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Publishers, etc.
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- Taylor & Francis
Lists of Journals
- Bio/Chem Journals
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- UB: Electronic Journals
- Lund University Publications - LUP
Software and Basis sets
Basis sets
- Gaussian Basis Set Order Form
- Gaussian Basis Set Order Form
- Gaussian Basis Set Order Form
- Basis Set Order Form
- Institut fuer Theoretische Chemie, Pseudopotentiale
- MOLPRO Basis Set Library
Quantum Chemistry
- Tips (ACS: G94, Games, etc)
- ACES II Manual Release 2.0
- ADF (Density Functional codes for chemical research)
- AIMpack
- AMICA: Atoms & Molecules In Chemical Accuracy
- AOMix Pop Anal Anim Normal Modes
- ArgusLab Page
- Atomic Simulation Environment, CAMP, DTU
- Atoms in Molecules
- Cacao
- ChemShell
- Connolly Surfaces
- CRYSTAL - Electronic Structure of Periodic Systems
- DaCapo; CAMd; Atomic Simulation Environment, CAMP, DTU
- Dalton home page
- DeFT, version 2.2
- Gamess-UK
- GAMESS US Home Page
- Gaussian, Inc.
- G94 Help Contents
- G98 Release Notes
- Official Gaussian Web Site
- WebMO - Computational Chemistry on the WWW
- Jaguar
- MOMix Software for Population Analysis. ALP-vibro Software (Animations of the Normal Modes)
- Mulliken
- NWChem Home Page
- Q-Chem Home Page
- Quantum Chemistry Program Packages
- Spartan
- Turbomole
- Products - Turbomole
- TURBOMOLE Forum - Index
- TURBOMOLE: An Overview
- Molecular Dynamics Salon
- AMBER mirror
- AMBER Parameter Database
- Amber on Linux cluster
- AMMP Home Page
- ArgusLab Website
- Bodil, Åbo
- Boss
- CHARMM Home MD_tutorial
- Computational Biology Tools
- DL_POLY Molecular Dynamics Simulation Package
- DYNAMO Home-Page
- Galaxy (AM Technologies)
- Mdxvu
- MOE from the Chemical Computing Group
- Molecular Modelling Toolkit
- Molecular Simulations Inc
- NAMD - Parallel Molecular Dynamics
- Parallel MD sim (distributed)
- TINKER Molecular Modeling Package
- VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamics
- MM and Force Field References
- Force fields (references)
Electrostatics, Solvation, etc.
- APBS: Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver
- DelPhi Home Page
- DelPhi V3.0 manual
- GRASP Home Page
- Mead
- MOE from the Chemical Computing Group
- UHBD (McCammon)
- Surface programs: MF Sanner's Home Page
- Multiscale Modeling Tools
- CCP4 Main Page
- mmCIF Software Developers' Workshop
- Macromolecular Crystallographic Information (mmCIF) Tutorial
- SHELX Home
- X-PLOR On-line Manual
- Catalog of XAFS Analysis Programs
- FEFF Project Home Page
- IFEFFIT: Interactive XAFS Analysis
- International XAFS Society
- EXAFS tutorials
- The Scott Lab
- ArguLab
- Geomview
- Ghemical Homepage
- GIMP Homepage
- GRASP Home Page
- JChemPaint homepage
- Jmol
- MODELLER Main Page
- Marvin Java tools for displaying chemistry
- MOIL-View Home Page
- MOLDEN a visualization program of molecular and electronic structure
- MOLDEN a visualization program of molecular and electronic structure
- MOLDRAW program
- Molekel Visualization Package
- Molecular Modelling Toolkit
- Molecules-3D - Web Edition
- Mol2Mol - Molecule File Converter
- MOLMOL - MOLecule analysis and MOLecule display
- Molsee homepage
- Oelib
- PyMOL Home Page
- RasMol Home Page
- RasMol V2.5 - Global
- RasMol V2.6-beta-2 Reference Manual
- Swiss-PdbViewer
- VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamics
- Viewmol
- viewmol
- ViewMol3D
- Visualize -
- WebMol Java PDB viewer
- XMakemol Homepage
- XMol User Guide
Proten manipulation, Homology modelling
- ABIM Databases and Analysis tools by ftp
- ASC - The Analytic Surface Calculation Package
- CNB tools
- EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
- Entrez, etc batabases
- ExPASy Molecular Biology Server
- Molecular Surface Computation Home Page (Michel F. Sanner)
- Naccess homepage
- WhatIf
Medicinal chemistry
- Accelrys
- ACD, Advanced Chemistry Development Homepage
- AutoDock
- FlexX home page
- FlexX Homepage
- FTDock: Biomol Modelling Group at ICRF
- GRAMM, protein docking
- GRID tutorials
- Grid manual
- ICMDock; MolSoft LLC
- MDkemi, Halmstad (ACD, Hypercube)
- MIA S.r.l. software
- MODELLER Main Page
- Molecular Discovery Limited home page
- QuantumBio Inc -- A Next Generation of CAMM & CADD
- Somfa
- SYBYL/Base
- Tripos
- Umetrics
- Vega and DDL Main Page
Other (Numerical, Mathematica, etc.)
- CAMEO (organic reactions)
- BABEL Main Page
- Babel manual
- Open Babel: A Package to Decypher Computational Chemistry
- Oelib
- Mathematica
- Mathematica Applications Library
- Numerical Recipes Home Page
- Netlib, Numerical software
- NIST, Numerical software (gams.nist)
Exchange and Development Programs
- Computer Physics Communications Program Library
- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- QCPE: Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange
Lists of Software Links
- Chemistry software www
- Computational Biology Tools
- Chemical software
- Free Chem Software Reference
- Mol Modeling Software List
- Resource List (YARL)/Leif Laaksonen
- Andersson, Bertil, Stockholm
- Brinck, Tore, KTH
- Brundin, Patrik, Lund
- Cremer, D.: Göteborg University, Theoretical Chemistry - Research
- Theoretical Chemistry PhC Chalmers
- Eriksson, Leif, Uppsala
- Hederstedt L, Lund
- Gunnar von Heijne, Biochemistry, SU
- Kersti Hermansson's Homepage
- Irbäck, A, Theoretical Physics, Lund
- Aatto Laaksonen, Stockholm
- Larsson, Sven, Chalmers
- Kjellander, Roland, GU
- Kleywegt, Gerard, Uppsala
- Jozef Kowalewski
- Matematikcentrum, Lund
- Nordlander, Ebbe
- Lars Ojamäe's Home Page
- Itai Panas
- Persson, Bengt, Protein families
- Peterson, Carsten, Lund
- Bengt Persson
- Sandström, Magnus, Stockholm
- Siegbahn; Quantum Chemistry, Stockholm University
- Siegbahn, Stockholm University
- Sjölin: Department of Inorganic Chemistry
- Orlando Tapia project
- Göteborg U, Biochemistry & Biophysics
- Ågren Hans, Theoretical Chemistry, KTH, Sweden
- Åqvist J, Uppsala
- Norrby, Per-Ola, Göteborg
- Andersson, Kristoffer K; Oslo
- Bauer, R, KVL, Copenhagen
- Bergen, Theoretical Chemistry
- Bertini, I.
- Burger, Peter, Hamburg
- Carloni, Paulo, SISSA
- Canters, Gehard, Leiden
- Clark, Tim; Erlangen
- Deeth, RJ, Warwick
- Degtyarenko, Kirill, Hinxton
- Einsle, Oliver, Göttingen
- Feussner, Ivo, Göttingen
- Field, M., IBS
- Fontecilla-Camps, J, Grenoble
- Frenking, G, Marburg
- Gasteiger Johann, Erlangen
- Ghosh, Abdihk, Tromsö
- Gropen, Odd, Tromsö
- Gunsteren, W. van, group's home page
- Hall, Richard (Manchester University)
- Helgaaker, T, Oslo
- Hemmingsen, Lasse, Copenhagen
- Hillier, Ian (Manchester University)
- Kaukonen, Markus
- Kroneck, Peter, H. M., Konstanz
- Kräutler, Bernhard, Innsbruck
- Dr. Rebecca Wade - EML Research gGmbH
- Koch, Henrik, Odense
- Konschin, Henrik, Helsinki
- Jensen, Frank, Odense
- Jensen Group
- Jørgensen, Flemming Steen, Copenhagen
- Laaksonen, Leif, CSC
- Liljefors, Tommy, DFH
- Lubitz, Wolfgang, Berlin
- Maseras, Feliu
- Meyer, Frank, Göttingen
- Meijer, EM
- Messerschmidt, A
- Mikkelsen, Kurt, Copenhagen
- Mulholland, A. J.
- Murshudov Garib, York
- Neese, Frank, Mulheim
- Nørskov, Jens K., DTU
- Norrby, Per-Ola, DFH
- Ochsenfeld, C, Tübingen
- Olsen, L, KVL
- Parrinello, M, Stuttgart
- Parrinello Group
- Pierloot, K, Leuven
- Reynolds, Chris, Essex
- Rovira, Carme, Barcelona
- Pyykkö, Pekka, Helsinki
- Rulisek, Lubos, Prague
- Röthlisberger, Ursula
- Saenger, Berlin
- Sauer J, Berlin
- Snijders, J.G., Groningen
- Sundholm, Dage, Helsinki
- Talmulis, Arvidas, Vilnius
- Walter Thiel
- Thomson, Andrew J, East Anglia
- Vermeulen, NPE
- Werner, Hans-Joachim, Stuttgart
- Wilson K and Z. Dauter; EMBL Hamburg
- Adman, Elinor T, Washington
- Bashford Group Homepage
- Brooks, Scripps (Charmm)
- Brown K, Ohio U (B12)
- Bruice, T. C., UCSB
- Brunger, Axel, Stanford
- Brunold, Thomas C, Madison Wisconsin
- Case, D. group -- Table of Contents
- Cheatham home
- Christopher J. Cramer
- Christopher J. Cramer
- Evanseck, JD, Miami
- Finke, Richard G., Colorado
- Friesner, Richard, Columbia
- Garcia-Moreno, Bertrand E., Baltimor
- Gilson, M. K., Maryland
- Gray, Harry, Caltech
- Hall, Michael B; Texas
- Harris, Danny, Molres
- Harry A. Dailey
- Hermans, Jan; North Carolina
- Hoffmann, R.
- Hodgson, Keith O., Stanford
- Holm RH, Harvard University
- Houk Research Group :: Home
- Hurst, Dow P.
- Jensen, Jan, Iowa
- Jorgensen, WL, Yale
- Karplus, M., Harvard University
- Kollman Group Home Page
- Kozlowski, PM, Louisville
- Levitt; Stanford
- Lindahl, Texas, Bioinorg
- Lippard Publications
- MacKerell, Alex
- Mazur Group
- Merz, Ken; Pen State U
- Morokuma
- Noodleman
- Olson John S
- Olsson, Mats H. M.
- Penner-Hahn,J, Michigan
- Poulos, Thomas L, Univ Calif
- Sanders-Loehr, Joann
- Scott, Robert A, UGA
- Seminario JM, South Carolina
- Shelnutt, J. A., Albuequerque, NM, USA
- Solomon, E. Stanford Chemistry
- Spiro, Thomas G., Princeton University
- Stuchebrukhov's Group HomePage
- Tainer; Metalloprotein Structure and Design Group: Main Page
- Don Truhlar's Home Page
- J.Valentine.MainPage
- Wang, Lai-Sheng, PNL
- Warshel, Arieh, USC
- Woods RJ - Glycam force field
- Becke, A. D - Queen's Chemistry
- Funahashi, S, Nagoya
- Guss, M.
- Jameson, Geoffery Massey, NZ
- Lim, Carmay, Taiwan
- Marques, Helder, S-Af
- Morishima, Isao; Kyoto
- Kitagawa Group @IMS
- Shaik, Sason, Jerusalem
- Smith, W. R., Canada
- Ziegler, T, Calgary
Conferences and Mail Lists
- Courses in Life Sciences
- Gordon Conferences on Computational Chemistry
- MGMS Welcome
Mail lists
- CCL Home
- Mailing lists
- Bionet
- NetSci
Old conferences
- ICBIC-11
- Copper 2003
- XAFS 12 - 2003
- 4 Eur Worsh Drug Design; old
- Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules
- ICBIC 10, August 26-31, 2001, Convention Center - Florence, Italy
- EUROBIC-5 Home Page
- Computational Biophysics 2000
- International Conference of Reactive Intermediates and Reaction Mechanisms
- Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference Forum
- 8th International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory to Chemistry and Physics
- MGMS Meeting
- QBIC '99 Meeting
- WATOC 99: Home Page
- DFT99
- 10th EBEC 1998
- Elba
- ICCC 35 - Heidelberg
- Sanibel 2002
- WATOC'02
- QBIC-2
- EUROBIC-6 homepage
- ICBIC Conference 2005
- Model(l)ing 2001
- Postgraduate Education in Europe
- Congreso DFT2001
- Winter School 2002
- GRC-02 Comp Chem
- American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry 2002
- Lasses kurs i QC/MM
- 13th International Conference on Cytochromes P450, Biochemistry, Biophysics a Drug Metabolism
- 12th European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry
- Faraday Discussion 124 - Quantum Inorganic Chemistry
- MedCoast Protein Structure and Spectroscopy Meeting
- 4ewdd
- Theoret Biopys Symp -03
- Main
- Computational Modelling of Catalysis
- Density Functional Theory 2003
- CCP5 Summer School
- Molecular Biophysics - TPDG
- Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure
- Per Siegbahn Conference
- ICBIC-12
- 2004 GRC on Computational Chemistry
- WATOC 2005
- MGMS2004: Biomolecular Recognition and Reactivity
- Eurobic 7
- II SANTA MARIA WORKSHOP ON CHEMISTRY - Santa María del Mar, July 7-11, 2003
- 3 Int Conf Porph Phtal
- Euresco Conf Inorg Chem
- Membranes and Membrane Modelling at Oxford.
- International Biophysics Congress 2005
- 3rd International SFB Conference
- Pacifichem 2005
- Gordon Research Conferences - 2006
- EuCChemLiS Homepage, 2005-10
- ISQBP Gilda Loew Memorial Meeting 2005-10
- Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure 2006, march
- Utvecklingskonferens LU - Lunds universitet
- ICCMSE 2007
- Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules III
- ICBIC 13 - Vienna, Austria
- DFT2007: Applications of Density Functional Theory
- 6th AFMC Int Med Chem Symp-07
- Computational Chemistry Conference 2008
- Microbiology Conferences and Meetings 2008
- MGMS young scientists award
- CCL conference list
- CCP1 Conference list
- Chemsoc conference list
- Meetings of interest to bioinorganic chemists
- Gordon Research Conferences Home Page
- Gordon Conferences on Computational Chemistry
- Liquid Matter Conference 2008
- WATOC 2008
- Vålådalen 2008 Correspondence between Concepts in Chemistry and Quantum Chemistry
- | eurobic9 | 9th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, 2-6 September 2008
- Biochemical Society - SA071 Meeting Scientific Programme
- 13th ICQC, 22.-27.6.2009, Helsinki, Finland
Chemical data and resources
Data bases
- CMBI - Home Page
- Database of Databases UB LU
- Database of Databases for N
- Databaser - CDROM - WEBSPIRS
- Digital Article Database Service - welcome
- EC->PDB directory
- Entrez-PubMed
- Electronical resources for UB2
- ExPASy Molecular Biology Server
- ICSD for WWW Help: Introduction
- ICSD: Inorg. Chem. Struct. Database
- ISI Web of Knowledge [v2.0]
- LIBRIS/webbsök
- Lunds universitets Grafiska profil, mallar
- Macromol Struct Database
- PDB WWW Home Page
- PPD database
- RESP charge Database
- AAindex: Amino acid index database
- About Chemistry - Home Page
- Antas agraria
- BioChemNet
- Biophysics OnLine Textbook
- ChemFinder Searching
- ChemInformatics
- Chemistry Resources (via University of Budapest)
- ChemWeb ChemDex Database
- Conrad Newton
- The Homepage for Chemists
- News Service
- MolData, chemical data on the Web
- NIST Chemistry WebBook
- Periodic Table - WebElements
- Protein Information Resource Home Page
- Reaction Kinetics and Ligand Binding
- Rolf Claessen's Chemistry Index
- SAL- Other Scientific Fields - Chemistry, Biology & Related
- Science-By-Mail
- Search BioMedLink
- Scirus - for scientific information
- Virtual Bulletin Board
- Young's Chemical resources
- Rare Expert Directory
- Google Scholar
- The BioInformer -- EBI's bioinformatics newsletter
- Database of Sec Struct Prot Assign
- Society for Bioinformatics in the Nordic countries
- Molecular Biophysics
- Barton bioinformatics
- Bioinorganic chemistry and related sites
- Bioinorganic Glossary
- Diiron-carboxylate proteins
- High-valent iron in chemistry and biology
- Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- MDB (Main Page) - Metalloprotein Site Database and Browser
- Organometallic HyperTextBook Index
- P450-containing Systems
- PROCAT - a database of 3D enzyme active site templates
- PROMISE Database home page
- The PROMISE Database home page
- SBIC Pages
Citation, Impact, etc.
- Impact factor
- Prestige Factor
- Prestige Factor
- Cited chemists
- 1000 Most Cited Chemists 1981-1997
- Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Home Page: Database Publisher of the Science Citation Index and Current Contents
- Citations ISI - Chemists and Physicists
- The OpenScience Project
- SourceForge: Welcome
Computational chemistry
- CCCBDB: Comp Chem Data Base
- Chemistry Preprint Server
- Computational Chemistry Resources on the WWW
- Computational Chemistry Resources on the WWW
- Comp Chem Online Discussion
- Computational Chemistry Reference
- Density functional repository
- EMSL Computational Results Data base
- EMSL Benchmark Ab Initio Methods Report - June 2000
- Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment
- European Computational Chemists
- G3 theory
- Methods and Applications
- International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science - Welcome
- MGMS Mol Graph & Model Soc
- ORNL Resources of Protein Modeling
- Overview of molecular forces
- Periodic Table of Computational Chemistry
- QCLDB (Litt): Quantum Chemistry Literature DataBase
- Colvin
- Sicklist intro
- Standardization of computational chemistry software.
- UK-QSAR Group
- EC->PDB directory
- IUCr Int Union Crystallography
- HIC-Up
- Macromolecular Crystallography Computing School
- Noncovalent Bond Finder
- PRODRG Server
- Structural Biology Software Database
- X-ray_Elements
- Binding Database
- CCCBDB: Comp Chem Data Base
- Ionic radii
- Infochem chemistry database
- IUPAC Nomenclature Home Page
- Spectral database (Cheical Concepts)
- Spectroscopy Database
- WebElements periodic table of the elements home page
- WebMolecules - Categories
- The WHAT IF Web Interface
- Bio Mag Res Bank
Drug development
- Chemical Industry Search Engine - - Home
- The QSAR and Modelling Society
- The QSAR and Modelling Society
- Tour 1: Drug discovery
- - HomePage
- Folding@home
- Comparative Evaluation of Prediction Algorithms
- G Proteins page - under construction
- G-Protein Coupled Receptor Database
Homology modelling
- 3D-JIGSAW Comparative Modelling Server
- ModBase Comparative structure
Medicinal Chemistry
- KiBank
- Thergas (calc of Tdyn prop)
- ZINC - free database for virtual screening
- 3D Lectin Database
- Lectin data base
- Thorkild's lectin page
- Cytochrome P450 Database
- CYP2C9
- The 3-Dimensional Structure of Non-Planar Porphyrins
- Human P450 Nomenclature Committee
- Molecular Biophysics
- Nowhere\Mats_homepage_1
- P450 directory
- Porphyrin Chemistry Research Directed by K. M. Smith
- Tetrapyrrole Nomenclature
Quantum chemistry
- Character tables for chemically important point groups
- Svenska Kemistsamfundet
- Medicinal and Computational Chemistry Job Market
- Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society
- About SFBM
- Chemistry Software and Information Resources
- Genamics SoftwareSeek - Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Software Database
- Python Interface to Amber
Other proteins
- PKR Other Protein Families
Starting points
- Group for biochemistry - Department of Theoretical chemistry
- Kemicentrum - avdelningar
Grants, Scholarships, etc
- Stipendier och Forskningsanslag
- Stipendier - Göteborgs universitet
- Stöd och Stipendier - Huvudsidan
- Ekonomienheten, Donationsgruppen - stipendieportal - Startsida
- Sök stipendier
- Forskningsstyrelsen - Forskningsprogrammer
- HGUR: Högskoleutbildningsrådet
- KK-stiftelsen
- Kungl Fysiografiska Sällskapet
- Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien
- Nutek
- Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
- STINT | Stiftelsen för internationalisering av högre utbildning och forskning
- Strategisk Forskning
- Svenska Institutet
- Vetenskapsradet
- Wallenbergs Stiftelse
- Wennergren - Postdoktorsstipendier Sverige
- SUNETs WWW-index:Universitet och högskolor
- ACS Paragon System
- Biomedicinska Forskarskolan
- CBSD, Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Lund University
- Chemistry Department Home Pages
- Chemical Physics LU
- Chemistry www sites
- CITU - Centre for Information Technology in Education
- Electronic Library Information Navigator
- Exjobb på avdelningar
- GU nämnd N Kemicentrum LU
- Inorganic Chemistry Lund University
- Kemicentrum
- Kemicentrum - forskarutbildning
- Kemicentrum GU
- Kemicentrums Centralbibliotek
- Kemicentrum - KC-kalendern
- Kem710
- Kem710
- Kungl Fysiografiska Sällskapet
- LDC - IT-center vid Lunds universitet
- LMC - Välkommen till Läkemedelscentrum
- Lund
- LU - C E D
- Lund University Home Page
- LU bibl sökningar
- Lunds Universitets Bibliotek - Startsida
- Lund University Electronic Library Homepage
- LU:research - Lund University Institutional Archive
- LUSH - Lund University Science Times
- Läkemedelsvetenskap forskarskola
- Lärarforum
- Mbfys - Staff
- Mediatekets länksamling
- Medicon Valley Academy
- Nationell information om högre utbildning i Norden
- National Research School in Genomics and Bioinformatics
- Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten - Lunds universitet
- Novo Nordisk
- Novo Nordisk A/S
- Patrik: Medicinal chemistry - help files
- SAFARI sökformulär
- Skolor i Sverige
- Skånes Turistråd
- Studieplaner
- SUNET - Swedish University Network
- Svensk föreningen för biokemi & molbi SFMB
- Svenska Kemistsamfundet
- Svenska Sidor Online
- Swedish Biophysical Society
- Swedish Chemical Society - Section of Theoretical Chemistry
- Swedish resources
- Telia Webmail - Login
- Theoretical Chemistry LU
- UB Lund - Kopior,Lån
- UCLU - Utvecklingscentrum för lärande och undervisning
- UCLU - Kurswebb
- Universities from Yahoo!
- Universitetspersonal
- Tur och Retur
- Xerox printer - copy machine
Computer centres
- HPC2N Header
- Lunarc
- NSC -- National Supercomputer Centre in Sweden
- PDC: Parallell Dator Centrum
Encyclopediae and dictonaries
- Encyclopedia Britannica Home
- FREE Internet Encyclopedia
- Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia
- Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus. Free access.
- Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin
- WWWebster Dictionary - Search screen
- The World Factbook Master Home Page
Dictionaries, Translators
- A Web of On-line Dictionaries
- English Language Links
- Free Translation Online
- GO Translator
- Online English Dictonary
- Online Dictionaries
- Svenska Akademiens ordbok - SAOB
- Svenska Akademiens ordbok - enkel sökning
- Swedish-English Dictionary: The Swedish School Computer Network
- Wordnet, the online english dictionary
Search engines
- AltaVista
- Google
- - The internet navigator for the Chemical Industry
- WWW Servers: Summary
- Yahoo Search
Online Stores
- - the world's largest source of out-of-print books!
- Books & More
- Books
- Blackwell's Online Bookshop
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- Naturbokhandeln
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- MRF - den auktoriserade bilbranschens organisation
- bilar - Svenska bilhandlare på Internet
Computer stuff
- Cerico Data PC Shop: Online butik för Billiga PC Dator, tillbehör och program
- MaxiData - Sveriges ledande köpguide
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Music stores
- BOXMAN - CD Video DVD Games
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- SuperSaverTravel
- Billiga flyg: Resebyrå med billiga flygbiljetter och hotell samt sista minuten resor. Boka billiga flyg och charter resor med lågprisflyg till hela världen.
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Swedish pages
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- Basic ab initio quantum chemistry
- C. W. David's Chemistry 263-4 Examinations
- CERAPIE - Chemistry Education: Research And Practice In Europe
- Chem 500, Winter 2000
- CHEMINFO: Chemical Information Sources from Indiana University
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- Colvin
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- Density Functional Theory
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- Highschool links
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- Index of /compchem/hoffmann/teaching
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- Molecular Modelling
- Molecular Modeling - Acetylcholine Case Study
- Molecular Monte Carlo
- Molecular Simulation Course homepage
- Overview of molecular forces
- Overview of molecular forces
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- Quantum Chemistry: Practical Exercises
- StudyWeb
- The Wilson-Squier Group Web Site
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- Göteborg U, Biochemistry & Biophysics
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- KTH: Lediga tjänster - Vacancies
- Linköpings universitet: Lediga tjänster
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- Kemicentrum - Lediga tjänster
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- Astra; ej jobb
- Ferring Pharmaceuticals; Ej jobb?
- Clearinghouse Chem Employment
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- Fortran Market
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- Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics
- The technical computing portal for all your scientific and engineering needs.
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Linux, Pascal, and Fortran
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- Linux4Chemistry Nikodem's website
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- Linux Online - Complete Linux Systems
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- Mandrake Linux 8.1
- UNIX Books
- BigNoseBird.Com's BNBFORM Form Processor Script for Unix and Windows
Other computer stuff
- An Awk Primer
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- Gnuplot Central
- Gnuplot manual online
- MATLAB Help Desk
- Numerical Recipes Books On-Line
- SAL -- Scientific Applications on Linux
- SAL -- Scientific Applications on Linux
- ScientificPython
- Directory of /pub/ssh
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- Keirsey Temperament Sorter (Swedish)
- Online test based on Jung - Myers-Briggs typology
Word processors
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How to write
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- Botanical Checklist of North America Browser
- Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Finland
- Checklista
- Checklista
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- HerbMed
- Internet Directory for Botany - Alphabetical List
- Internet Directory for Botany - Subject Category List: Main Menu
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For my children
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- Eniro - Kartor
- GIS, Kartor på internet
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- Truhlar, Donald G., Minnesota