How to obtain parameters for an unknown molecule.
If you use the describe or Hess2FF programs, please cite:

K. Nilsson, D. Lecerof, E. Sigfridsson, U. Ryde (2003), "An automatic method to generate force-field parameters for hetero-compounds", Acta Crystallogr. D, 59, 274-289; DOI 10.1107/S0907444902021431.
  1. Missing parameters are listed by parm.
  2. Go through them and add them to a file mol.dat
    The new files should be collected in /temp4/bio/Data/Amber (look there first)
  3. They are either taken from similar amino-acid residues in $AMBERHOME/dat/parm96.dat (less accurate), or
  4. calculated from the a quantum chemical hessian by /temp4/bio/Bin/describe (better).
How to obtain parameter for a metal site
  1. Optimise the metal site at the TPSS/def2-SV(P) level (or similar; template). A typical model is Zn(SCH3)2(imidazole)2.

  2. Run a frequency calculation. From the Hessian, force constants of all relevant bond, angles, and dihedrals can be extracted. This is done automatically by /temp4/bio/Bin/describe from G94/G98 output or Turbomole control+hessian  file. The program is based on the algorithm suggested by JM Seminario in Intern. J. Quant. Chem., Quant. Chem. Symp. 30 (1996) 59-65). For the dihedrals, you have to decide the periodicity from the structure and other considerations.

    You should first construct a file with atom types with the following format (template):
    title lines ended by a blank line

    Residue name (three letters)
    atom_name atom_type (natom lines; each four letters; free format, separated by blanks)

    Run the program describe and answer the questions. If you do not know what to do, try the default.

  3. Run a Merz-Kollman calculations of ESP charges with a higher-than-default density of ESP points, cf. the RESP page.

Template of the atmtyp file


CA  ca
HA  ha

Template Gaussian input file


Zinc site opt , B3LYP/6-31G*,15/9-10

   -2    1
 H      16.684  55.220  48.770 
 C      16.045  54.627  48.050 
 H      15.385  53.964  48.610 
 H      16.686  54.035  47.397 
 S      15.055  55.715  46.973 
 H      13.883  56.206  43.056 
 C      13.390  57.099  43.544 
 H      12.702  56.757  44.317 
 H      12.840  57.666  42.793 
 S      14.531  58.159  44.482 
 H      16.467  61.292  45.778 
 C      16.075  60.662  46.631 
 H      15.074  60.306  46.389 
 H      16.037  61.263  47.540 
 S      17.056  59.153  47.047 
 H      20.283  57.745  44.868 
 C      19.340  57.582  44.265 
 H      19.601  57.197  43.279 
 H      18.809  58.528  44.156 
 S      18.138  56.425  45.000 
ZN      16.200  57.412  45.833 

#P B3LYP/6-31G* geom=check Guess=read test
   Pop=MK IOp(6/33=2,6/41=10,6/42=17)

Zinc site chargeHF/6-31G*,15/9-10

    -2    1


The default_bonds file

# Default maximum bond lengths
# Ulf Ryde 1995-05-12
# element element bond_length
# Unit: Angstrom
1   1   0.8d0
1   6   1.3d0
1   7   1.2d0
1   8   1.2d0
1   15  1.6d0
1   16  1.6d0
1   17  1.6d0
1   26  2.0d0
6   6   1.9d0
6   7   1.7d0
6   8   1.9d0
6   9   1.7d0
6   15  2.2d0
6   16  2.2d0
6   17  2.2d0
6   26  2.2d0
6   27  2.8d0
6   28  2.2d0
6   29  2.6d0
6   30  3.0d0
6   44  2.8d0
6   48  2.8d0
6   96  2.0d0
7   7   1.5d0
7   11  2.8d0
7   12  2.8d0
7   23  2.8d0
7   25  3.3d0
7   26  2.8d0
7   27  2.9d0
7   28  2.8d0
7   29  3.5d0
7   30  3.5d0
7   44  3.0d0
7   48  2.8d0
7   80  2.8d0
8    8  1.7d0
8   11  2.8d0
8   12  2.8d0
8   15  2.5d0
8   16  2.0d0
8   17  2.0d0
8   20  3.0d0
8   25  3.0d0
8   26  2.9d0
8   27  3.2d0
8   28  3.5d0
8   29  3.5d0
8   30  3.5d0
8   42  3.0d0
8   44  2.8d0
8   48  3.5d0
8   96  2.0d0
9   12  3.5d0
9   29  3.5d0
10  26  3.0d0
11  26  3.0d0
12  16  3.0d0
15  23  5.8d0
15  26  2.8d0
15  29  3.5d0
15  44  2.8d0
16  16  2.9d0
16  26  2.8d0
16  27  3.5d0
16  28  3.0d0
16  29  3.5d0
16  30  3.9d0
16  42  3.5d0
16  44  2.8d0
16  48  3.9d0
16  80  3.9d0
17  29  3.0d0
17  44  2.8d0
26  26  3.5d0
26  28  3.5d0
26  41  3.0d0
26  60  3.0d0
26  96  2.0d0
29  29  5.6d0
29  34  3.5d0
29  35  3.5d0