
To install

Molcas licence
You need a licence file to run Molcas
For local users at teokem, you can obtain an updated file always from
This file should be copied to the $MOLCAS directory
Alternatively, you can
export MOLCAS_LICENSE=/away/patch/licenses
On milleotto, you can do the same, or
export MOLCAS_LICENSE=/sw/pkg/bio/MOLCAS

How to run a CASPT2 calculation with Molcas.

You need to run the following suite of programs:

The excitation energy is the difference between the CASPT2 energies for the ground state and the excited state of interest. You may add relativistic effects calculated for the various states at the CASSCF level.

Sample input files (your input is in italics - keywords in normal face).
* starts a commen line
Note that the input sections can come in the same file.

 &Seward &End
* You give the symmetry by specifying the rotation axes (x,y,z) and planes of reflection (xy, xz, yz).

Basis set
  O    0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000      2.22798694103100
End of Basis set
* You can select different types of basis sets and different contraction schemes quite freely.
* Note that coordinates are in a.u. unless specified by ANGSTROM at the end of each coordinate
* Note that you must ensure that symmetry related atoms are not included within the coordinates.

Basis set
  H1    0.00000000000000      1.74610681383600     -1.10926915554300
  H2    0.00000000000000     -1.74610681383600     -1.10926915554300
End of Basis set
End of Input

 &Scf &End
  8 1
* This is the number of occupied orbitals of each symmetry species.
* You get the order of the symmetry species by running Seward with keyword TEST.
End Of Input

 &RasScf &End

* This specifies the source of the input wavefunction: SCF=Lumorb, another Rasscf=Jobiph

 10   0   0
* This is the number of active electrons (total number of electrons minus those in frozen or inactive orbitals)
* The maximum number of holes in Ras 1 andthe the maximum number of electrons in Ras3

* The latter two should be zero in CASSCF

* This specifies the multiplicity (2s+1)

  3 0
* This is the number of inactive orbitals in each symmetry species
  0 0
  7 2
  0 0
* This is the number of orbitals in RAS1-3. In CASSCF, all active orbitals should be Ras2

  2  2
  1  2
  1  1
* This allows the wavefunction to be the average of several electronic states
* Typically the first two numbers should be the number of electronic states of interest (in this symmetry)
* Then you enumerate the the states (typically 1, 2, 3, ...)
* Finally you give the weight of each state (typically 1, 1, 1, ...)

* This is the desired symmetry of the wavefunction
End Of Input

 &CasPt2 &End
   0 1
* This specifies the orbitals to freeze in each symmetry.
* This specifies the state of interest (i.e. the root in the CASSCF reference calculation)

* This adds a level shift to the external part of the zero-order Hamiltonian. It is used to remove intruder states.

End Of Input

Run Molcas
Molcas is best run with a unix shell script like the following.
Typically, you should only change the name of the project and the input file.
The script will run the job on a temporary disk but the output and input files will be in the directory from which you start the job.
The script is made for the calculation of an excitation energy by CASPT2. 
You can change this by commenting out (#) the lines not wanted.

export Project=name
export WorkDir=/temp1/ulf/$Project
export Input=$PWD/"$Project"
export Output=$PWD/"$Project".out
export PATH=$PATH:.
mkdir $WorkDir
cd $WorkDir
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then exit ; fi

export MOLCAS=/molcas/default
ln -sf $MOLCAS/shell/ molcas
export MOLCASMEM=480
export MOLCASRAMD=24
export MOLCASDISK=1900

# Run Seward
molcas run  seward  "$Input" >>"$Output"
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then ls -l ; exit ; fi

# Run SCF
molcas run  scf     "$Input" >>"$Output"
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then ls -l ; exit ; fi

# Run CasScf
ln -fs "$Project".ScfOrb INPORB
#ln -fs "$Project".RasOrb INPORB
#cp "$Project".JobIph "$Project".JobOld
#ln -fs "$Project".JobOld JOBOLD
molcas run  rasscf  "$Input" >>"$Output"
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then ls -l ; exit ; fi
cp "$Project".JobIph "$Project".JobOld
ln -fs "$Project".JobOld JOBOLD

#molcas run  rasread "$Input" >>"$Output"
#if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then ls -l ; exit ; fi

# Run first CASPT2
ln -fs "$Project".JobIph JOBIPH
molcas run  caspt2  "$Input" >>"$Output"
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then ls -l ; exit ; fi

# Run second CASPT2
# Note the altered input file
ln -fs "$Project".JobIph JOBIPH
molcas run  caspt2  "$Input"2 >>"$Output"
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then ls -l ; exit ; fi

#molcas run  alaska  "$Input"
#molcas run  slapaf  "$Input"

rm molcas.temp.*

New suggestions for Turbomole-like DFT calculations (RL 120124)

Basis set
C1 -5.07200 6.21100 -20.52700 Angstrom
C2 -3.90500 7.06400 -19.96700 Angstrom
C3 -2.50900 12.27600 -19.30500 Angstrom
C4 -1.96100 8.53100 -20.41100 Angstrom
C5 -0.83700 8.32400 -21.35000 Angstrom
C6 -0.30300 6.97200 -21.15600 Angstrom
C7 -0.39700 5.89900 -21.95100 Angstrom
C8 0.87500 5.15900 -20.24700 Angstrom
C9 1.65700 4.43000 -19.34900 Angstrom
C10 2.04900 5.03400 -18.14900 Angstrom
C11 1.59500 6.33800 -17.87100 Angstrom
C12 0.88300 7.06800 -18.82000 Angstrom
C13 0.52300 6.51600 -20.07900 Angstrom
C14 -2.51700 9.96800 -20.41200 Angstrom
End of Basis
Basis set
H1 2.73100 4.56500 -17.45600 Angstrom
H2 1.95000 6.78900 -16.95600 Angstrom
H3 0.71300 8.12500 -18.67800 Angstrom
H4 -5.66253 5.73887 -19.74185 Angstrom
H5 -4.76687 5.41165 -21.20230 Angstrom
H6 -5.83541 6.72745 -21.10888 Angstrom
H7 -1.72087 10.35488 -18.63581 Angstrom
H8 -3.53228 12.43304 -19.64609 Angstrom
H9 -2.17901 12.64799 -18.33503 Angstrom
H10 -1.84684 12.75342 -20.02729 Angstrom
H11 -3.29800 7.60000 -21.77600 Angstrom
H12 -1.57000 8.24900 -19.43400 Angstrom
H13 -1.17600 8.35700 -22.38600 Angstrom
H14 -0.01700 9.03500 -21.24500 Angstrom
H15 -1.00500 5.89300 -22.84400 Angstrom
H16 0.19200 3.87500 -21.74600 Angstrom
H17 1.98300 3.42100 -19.55300 Angstrom
End of Basis
Basis set
N1 -2.22700 10.81000 -19.38200 Angstrom
N2 -3.07000 7.65500 -20.79300 Angstrom
N3 0.27700 4.82100 -21.40300 Angstrom
End of Basis
Basis set
O1 -3.20700 10.32200 -21.36300 Angstrom
O2 -3.88500 7.29100 -18.77600 Angstrom
End of Basis

Grid Input
End of Grid Input
mult = 0

thresholds=1.0d-4 1.0d-1 1.5d-1 0.2d-1

mult = 3

thresholds=5.0d-5 1.0d-1 1.5d-1 0.2d-1

Cholesky with Molcas
Recommended keywords for standard HF (RL 0810; in Seward):

Run direct SCF with Turbomole-style convergence
In Seward:

 0 0
1.0d-6 1.0d-3 1.1d-3 0.2d-3

TI diagnostic with Molcas

For a closed-shell case, the T1 diagnostic is (I think) simply the norm of T1 amplitudes divided by the square root of the number of correlated electrons.
Unfortunately for an open-shell, there does not seem to be any consensus of the best way to define such thing. One I found was the D1 diagnostic ("Comparison of the T1 and D1 diagnostics for electronic structure theory: a new definition for the open-shell D1 diagnostic" by Timothy J. Lee) is the maximum of three different diagnostic :
(T1aa+T1bb) divided by the square root of the number of correlated electrons
(T1aa) divided by the square root of the number of correlated alpha electrons
(T1bb) divided by the square root of the number of correlated beta electrons
Mickael 7/6-13

molcas help basis C
gives all supported carbon basis sets in Molcas.

module load intel
configure -compiler intel
or configure -setup

With the g77 compiler, you cannot use MOLCASMEM > 2000

ComQum with Molcas

First, you need to install the package comqum:
molcas installpkg comqum

This is an input script (project.input) for QM/MM ComQum with Molcas (water dimer)
In addition to this script, you need to set up the Amber and the comqum.dat files, just as for a normal ComQum run.
*  Set up a proper Molcas environment

!mkdir $WorkDir
!cd $WorkDir
!cp $Home/comqum.dat $Project.comqum.dat
!cp $Home/prmtop1 $Project.prmtop1
!cp $Home/prmtop2 $Project.prmtop2
!cp $Home/prmtop3 $Project.prmtop3
!cp $Home/prmcrd1 $Project.prmcrd1
!cp $Home/prmcrd3 $Project.prmcrd3
!cp $Home/sander.in1 $Project.sander.in1
!cp $Home/sander.in2 $Project.sander.in2
!cp $Home/sander.in3 $Project.sander.in3
!cp $Home/sander.out3 $Project.sander.out3

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DO while <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IF ITER NE 1  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

 &ComQum &End
End of Input

******* Delete the following ten lines if the MM system should be fixed

 &ComQum &End
End of Input

!export SET=3
 &AMBER &End
End of Input

!cp $Project.mdrest3 $Project.prmcrd3

 &ComQum &End
End of Input
******* Delete until here with a fixed MM system

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ENDIF    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 &Seward &End
H2O+H2O, Test of ComQum-Molcas, HF/Sto-3G, 7/5-03 


Basis set
O         0.000000000000     -2.632388302677      0.000000000000
End of Basis set

Basis set
H1       -0.918406830654     -3.252218427069      1.436191751640
H2       -0.918406830654     -3.252218427069     -1.436191751640
End of Basis set

  -0.001890   2.861045   0.000000 -0.83400 0.0 0.0 0.0
   0.136060   1.043129   0.000000  0.41700 0.0 0.0 0.0
   1.710202   3.446860   0.000000  0.41700 0.0 0.0 0.0

End of Input

 &SCF &End
End of Input

!export SET=1
 &AMBER &End
End of Input

!export SET=2
!cp $Project.prmcrd3 $Project.prmcrd2
 &AMBER &End
End of Input

 &ComQum &End
End of Input

 &Alaska &End
End of Input

 &ComQum &End
End of Input

* Slapaf will terminate the loop
 &Slapaf &End
End of Input
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENDDO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

 &ComQum &End
End of Input

Description of ComQum in molcas (from the now deleted comqum.tex file, in ~ulf/Text/Old/Other/Molcas/comqum.tex):


%%+ComQum is a QM/MM interface for the communication between
%%+MOLCAS and an arbitrary MM program.

\program{ComQum} is an interface for the communication between
\molcas\ and an arbitrary MM program as
required to perform a geometry optimization using a combined
quantum chemical and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) method.
At present, the only MM program that is supported is \amber.
is a commercial software for statistical-mechanical simulations (molecular
mechanics, molecular dynamics, free-energy perturbations, etc.) and has to
be obtained and installed separately from \molcas.
In addition, a minor change in the source code of the sander program must
be done, so that the program writes out the forces to a file
(how this is done is specified on the web page$\sim${ulf}/Methods/comq.html).
\amber\ is addressed from \molcas\  as an ordinary \molcas\ module.
A reasonable knowledge about \amber\
is necessary to run \program{ComQum} with \molcas\ (how to set up the
\amber\ input files is not described here).
Also note, that it is normally much harder to set up the MM system than the
QM system. In particular, you must ensure that \amber\ contains
parameters for the system (both QM and MM) you intend to study.

The \program{ComQum} QM/MM interface has been described
It divides the total system into three parts, the QM system, a flexible
part of the MM system (it is relaxed by a MM minimization in each step of
the full optimization cycle), and a fixed part of the MM system.
When there is a chemical bond between the QM and MM systems (a junction),
\program{ComQum} truncates the QM system with a hydrogen atom (the hydrogen
link-atom method).
The total QM/MM energy ($E_{QM/MM}$) is calculated as:
where $E_{QM1}$ is the QM energy of the QM system with H junction atoms,
$E_{MM1}$ is the MM energy of the QM system, still with H junction atoms,
and $E_{MM123}$ is the MM energy of the total (QM+MM) system, without any
junction atoms. This is the same energy as in the two-level ONIOM method.
The electrostatic coupling between the QM and MM systems is treated by
point-charges, included in the QM calculations.
Any QM method in \molcas\ with analytical gradients can be used.

Thus, all heavy calculations are performed in the normal way by \molcas\
and \amber. \program{ComQum} itself is only a set of small interface
programs, which move information between the QM and MM programs.

Unlike the other \molcas\ modules, all input to \program{ComQum} should be gathered in
a separate file with the name comqum.dat.

\subsubsection{Input Files}

In addition to the standard input file,
\program{ComQum} will use the following input files.
Ordinary input file for the \program{ComQum} interface.
Coordinates of the QM system in \amber\ format.
Coordinates of the total system in \amber\ format.
\amber\ topology file for the QM system, with all charges zeroed.
\amber\ topology file for the total system, with charges of the QM system zeroed.
\amber\ topology file for the total system, with normal charges for all atoms.
\amber\ input file for the MM energy and force calculation of the QM system.
\amber\ input file for the MM energy and force calculation of the total system.
\amber\ input file for the MM minimization of the flexible part of the MM system.

\subsubsection{Output files}

In addition to the standard output file,
\program{ComQum} may generate the following files. However, all interesting
information is echoed to the output file, so these files can safely be
ignored, unless the program crashes.
Intermediate file for the conversion of coordinates from QM to MM.
Intermediate file for the conversion of coordinates from QM to MM.
Intermediate file for the conversion of coordinates from QM to MM.
Intermediate file for the conversion of energies.
Intermediate file for the conversion of energies.
Intermediate file for the conversion of energies.
Intermediate file for the conversion of forces.
Intermediate file for the conversion of forces.
Intermediate file for the conversion of forces.
MM forces of the QM system.
MM forces of the total system.
MM energy of the QM system.
MM energy of the total system.
Some information about the last \amber\ run.
Restart coordinates of the QM system (never used).
Restart coordinates of the total system (never used).
\amber\ output file of the MM energy and force calculation of the QM system.
\amber\ output file of the MM energy and force calculation of the total system.
\amber\ output file of the MM minimization of the flexible part of the MM system.

The input is subdivided into driver directives to the \program{ComQum} interface and
data in the comqum.dat file.

\subsubsection{Driver directives to \program{ComQum}}
In addition to the directives and comment lines, the input may contain
blank lines. The keywords are always significant to six characters.
To make the input more transparent, we recommend the user to use the
full keyword. The input is always preceded by the dummy namelist

\namelist{\&ComQum \&END}

All input, apart from the \keyword{End of Input}, is optional. However,
without any additional keyword, \program{ComQum} will not have any action.
In normal use of \program{ComQum}, exactly one of these keywords should be
issued and \program{ComQum} will be run five times during the
geometry optimization cycle with a different keyword each time (see the
input example script below).
Charges of the QM system are moved from the QM
calculation to the MM representation. More specificly,
the charges in the \amber\ prmtop3 file are updated using data from the
The coordinates of the QM system are updated in the
MM representation. More specificly, the coordinates in the
\amber\ prmcrd1 and prmcrd3 files are updated using data from the RUNFILE.
The coordinates of the flexible part of the MM system are updated in the
QM representation. More specificly, coordinates of the
point charges in the RUNFILE are updated using data from the
\amber\ prmcrd3 file.
All energies are collected and a proper QM/MM energy is calculated.
More specificly, energies are taken from the RUNFILE and the \amber\ mden1,
mden2 and sander.out3 files, and the QM/MM energy is written back to the RUNFILE.
All forces are collected and a proper QM/MM force is calculated.
More specificly, forces are taken from the RUNFILE and the \amber\ force1
and force2 files, and the total QM/MM force is written back to the RUNFILE.
\item[dump ]
The QM energies, gradients and charges of both QM and MM atoms are dumped into the files
fixenergy.qcin, fixforce.qcin and fixcharge.qcin

\subsubsection{Available keywords for the comqum.dat file}
Below is a list of the available keywords, which all starts with a
``\$''. Note that all keywords should be in lower-case letters.
\item[\$title ]
Any number of title lines may be written here.
They are read but not interpreted.
\item[\$protein \{free,fixed\} ]
This keyword is either
\$protein fixed (on one row), indicating that the MM system is not allowed
to relax during the
geometry optimization but is fixed at the initial structure, or
\$protein free, indicating that parts of the MM system (defined in the
\amber\ input files) is allowed to relax by a MM optimization in every
cycle of the geometry optimization.
\item[\$junction = \{number\} ]
This keyword describes the method and basis set used in the
calculations. Only certain combinations are parameterised for \program{ComQum}.
At presents, only \$junction = 6 is allowed, implying a combination of the
density-functional B3LYP method with the 6-31G* basis set.
\item[\$junction\_atoms ]
This compulsory section is the most important part of the comqum.dat file.
In the following rows, until the next keyword, a list of all junction atoms
(i.e. bonds between a QM and a MM atom) should be provided.
Each junction is described by three numbers, in free format:
the number of the junction atom in the quantum system, the number of the
quantum atom, to which the junction atom binds, and the quotient of the
ideal bond length of these two atoms in the \amber\ force-field library and the
ideal bond length of these two atoms with the quantum chemical method
applied (i.e. the corresponding bond length when the quantum system, or a
proper part of it, is optimised in vacuum). Typically, the quotient is
around 1.39, because the MM bond is
C--C, whereas the QM bond is C--H. For accurate results, the quotient
should be given with many decimals (otherwise, non-physical forces will
arise around the junctions).
\item[\$correspondance\_list ]
This is another compulsory keyword.
The first row should contain the number of quantum atoms.
The following rows contain the number of each quantum atom in the MM
calculations. They are read in free format with a maximum row length of 80
\item[\$restraints ]
This is an optional keyword that allows the user to define harmonic
restraints between certain pairs of atoms. They are defined by a series of four
numbers on a row: The first two are the number (in the QM system) of the
two atoms that are restrained, the
third is the target distance in \AA, and the last is the force constant in
atomic units. A typical force constant is 10 a.u., which normally gives a
0.05 pm deviation at convergence.
\item[\$end ]
This keyword marks the end of the comqum.dat file, after which no more
keywords are read.

Comments are allowed in the comqum.dat file, but in variance with the other
\molcas\ files, they start with a ``\#''.

Below is an example of a comqum.dat file
# This is the title
This is a typical ComQum input 
# The protein is not relaxed during the calculation
$protein fixed
# This implies a B3LYP/6-31G* calculation
# This defines the junction atoms
 1 2 1.38273420980050
# This list defines the correspondence between the QM and MM atoms
  1234  1235  1236
# This defines a restraint between the first and third quantum atom
 1 3 3.17 10.0
# This defines the end of the input file

In addition to the comqum.dat file and the molcas input files, the user of
\program{ComQum} should set up three sets of \amber\ input files (prmtop1, prmcrd1,
sander.in1, prmtop2, sander.in2, prmtop3, prmcrd3, and sander.in3,
i.e. topology, coordinate, and sander input files), one set for the quantum
system, truncated with 
hydrogen link atoms and two sets for the full MM system, with carbon link
atoms, one for the energy and force calculation and one for the optional
minimization of parts of the MM system.
In the first two sets, the charges of the quantum system should be zeroed,
because electrostatics interactions within the quantum system should be
treated by the QM calculations (this is the only difference between prmtop2
and prmtop3).
It is very important that the order of the atoms in the QM system should be
identical to those in the MM system 1.

Below follows the \molcas\ input file for a QM/MM calculation of a water
dimer, where one of the water molecules is in the QM system and the other
is in the MM system.
Note that the QM/MM calculation has the form similar to a normal \molcas\
geometry optimization, with the addition of calls to \amber\ and \program{ComQum}.
Thus, this script should normally be directly copied and only the inputs of
the standard \molcas\ programs (e.g. \program{Seward} and \program{Scf})
should be modified.
If you do not want to relax the MM system, you must delete lines as indicated.
*  Copy AMBER input files to work directory
!cp $Home/*[1,2,3] .
!for x in *[1,2,3]; do mv $x $Project.$x; done
!cp $Home/comqum.dat $Project.comqum.dat
*  Export location of AMBER binary
!export AMBER=$HOME/AMBER/exe; echo AMBER directory: $AMBER

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DO while <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IF ITER NE 1  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

 &ComQum &End
End of Input

********* Delete the following ten lines if the MM system should be fixed

 &ComQum &End
End of Input

!export SET=3
 &AMBER &End
End of Input

 &ComQum &End
End of Input
********* Delete until here with a fixed MM system

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ENDIF    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

 &Seward &End

Basis Set
o    0.00000000000000     -2.63238830267700      0.00000000000000
End of Basis

Basis Set
h1   -0.91840683065400     -3.25221842706900      1.43619175164000
h2   -0.91840683065400     -3.25221842706900     -1.43619175164000
End of Basis

  -0.001890   2.861045   0.000000   -0.834000 0.0 0.0 0.0
   0.136060   1.043129   0.000000    0.417000 0.0 0.0 0.0
   1.710202   3.446860   0.000000    0.417000 0.0 0.0 0.0

End of Input

 &SCF &End
End of Input

!export SET=1

 &AMBER &End
End of Input

!export SET=2
 &AMBER &End
End of Input

 &ComQum &End
End of Input

 &Alaska &End
End of Input

 &ComQum &End
End of Input

* Slapaf will terminate the loop
 &Slapaf &End
End of Input
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENDDO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

 &ComQum &End
End of Input

!cp cns.dat  $Home
!cp mm1.pdb  $Home
!cp mm1.pdb1 $Home
!cp mm3.pdb  $Home
!cp mm3.pdb1 $Home

d Orbitals
The correspondance between the d orbitals are the following:
d0 = z²
d+1 = xz
d-1 = yz
d+2 = x² - y²
d-2 = xy

Subject:         MOLCAS GUI
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 12:52:47 +0200
From: Valera Veryazov <>

I want to inform you about possibility to use (and of course, test)
graphical interface (GUI) to prepare input data for MOLCAS and observe
results of calculations.

To use GUI:
1. set up $ProjectDir (actually it is your "../$WorkDir" ), say,
export ProjectDir=/temp1/username/molcas/

2. type:

Program has (I hope) intuitive interface, but GUI manual and tutorial
are coming soon...

Error codes in Molcas

0 - normal exit
16 - no convergence
20 - user error (like input mistake)
97 - internal error in the code
98 - I/O error
99 - unknown error (like 97, but unexpected by developer)