How to run a RESP calculation
Most information here is now obsolete: RESP fits are now done in
an automatic way by antechanber.
Follow this procedure.
- Optimise the molecule with QM methods, typically B3LYP/6-31G*.
Avogadro can automatically add protons to a new molecule if they
are missing.
- Calculate the electrostatic potential. For the Amber-99SB
force field, this should be done at the HF/6-31G* level
(B3LYP/6-31G* if you have metal sites). Other force fields
require other levels of theory:
HF/6-31G* for ff94, ff99, ff14SB, ff19SB, GAFF.
B3L YP/cc-pVTZ for ff02
B3L YP/cc-pVTZ with IEFPCM and a dielectric constant of 4 for
Example of a Gaussian input file:
#P B3LYP/6-31g* Opt
Biotin, HF, 6-31G*, 1/9-05
-1 1
7.55100000000000 14.58000000000000
h 36.15300000000000
11.00700000000000 16.90000000000000
#P HF/6-31G* SCF=Tight
Geom=AllCheck Guess=Read
Pop=MK IOp(6/33=2,6/41=10,6/42=17)
- Run antechamber on the output file of this calculation:
antechamber -fi gout -fo
prepi -c resp -i
-o -rn RES -at amber -pf y
where, you should insert the name of the output file from the
previous point, and the residue name, (three letters) twice,
first in lower-case and second in capital letters.
Use -at amber, if want to use only standard Amber atom types.
The default is to get GAFF atom types, which is normally
-pf y indicates that intermediate files should be deleted.
- Often Amber gives you strange atom names. Then, you can use
the program fixatomin to replace the wrong atom names.
Insert the correct atom names into the file NEWPDB.PDB file and
then read it into the program together with the NEWPDB.PDB file
and the *.in file from antechamber.
- However, for the polarisable Amber ff02 force
field, you still need to use this home page
(because you need to remove the self-polarisation of the
molecule). The procedure is described in Cieplak, Caldwell &
Kollman, J. Comput. Chem. 22 (2001) 1048.
- If antechamber fails, you may also need to use the old
version by hand.
Alternatively, the program in AmberTools might be
How to determine RESP
charges for the polarisable Amber ff02 force field.
- Run a Gaussian geometry optimisation, either at the
HF/6-31G* level or at the B3LYP/DZpdf/6-31G* level (with
transition metals).
Then run a single-point energy calculations with the
B3LYP/cc-pVTZ level and
include the following keywords in the command line.
SCF=Tight Pop=MK
If you already have a converged wavefunction at the appropriate
level of theory, you can simply run:
Pop=(Minimal,MK) IOp(6/33=2,6/41=10,6/42=17)
If the system includes transition metal, you also have to
and give a row for each metal at the end of the script, (with
one blank line before and after) e.g.
Cu 2.0
IOp(6/33=2) makes Gaussian write out the potential points and
potentials (do not change)
IOp(6/41=10) specifies that 10 concentric layers of points are
used for each atom (do not change)
IOp(6/42) givest the density of points in each layer. A value of
17 gives about 2500 points/atom. Lower values may be needed for
large molecules, since the programs cannot normally handle more
than 100 000 potential points. A value of 10 gives about 1000
Example of a full Gaussian script:
#P HF/6-31g* Opt
Biotin, HF, 6-31G*, 1/9-05
-1 1
7.55100000000000 14.58000000000000
8.81200000000000 15.35700000000000
h 36.15300000000000
11.00700000000000 16.90000000000000
#P B3LYP/cc-pVTZ SCF=Tight
Geom=AllCheck Guess=Read
Pop=MK IOp(6/33=2,6/41=10,6/42=17)
- Use the program changepot
to convert the Gaussian output file to resp input files. All
defaults are valid, except the name of the Gaussian file.
This gives the files, resp.pot, and qin.
- Set qwt=0.0000 in the file.
Then run resp:
resp -O -i -o resp.out -q qin -e resp.pot
This gives the first charges (in file qout). Check that
they are identical to the input charges in qin (can be seen in
- Run
antechamber -i file.out
-fi gout -o
-fo prepi -c resp -rn RES -at amber
to get a *.in file for the molecule.
You also get a PDB file, NEWPDB.PDB
- Run tleap to get the prmtop and prmcrd files for the molecule
tleap -s -f leaprc.ff02
loadamberparams btn.dat (optional)
x=loadpdb NEWPDB.PDB
check x
saveamberparmpol x prmtop
- Convert the prmtop file to the old format:
new2oldparm <prmtop
- If amber reorders the atoms, you need to construct a file
"order" with:
1 line for each atom with number in the gaussian=resp
files and in the amber=*.in file (arbitrary order)
You can get a pdb file from the gaussian calculation by
Otherwise, you do
ln qout qout1
- Run the (undocumented program) changeQ_parm to move the charges from resp
into the prmtop file:
It reads the file p.for and qout1 and writes the file p_mod.for,
which is a prmtop file with charges taken from qout1.
If the program is not compiled, you can compile it by make changeQ_parm in $AMBERHOME/src/resp.
- Run sander with the following file:
The (undocumented) parameter iesp=1 forces the program to read
the file esp.dat and write out the two files esp.induced and
esp.qm-induced. The latter is the ESP(QM)-ESP(induced dipole),
which we need for the new Resp calculations. Thus run:
ln resp.pot esp.dat
sander -O -i -o
sander.out -c prmcrd -p p_mod.for
- Set up some links to make the iterations working
cp qout1 q0
- Now you can iterate in the following way (in each subsequent
iteration, you should increase the highlighted number after q
with 1):
resp -O -i -o
resp.out -q qout -e esp.qm-induced
cp qout1 q1
less resp.out
\mv p_mod.for p.for
sander -O -i -o sander.out -c prmcrd -p p_mod.for
You should iterate (repete these lines) until the charges (qin
and qout) in resp.out are identical. Alternatively, you may
check it by
diff q7 q8
You can do it automatically by this script:
cp qout1 q0
for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-O -i -o resp.out -q qout -e esp.qm-induced
cp qout1
diff q"$xold" q"$x" >script.tmp
if [ ! -s script.tmp ] ; then exit ; fi
cat script.tmp
p_mod.for p.for
sander -O -i -o sander.out -c prmcrd
-p p_mod.for
- Control if there are any polar hydrogens bound to the same
atoms or if there are identical polar heavy atoms (e.g. in
carboxylic groups).
If so, constrain these to have the same charge (in resp.in1).
Example (water)
&cntrl ihfree=0, qwt=0.0005, iqopt=2
0 3
8 0
1 0
1 2
The lines contain the following information:
Control keywords
Weight of the molecule
Name of the molecule
Total charge, number of atoms
Atom number Fitting_number
Valid fitting_numbers are:
-n fixed charge (to the one in file qin)
0 free charge
n the charge is constrained to be the same
as the one of atom #n.
The keywords mean:
ihfree (0 = hydrogen atoms are restrained; 1 = not restrained)
qwt (wheight of the constraint. Use 0.0005 for stage 1 and
0.0001 for stage 2)
iqopt (1 = set all initial charges to 0; 2 = read initial
charges from -q (qin)
irstrnt (0 = harmonic restraints; 1 = hyperbolic
restraints, default)
nmol (number of molecules, i.e. different conformations)
- Run resp:
resp -O -i resp.in1 -o resp.out1 -q qout -e esp.qm-induced
- Fix the charge of all atoms except carbons with more than one
hydrogen (methyl and methylene groups).
Constrain hydrogens bound to the same
carbon to have equal charges.
Change qwt=0.001.
Do this in resp.in2.
&cntrl ihfree=0, qwt=0.001, iqopt=2
0 6
6 0
1 0
1 2
1 2
8 -1
1 -1
- Run resp again:
resp -O -i resp.in2 -o resp.out2 -q qout -e esp.qm-induced
- The results are found in file resp.out2
Insert these charges into the *.in file created by antechanber
Note that antechanber renumbers the atoms, so you need to check
that you use the right atom, but the file order gives the right
You can check the charges by running
How to
determine RESP charges - old
version by hand (normally obsolete)
1. Optimise the geometry, either at the
- B3LYP/6-31G* level (small molecules or transition-metal
complexes, accurate calculations)
- AM1 level (large organic molecules, relatively crude
2. For Turbomole, you set $esp_fit resp in the control
file and then run
ridft -proper >logm
For Gaussian:
Run a Gaussian single-point energy calculation, either at the
HF/6-31G* level (without transition metals) or at the
B3LYP/DZpdf/6-31G* level.
Include the following keywords in the command line.
SCF=Tight Pop=MK
If you already have a converged wavefunction at the appropriate
level of theory, you can simply run:
Pop=(Minimal,MK) IOp(6/33=2,6/41=10,6/42=17)
If the system includes transition metal, you also have to
and give a row for each metal at the end of the script, (with one
blank line before and after) e.g.
Cu 2.0
IOp(6/33=2) makes Gaussian write out the potential points and
potentials (do not change)
IOp(6/41=10) specifies that 10 concentric layers of points are
used for each atom (do not change)
IOp(6/42) givest the density of points in each layer. A value of
17 gives about 2500 points/atom. Lower values may be needed for
large molecules, since the programs cannot handle more than 100
000 potential points. A value of 10 gives about 1000 points/atom.
Example of a full Gaussian script:
#P B3LYP/Gen Geom=AllCheck
! Gen basis set
! Non-default atomic radii
Zn 2.0
Cu 2.0
3. Use the program changepot to convert the
output file to resp input files. All defaults are valid, except
the name of the Gaussian file.
This gives the files, resp.in1, resp.pot, and qin.
4. Control if there are any polar hydrogens bound to the
same atoms or any symmetry related other atoms.
If so, constrain these to have the same charge (in, e.g.
for water:
&cntrl ihfree=0, qwt=0.0005, iqopt=2
0 3
8 0
1 0
1 2
The lines contain the following information:
Control keywords
Weight of the molecule
Name of the molecule
Total charge, number of atoms
Atom number Fitting_number
Valid fitting_numbers are:
-n fixed charge (to the one in file qin)
0 free charge
n the charge is constrained to be the same as
the one of atom #n.
The keywords mean:
ihfree (0 = hydrogen atoms are restrained; 1 = not restrained)
qwt (wheight of the constraint. Use 0.0005 for stage 1 and 0.0001
for stage 2)
iqopt (1 = set all initial charges to 0; 2 = read initial
charges from -q (qin)
irstrnt (0 = harmonic restraints; 1 = hyperbolic
restraints, default)
nmol (number of molecules, i.e. different conformations)
5. Run resp:
resp -O -i -o resp.out -q qin -e resp.pot
6. Fix the charge of all atoms except carbons with more
than one hydrogen (methyl and methylene groups).
Constrain hydrogens bound to the same
carbon to have equal charges.
Change qwt=0.001.
Do this in resp.in1.
There is now already a template resp.in1 file (from changepot)
that is correct, provided that hydrogen atoms come after their
respective heavy atom. Othewise, you have to this by hand.
cp qout qin1
&cntrl ihfree=0, qwt=0.001, iqopt=2
0 6
6 0
1 0
1 2
1 2
8 -1
1 -1
7. Run resp again:
resp -O -i resp.in1 -o resp.out1 -q qin1 -e resp.pot
The result is found in file resp.out1
Add extra charge constraints
(e.g. of capping ACE and NME groups):
Add these directly after the atoms line, without any blank line
Example with four charge constraints for a Zn(His)2(H2O)2 site, with
capped His groups (constraint in bold at the end):
Charges for HHWW site from
ihfree=0, qwt=0.0005, iqopt=2
2 65
1 0
6 0
1 0
1 0
6 0
8 0
7 0
1 0
6 0
1 0
6 0
1 0
1 0
6 0
7 0
1 0
6 0
1 0
7 0
6 0
1 0
6 0
8 0
7 0
1 0
6 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
6 0
1 0
1 0
6 0
8 0
7 0
1 0
6 0
1 0
6 0
1 0
1 0
6 0
7 0
1 0
6 0
1 0
7 0
6 0
1 0
6 0
8 0
7 0
1 0
6 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
30 0
8 0
1 0
1 61
8 0
1 0
1 64
6 0.0
1 3 1
4 1 5
1 6
6 0.0
25 1 26
1 27 1
28 1 29
6 0.0
31 1 32
1 33 1
34 1 35
6 0.0
54 1 55
1 56 1
57 1 58
How to run a Resp calculation with multiple conformations
- Run changepot on all Gaussian files for each configuration.
Save the potentials in different files
- Concatenate all potential files to one single file
cat files >espot (if you use this file name, you do
not need to have a -e flag)
- Add
to the &cntrl list in
- Add a section:
0 3
8 0
1 0
1 2
for each molecule.
The first line is a general weight for the molecule (preferably
the Boltzmann weight based on the total energy (in solution or
in a MD simulation).
The second line is the name of the molecule.
The third row is the total charge and the number of atoms as
The rest of the rows are the normal atom number - charge
constraints rows.
There should be one blank row between each molecule.
- Finally, after two blank rows, add a section which equates
the charge of the same atom in all molecules.
The program /teo/ulf/Bin/respconfig generates these
row (fixed format).
You just give the number of atoms and number of molecules.
The format is two rows for each atom (16i5), the first with the
number of constraints = number of molecules, and the
second is the constraint: molecule_1 atom_1, molecule_2 atom_2,
1 1
2 1 3
1 4 1
5 1 6 1
1 2
2 2 3
2 4 2
5 2 6 2
1 3
2 3 3
3 4 3
5 3 6 3
- Then run the two stage RESP as usual.
It seems that there are some error in the code if the weights
differ from 1.0. Then the residual sum can become negative,
giving NAN for the stddev and rrms. I do not know if the results
are correct.
RESP with Turbomole
- Optimise the structure with QM.
- If it is an UHF calculation, you need to have natural
orbitals. If you do not:
Insert into the control file the following keywords and rerun
ridft (dscf):
$natural orbitals
$natural orbital
occupation file=natural
- Run makepoints
to get the points where you will calculate the electrostatic
potential (ESP).
Select Turbomole (t), Ball (b), 3.0, 0.3, ChelpG (c), 10000, 8 Å,
and Turbomole (non-default values highlighted).
This gives the file esppoints.
Note that moloch only writes out at the most 10 000 ESP points.
If you want more than that, you need to construct several files
and concatenate the results.
Therefore, you should probably modify the distance between the
points (in green
above), until you get approximately 10 000 points.
Old version (<5.8):
- Insert the suggested rows into the control file (in the
beginning to avoid already existing keywords).
- Run moloch (RHF) or moloch2 (UHF) to get the potentials and
also the Mulliken charges.
moloch2 is stupid and does not copy the file esppoints to the
new directory. Therefore, you have to do:
cd moloch_n_dir
cp ../esppoints .
The calculation takes ~30 minutes and the result is in moloch_n_dir/moloch.out.
- This file can be read by changepot as detailed above.
With the new (>5.7) version of
Turbomole, some changes are needed:
- Insert in the control file
$pointval geo=point pot fmt=xyz
and then the list of coordinates from the file esppoints
- Run
ridft -proper >logm
- The results is in the file
How to ensure that RESP can read more than 9999 potential
by Matteo Guglielmi 090824
vim ${AMBERHOME}/src/antechamber/espgen.c
# 207c207
# < fprintf(fpout, "%5d%5d%5d\n", tmpint1, tmpint2, 0);
# ---
# > fprintf(fpout, "%10d%10d%10d\n", tmpint1, tmpint2, 0);
vim ${AMBERHOME}/src/resp/resp.f
# 927,928c927,928
# < read(10,'(2i5)') inat,nesp
# < WRITE(6,'(/,t2,a,i3,/,t2,a,i5,/,t2,a,i5)')
# ---
# > read(10,'(2i10)') inat,nesp
# > WRITE(6,'(/,t2,a,i3,/,t2,a,i5,/,t2,a,i10)')
vim ${AMBERHOME}/src/sander/sander.f
# 1046,1048c1046,1048
# < read (dat_unit,'(3i5)')inat,nesp,idum
# < write(6,'(t2,''inat = '',i5)')inat
# < write(6,'(t2,''nesp = '',i5)')nesp
# ---
# > read (dat_unit,'(3i10)')inat,nesp,idum
# > write(6,'(t2,''inat = '',i10)')inat
# > write(6,'(t2,''nesp = '',i10)')nesp
# 1050,1051c1050,1051
# < write(new_unit,'(2i5)')inat,nesp
# < write(minus_new_unit,'(2i5)')inat,nesp
# ---
# > write(new_unit,'(2i10)')inat,nesp
# > write(minus_new_unit,'(2i10)')inat,nesp
vim ~/bin/CHANGEPOT/changepot.f
# 216c216
# < 111 format(2i5)
# ---
# > 111 format(2i10)
... and then recompile the whole amber9 package.
1. CI Bayly et al, J. Phys. Chem. 97(93)10269.
2. WD Cornell et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115(93)9620.