How to run Spartan

Spartan is a commercial software from Wavefunction, Inc. (
It contains a number of quantum chemical and molecular mechanical methods together with a user-friendly graphical interface.

There are two different versions of this program, which are quite different and are described separately.

Manuals (books) are available at the department and in the computer room.

PC Spartan Pro 1.0.6 on Windows

 Getting started and building structures
  1. Start Spartan by pointing at the Start button - Departments - MNF - Spartan
  2. Wait for the Spartan screen to appear.
  3. Select `New' under the pull-down menu `File' to invoke the "Builder screen". Build your molecule using the mouse. All unfilled bonds are assumed to end with a hydrogen atom. With Expert, you get the full periodic table and more geometries.
  4. Save your molecule (under `File') when it is built under 'Up One Level' - 'My Computer' - 'nn on Lukemi\Usr\Stud'.
  5. Orient the molecule using the mouse according to the table below and select the appearance you prefer under `Model'.

Mouse operations
Left button
Right button
picking; X/Y rotate
X/Y translate
 Z rotate
scale up/down

Start a job
  1. Open the appropriate files, if necessary.
  2. Orient the molecule.
  3. Select `Calculations' under `Setup' and set desired values (Task, Method, Basis set, Charge, Multiplicity, etc.).  Also select the properties you want to compute (note that frequencies are expensive) and what you want to print.
  4. Press the 'OK' button when you are finished.
  5. Select `Surfaces' under `Setup'. Here you can select (`Add') to show the electron density, the occupied orbitals (counting down from the highest occupied molecular orbital, HOMO), or the unoccupied orbitals (counting up from the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, LUMO). In addition, you can choose to map the electrostatic potential or any molecular orbital onto any surface (`Property'). You first select the `Surface', then the `Property', and then press the `OK' button. Several surfaces can be selected (more 'Add') before you close the menu with cross at the upper right corner.

  6. Note that the normal density (isosurface of 0.002 e/au3) gives the size surface, whereas density (bond) (0.08 e/au3) gives the bond surface.
  7. Submit the job by choosing `Submit' under `Setup'. A small window appears to confirm that you have submitted the job (you must press OK before the job starts) and another one appears when the calculation has completed.

Examine the results

Where do you find the various properties

Energy profile (Coordinate driving)
  1. Select 'Constrain Bond/Angle/Dihedral' under Geometry
  2. Select the bond, angle, or dihedral to constrain.
  3. Click at the lock at the lower right corner.
  4. Insert a new value and hit return.
  5. Set up the calculation ('Setup' 'Calculations'). Select 'Energy Profile' under 'Calculate' and check 'Subject to: Constraints'.
  6. Select the constraint by clicking on it.
  7. Select 'Display' 'Properties' to see the constraint. Check the 'Dynamic' box to get a range and fill in the starting and end points, together with the number of steps. Again you must hit return before the values are registered.
  8. Run the job by selecting 'Submit' under 'Setup' and wait until it has finished.
  9. Close the file.
  10. Open the result as molecule.Profile1.
  11. Now, you can study the results under 'Display' 'Spreadsheet' or 'Plot'. For example,
  12. Select 'Display - Properties'
  13. Click add and select Rel. E (kJ/mole).
  14. Select 'Display - Plot' and use the molecule as x-axis and Rel. E. as y-axis.

Optimisation of a transition state
  1. Start with one reactant.
  2. Select 'Reaction' under 'Build'.
  3. Show the program how bonds (electrons) will move by clicking on bonds that will move (e.g. from a double bond to a C-O bond; then click first on the double bond and then on the C-O bond). An arrow will appear for each moved electron.
  4. An atom may be moved by first clicking on the bond to be removed, the Shift-clicking on the atom to move, and finally on the atom that will receive the atom.
  5. When all arrows are drawn, click on the double arrow box at the lower right corner of the window and you will see the guess for the transition structure.
  6. When you are satisfied with the transition structure guess, select 'Calculations' under 'Setup'. First run a single-point energy calculation, computing 'Frequencies' and printing 'Vibrational modes'. Check that you get one single imaginary (negative) frequency and that it represent the desired reaction coordinate (animate it).
  7. Then run the full optimisation of the transition state. Select 'Calculations' under 'Setup', and choose to 'Calculate' 'Transition State Geometry'. It is always good to Compute 'Frequencies' and Print 'Vibrational modes'. Now, you probably also want to Print 'Thermodynamics'. Again, check that you get one single imaginary (negative) frequency and that it represent the desired reaction coordinate (animate it).


Exporting and importing coordinates
If you are using more programs than Spartan, you may need to transfer coordinates between these programs. Then, we must write the coordinates in a format that all programs can read. The format we will use is called PDB (Protein Data Bank), a format originally designed for protein X-ray crystallography data. It contains a number of fields that must be in certain columns in the file. However, we are only interested in four fields, the atom name (element) and the x, y, and z coordinates.
In order to import coordinates in PDB format into Spartan, you simply select 'Open' under 'File'. Spartan automatically recognise the file type.
To write coordinates in PDB format from Spartan, you do this.
  1. Select `Save As' under `File'.
  2. Select Brookhaven (*.pdb) under 'Save as type'
  3. Enter the file name.

Monitor running jobs

You can monitor running jobs by selecting Options on the upper right part of the window.
By selecting one running job you can see the current output of the job.
You can also kill the job by select Kill Selected under Edit.

Getting nice plots after energy profile calculations in Spartan on windows:

  1. Choose "Display - Spreadsheet" in the menu
  2. Add "E" column
  3. Select a cell in the first empty column
  4. Choose "Geometry - measure xxx" in the menu (where xxx is bond, angle or dihedral depending on the dynamic constraint you have used)
  5. Select the constraint on the molecule
  6. Click the "P" button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  7. If you have used a dihedral constraint select the dihedral column in the spreadsheet and click the "sort" button on the spreadsheet
  8. Choose "Display - plots" in the menu
  9. Choose x-axis "xxx as above" and y-axis "E"

Fitting of plots in Spartan on Windows:

  1. Make sure you are in view mode ("Build - view" in the menu)
  2. Click on the y-axis label (most often "E kcal/mole")
  3. Choose "Display - properties" in the menu
  4. Choose Fit:Quadratic LSQ (or whatever you need)

Spartan 5.0 for IRIX

This version is present on at one single computer, tjaste (SGI); user id sgibio; bio password.
At present only three builder sessions are allowed simultaneously.

You must run spartan -X11 on the linux machines.

Getting started and building structures
  1. Log in to the computer (the supervisor will show you how).

  3. Go to the desired directory designated to your group. Use

  4. cd your_directory
    mkdir a_new_directory)
  5. If you are not working on the computer tjaste, you must first type type

  6. xhost +tjaste
    ssh1 tjaste
    enter your password again
  7. Start Spartan by simply typing

  8. spartan  -X11
  9. Wait for the Spartan screen to appear (it might take a while).

  11. Choose `New' under the pull-down menu `File' to invoke the "Builder screen". Build your molecule using the mouse. All unfilled bonds are assumed to end with a hydrogen atom.

  13. Save your molecule when it is built and quit the "Builder screen" (both commands under `File')

  15. Orient the molecule using the mouse according to the table below and select the appearance you prefer under `Model'.

Mouse operations
Left button
Middle button
Right button
X/Y rotate
X/Y translate
Z rotate
lengthen bond

Start a job
  1. Open the appropriate files, if necessary.

  3. Orient the molecule.

  5. Select `Ab-initio' under `Setup' and set desired values (Basis set, Theory, and Task). Switch off the `Direct' button

  7. Save the input.

  9. Select `Properties' under `Setup' and set desired values (Molecular Orbitals, Dipole moment, Frequency, and Population)

  11. Select `Surfaces' under `Setup'. Here you can select (`Surface') to show the electron density, the occupied orbitals (counting down from the highest occupied molecular orbital, HOMO), or the unoccupied orbitals (counting up from the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, LUMO). In addition, you can choose to map the electrostatic potential or any molecular orbital onto any surface (`Property'). You first select the `Surface', then the `Property', and then press the `Add' button. Several surfaces can be selected before you quit the menu with `Save'.

  12. Note that a density isosurface of 0.002 e/au3 gives you the size surface, whereas 0.1 e/au3 gives you the bond surface.
  13. Submit the job by choosing `Submit' under `Setup'. A small window appears to confirm that you have submitted the job and another one appears when the calculation is finished.

Examine the results

Coordinate driving
  1. Select Coordinate driving under Build.
  2. Select a bond, angle, or dihedral to constrain.
  3. Select starting and final values, as well as step size
  4. Possibly, select more coordinates
  5. Select Save, SaveAs, or Quit under File
  6. Select the method under Set up and use Coordinate Driving as the task.
  7. Submit the job and wait until it has finished.
  8. You can now plot the relative energies by selecting Column Add Rel. E and then Plot, Create.

Optimisation of a transition state
  1. Open the optimised structures of the reactant and the product so that both appear on the screen.

  3. Select one of the molecules with the left button.

  5. Select `Transition search' under `Build'.

  7. Select the other molecule as the product.

  9. Mark the corresponding atoms in the two molecules

  11. Edit the weight factor, if necessary.

  13. Save the structure and quit.

  15. Select the new structure by clicking on it with the left mouse button or if necessary open the file.

  17. Optimise its geometry as described before, but with the task `Transition Structure' instead of `Geometry optimisation'.

Exporting and importing coordinates
If you are using more programs than Spartan, you may need to transfer coordinates between these programs. Then, we must write the coordinates in a format that all programs can read. The format we will use is called PDB (Protein Data Bank), a format originally designed for protein X-ray crystallography data. It contains a number of fields that must be in certain columns in the file. However, we are only interested in two fields, the atom name (element) and the coordinates.
In order to import coordinates in PDB format into Spartan, you simply do the following.
  1. Select `Import' under `File'
  2. Select the PDB file
  3. Spartan will recognise that it is a PDB file and it will successfully read in the coordinates
  4. Select the name of the molecule. Spartan will then make a directory with this name and save all its files in this directory
To write coordinates in PDB format from Spartan, you do this.
  1. Select `Export under `File'.
  2. Check the box in front of PDB.
  3. Write the file name.
  4. Press the `Export' button.


To use spartan from tjaste instead of writing "spartan" in the console use command "spartan -X11"
This will make it work, though molecules won't look as nice since it's using X11 graphics drivers instead of OpenGL.

Francesco is looking into the problem but at least now we can use it again

/Patrik , 9/12-04

Ulf Ryde, 12/4-00; 28/3-01; 3/9-02