
Rasmol is a program for visualising protein structures in pdb format.
The program is intuitive and easy to use.

You start the program by typing
rasmol pdb_file
(you can also start it without any pdb_file and then open the file with File/Open)
Mouse button
Rotate x,y
Rotate z
Rotate z

The new version on Linux cannot write any figures at all.
The old version on Mac can write ps figures.
The new version on Windows can write all supported file formats.

The quality of the figures is poor (except vector ps, but I have not found any program that can read and convert these files (not gimp or preview).
It does not help at all to read in ps figures in gimp with high resolution and strong antialiasing.
The quality can be somewhat improved by using full screen and make the molecules as large as possible.
The newest Windows version also give somewhat improved images.

Rasmol run on Kebnekaise and Tetralith only through ThinLinc.
For Kebnekaise, you then need to login on kebnekaise-tl.hpc2n.umu.se

Rasmol on Aurora:

There is now a rasmol module available on Aurora for viewing structures by my request to the Lunarc support (i.e. that does not require mounting the filesystem to view molecules locally).

You need a desktop/machine acting as X11-server.
To run the module you can login from an existing ssh terminal session and load it as:

ssh -X aurora.lunarc.lu.se
module load rasmol/.

Martin 21/11-17

A complete manual and further information are available in: http://openrasmol.org/ and  http://www.umass.edu/microbio/rasmol/ .

The current version of the program is 2.6 (sgi) and (linux).

To run it on the linux mashines, you need to have 24 or 32 colour bits.

The program is found in:
/usr/local/bin/rasmol   (garm, 32 bit)
/usr/local/bin/rasmol   (signe; 8-bit)
/sw/rasmol/RasMol26/rasmol  (ask/lif, 32 bit)
/home/bio/Bin/rasmol (husmodern; 32-bit