SQM calculations
Semiempirical QM calculations can now (Amber11 or newer) be performed
with the AmberToos program sqm.
It is described in the AmberTools13 manual.
It is run with
sqm -O -i sqm.in -o sqm.out
This is a sample input file (note the blank before "/" on line 4):
Truncated Octa-acid after AM1 opt, 4/3-14
qm_theory="PM6-DH+",maxcyc=0,qmcharge= 0,
8 O 0.000
0.000 0.114
1 H 0.000
0.754 -0.458
1 H 0.000
-0.754 -0.458
If maxcyc is skipped, a geometry optimisation is performed.
Changepdb, command sq can generate input for it from a pdb file