&md.cart.vdw.init) evaluate ($i_cool = 0) while ($i_cool <= $ncycle) loop cart evaluate ($i_cool = $i_cool + 1) igroup interaction (chemical h*) (all) weights * 1 vdw 0. elec 0. end interaction (not chemical h*) (not chemical h*) weights * 1 vdw $k_vdw end end dynamics cartesian vscaling = true tcoup = false timestep = &md.cart.ss nstep = $nstep nprint = $nstep temperature = $bath end if ($cart_nucl_flag=false) then evaluate ($radius=max($fin_rad,$radius-$rad_step)) parameter nbonds repel=$radius end end end if evaluate ($k_vdw=min(&md.cart.vdw.finl,$k_vdw*$vdw_step)) evaluate ($bath=$bath-&md.cart.tmpstp) @CNS_NMRMODULE:scalecool ( kdani=$kdani; ksani=$ksani; nmr=&nmr; ) end loop cart end if end if {- reset torsion angle topology -} if ( $flag_tad=true ) then if ($flag_cart=false) then dynamics torsion topology reset end end end if end if {- Final minimization -} {- turn on proton chemical shifts -} flags include prot end noe scale * &md.pow.noe end restraints dihedral scale = &md.pow.cdih end igroup interaction ( all ) ( all ) weights * 1 end end evaluate ($count=0 ) evaluate ($nmr.min.num=0.) while (&md.pow.cycl > $count) loop pmini evaluate ($count=$count + 1) minimize powell nstep=&md.pow.step drop=10.0 nprint=25 end evaluate ($nmr.min.num=$nmr.min.num + $mini_cycles) end loop pmini {- translate the geometric center of the structure to the origin -} if ($num.dani > 0. ) then elseif ($num.sani > 0. ) then else show ave ( x ) ( all ) evaluate ($geom_x=-$result) show ave ( y ) ( all ) evaluate ($geom_y=-$result) show ave ( z ) ( all ) evaluate ($geom_z=-$result) coor translate vector=( $geom_x $geom_y $geom_z ) selection=( all ) end end if set echo=on message=on end {ComQum Set flags} flags ? end parameter nbonds ? end end {ComQum Calculate energy and gradient} energy end {ComQum Print energy to file mmen3} set display=mmen3 end display ComQum Energy MM3 display $ener[e20.14] display ComQum MM Energy evaluate($cqmm=$bond+$angl+$impr+$dihe+$vdw) display $cqmm[e20.14] display ComQum NMR Energy evaluate ($cqnmr=$noe+$coup+$oneb+$carb+$prot+$dani+$sani+$cdih) display $cqnmr[e20.14] display ComQum Other Energy evaluate ($cqother=$harm+$ncs) display $cqother[e20.14] display ComQum NOE Energy display $noe[e20.14] display ComQum ANI Energy evaluate ($cqani=$sani+$dani) display $cqani[e20.14] display ComQum CDih Energy display $cdih[e20.14] display ComQum NOE weight display &md.pow.noe display ComQum CDih weight display &md.pow.cdih set display=OUTPUT message=normal end set echo=off message=off end @CNS_NMRMODULE:printaccept ( ave=$ave; ave2=$ave2; cv=$cv; ener1=$ener1; ener2=$ener2; flag=&flg; md=&md; nmr=&nmr; num=$num; output=$nmr; pdb=&pdb; ) end loop main {ComQum: Construct the set of 4th to 8th decimals, write them to file minimize3.pdb1, and write truncated coordinates to minimize3.pdb} do ( xcomp = int( x * 1000.0) / 1000.0 ) (all) do ( ycomp = int( y * 1000.0) / 1000.0 ) (all) do ( zcomp = int( z * 1000.0) / 1000.0 ) (all) do ( refx = (x - xcomp)*100000.0 ) (all) do ( refy = (y - ycomp)*100000.0 ) (all) do ( refz = (z - zcomp)*100000.0 ) (all) do ( x = refx ) (all) do ( y = refy ) (all) do ( z = refz ) (all) write coord output=minimize3.pdb1 end do ( x = xcomp ) (all) do ( y = ycomp ) (all) do ( z = zcomp ) (all) write coord output=minimize3.pdb end @CNS_NMRMODULE:calcave ( ave=$ave; ave2=$ave2; cv=$cv; ener1=$ener1; ener2=$ener2; flag=&flg; md=&md; nmr=&nmr; num=$num; output=$nmr; pdb=&pdb; ) stop