Quantum mechanical thermodynamic cycle perturbation.
This method was described in

QTCP input file
QTCP output and comments
Link to CHARMM version

How to start a QTCP calculation, based on a QM/MM reaction

Goto pKa calculation
Goto redox calculation
Goto pKa2
Goto redox 2QM
Goto pKa2 2QM
Goto QTCP free

Automatic procedure

If you want to include intermediate steps in the charge and coordinate perturbations, use the redox calculations instead (or the pka2 calculations if you move protons).
  1. Ensure that you have run qmmmpbsa-ptch for the substrate and product states, and that the results are in the Ptch subdirectories.

  2. Make a directory where you want to have all the calculations (it may be anywhere in the file system).

  3. Construct a leap.in file for the full system.
    Sample of leap commants (for more information see the equilibration page).
    The leap.in file should be placed in the directory in point 2 and it may contain a reference to a directory with *.in and *.dat files by the addPath command
    addPath directory
    It should include a solvation command, like
    solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 3
    Do not forget to include possible extra bond within the protein.
    The name of the pdb file should be pdb3-cq

  4. Construct a file qtcp-input (in the directory in point 2) with the following lines:
    $subdir=direcory of the QM/MM calculations of the substrate state (with Ptch subdirectory).
    $proddir=direcory of the QM/MM calculations of the product state (with Ptch subdirectory).
    $comres=number of the most central residue.
    $solvacc=path and name of the solvacc file (if you already have a solvacc file for this protein)

    If you do not want to add TER within the protein, you can also include

  5. If you have Fe ions that may be swapped (nitrogenase and FeS clusters), run the program mkswaplist with $reddir/pdb3 as the first file and $oxdir/pdb3 as the second file and put the results in a file swap in the Qtcp directory.

  6. Run the script
    qtcp-1 >qtcp-1.out

    It will set up and run the first MD simulations for the Sub state.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from that directory.
    The script takes < 1 minute and should give no errors.
    After running the script, one job should be running (qsub1).
    Check thoroughly the tleap output

    tail -n 1 qtcp-1.out
    grep Error qtcp-1.out
    grep usage qtcp-1.out
    grep 'The charge on' qtcp-1.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-1.out

    "qtcp-1 ended successfully" should be the last line
    No Error
    No usage (problem with added bonds)
    Two lines with ~50 atoms
    Two lines; The last should be a integer

  7. When the MD simulations are finished (they typically take ~7 h), run the script
    It will set up all the other state and run the long MD simulations.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from that directory.

    The script takes < 1 minute and should give no errors.
    After running the script, 2 jobs should be running (qsub2 and qprod2).

    tail -n 1 qtcp-2.out
    grep Error qtcp-2.out
    grep 'Maximum junction' qtcp-2.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-2.out

    The last line should be "qtcp-2 ended successfully"
    No Error
    Maximum movement of junction atoms should be less than 0.5 Å.
    The total charge should be approximately unchanged

  8. When all the 2 MD simulations are finished (they typically take ~48 h), run the script
    It will set up and run the four QTCP calculations.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from that directory.
    It takes ~5 minutes without and ~30 minutes with the solvacc calculation.
    After running the script, 2 jobs should be running: qsub3 and 4 qprod3.

    ptraj gives some silly output for the 2 calculations:
    Residue labels:
    Checking coordinates: mdcrd5-unwrap

    cp: cannot stat `mos': No such file or directory
    (or alpha/beta) or auxbasis twice are also OK.

    tail -n 1 qtcp-3.out
    grep Error qtcp-3.out
    grep octahedron qtcp-3.out | wc
    grep 'Max dist' qtcp-3.out

    The last line should be "qtcp-2 ended successfully"
    No Error
    The second grep should give 2
    The third one should give similar values that are quite low <70 Å.

  9. All calculations are in the Sub and Prod subdirectories: QM perturbations in the files qtcp-qm.out and MM calculations in the files qtcp-mm.out
    Collect the results and tidy up with the script

    It will give you the file result with all results in tab-limited format
    It also removes unnecessary files (including mdcrd5-unwrap) and zip al files.

Manual procedure
  1. Start from a set of QM/MM structures (with protein fixed or free) along a reaction pathway.
    See the ComQum page for details.
    The final data is in prmtop3 and prmcrd3, as well as in the Turbomole files.

  2. Build a pdb file from the QM/MM calculations using changeparm using cqtopdb (already done if you have run qmmmpbsa).
  3. For each structure, calculate Turbomole >5.8 ESP chages. (see Turbomole page).
    If you have run qmmmpbsa-ptch,  this is already done in the Ptch directory, file logm.

    mkdir Esp
    cp control coord basis energy mos alpha beta auxbasis comqum.dat pdb3 prmtop3 Esp
    cd Esp
    kdg esp_fit
    kdg vdw_radii
    kdg pointcharges

    mv control c0
    cat >control <<EOF
    shell 75000 -0.57
    shell 75000 -0.38
    shell 75000 -0.19
    shell 75000  0.00
    shell 75000  0.19
    shell 75000  0.38
    shell 75000  0.57
    shell 75000  2.46
    shell 75000  4.35
    shell 75000 11.91
     h  3.85504
     c  4.81880
     n  4.81880
     o  4.49755
     s  5.62193
     mn 6.42507
     fe 6.42507
     co 6.42507
     ni 6.42507
     cu 6.42507
     zn 6.42507
    cat c0 >>control

    and then run
    ridft -proper >logm

    Obsolete version with CHELP-BOW charges

  4. For a single structure (the central one, e.g. the transition state) do the following points 4-12 (it also has to be done if the number of atoms are different in the other structures, e.g. for pKa calculations):
    (Jump to the other structures)
    mkdir Qtcp
    cd Qtcp

  5. Insert TER in this file between different subunits and non-standard residues.
    cp ../pdb3 pdb3_cq
    changepdb <<EOF

  6. Run leap to fully solvate the protein with solvent molecules reaching at least 3 Å (they are typically already solvated in a sphere) outside the protein. (if this is not already the case). You cannot use a belly with spherical systems and reaction field (igb=10), therefore, we prefer to run these calculations with constant pressure and PME in truncated ocahedron.
    solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 3
    Sample of leap commants (for more information see the equilibration page).
    Copy needed *.in and *.dat files from /away/bio/Data/Amber.
    Do not forget to include extra bonds.
    This should give you the files prmtop and prmcrd.

  7. If there are metal sites or other residues with unusual charges, modify these back to those in the QM/MM calculation:
    changeparm <<EOF
    Check carefully the charges so that you got those you wanted.
  8. Build a pdb file from the amber files with changeparm
    This should also be performed for the other structures.
    changeparm <<EOF

  9. Calculate the total charge in this file
    changepdb >oldtotch <<EOF

    cat oldtotch
  10. Run changepdb on this pdbout file to insert the QM charges from step 3.
    changepdb <<EOF


  11. Check thoroughly that the total charge of the two files pdbout and pdbnew are the same (changepdb, command cc).
    changepdb >newtotch <<EOF

    cat newtotch

    If not, insert into comqum.dat the residual charge of each of the quantum residues (the first number is the number of residues, then the residue number and residual charge of each residue is given). Then rerun the previous point.
     652 -1

    Check that the total charge is an integer. If not add the residual charge (owing to rounding-off errors) to one or several atoms.

  12. Change the charges in prmtop:
    changeparm <<EOF

    Other structures charge correction ends here

  13. Start the sander calculations (see template files below):
    You can automatically get the belly group by changepdb, command be (from $correspondance_list in comqum.dat).

    1. 100 steps of steepest decent MM minimisation with all heavy atoms restrained to the original QM/MM structure.
      sander -i sander.in0 -o sander.out0 -r mdrest0 -c prmcrd -ref prmcrd

    2. 20 ps MD simulation at constant volume, still with heavy atoms restrained.
      sander -i sander.in1 -o sander.out1 -r mdrest1 -c mdrest0 -ref prmcrd

    3. 20 ps MD simulation at constant pressure, still with heavy atoms restrained.
      sander -i sander.in2 -o sander.out2 -r mdrest2 -c mdrest1 -ref prmcrd

    4. 50 ps MD equilibration with only the quantum system (or only heavy-atoms in the QM system) restrained, constant pressure
      sander -i sander.in3 -o sander.out3 -r mdrest3 -c mdrest2 -ref mdrest2

  14. Correct the quantum system and make mdrest files for all structures (the QM system cannot be fixed in the constant-pressure calculations):

    1. Construct the file pdb3, from mdrest3 and prmtop in the MD directory:

    2. Construct a pdb file with the original QM/MM coordinates (identical to those in the QM file coord).
      This is the pdb3_cq file from above.

    3. Make a rms fit of pdb _cq towards pdb3, using changepdb, fitting only the heavy atoms in the QM system (which were restrained in the sander.in3 calculation).
      changepdb <<EOF


      If you did not define any belly in sander.in3, you can instead use the comqum.dat file and include or ignore H atoms, depending on what you restrained.

    4. Construct a mdrest file with the quantum system exactly correct:
      cp mdrest3 mdrest3_old

      modrest <<EOF


      Typical movements are 0.25 Å average and 0.5 Å maximum

    5. For all the other structures:
      mkdir Qtcp
      cd Qtcp
      cp ../comqum.dat .

      cp q transf prmtop mdrest3 sander.in4 sander.in5 from the original directory 

    6. Then run modrest in the same way (not needed for charge perturbation)
      or the number of the mismatching atom (if atoms are added or delted)

      Check that the junction atoms do not move more than 0.01 Å

    7. Fix the charges in the prmtop file as in points 8-12 above (in a charge perturbation you instead need to include the proper prmtop_lambda file).
      If the number of atoms or anything else has changed more, you need to build a new prmtop file and ensure that the number of atoms corresponds exactly to that in the mdrest3 file (do points 4-6, above, also (e.g. for pKa calculations).

    8. Run sander.in4 and sander.in5 for all systems
      200 ps MD equilibration with the quantum system fixed; constant volume
      sander -i sander.in4 -o sander.out4 -r mdrest4 -c mdrest3

      200 ps data collection with the quantum system fixed; constant volume
      sander -i sander.in5 -o sander.out5 -r mdrest5 -c mdrest4
      -e mden5 -x mdcrd5

    9. Wrap all water molecules to the primary periodix box, centering it around the protein. This is done with ptraj and the following script (note that the protein is not moved).
      ptraj prmtop ptraj.in

      This is the file ptraj.in:
      trajin mdcrd5
      trajout mdcrd5_wrap trajectory
      image origin center familiar com :411

      Old (do not use):
      trajin mdcrd5
      trajout mdcrd5_wrap trajectory
      image center :WAT byres familiar com :1-217

      For a small molecule in water and with calcqtcpfreee2, this may be better (which first centres the molecule to the origin and then wrap all water around it):
      trajin mdcrd5

      trajout mdcrd5_wrap trajectory
      center :1 origin
      image origin center :WAT byres familiar com :1

      ptraj contains bugs and often gives wrong results. Always check one of the pdb5 files.
      Sometimes it helps to remove origin, sometimes it helps to change the ptraj version.

  15. When all the simulations are run, free energies should be calculated.
    These calculations depend somewhat on the system.
    For a standard reaction-path calculation, a program is present, calcqtcp, which calculates the needed energies by calling Turbomole a great number of times.
    For other perturbations, you may need to modify the code slightly.
    The program calcqtrcpfreee does the same thing, using sander (so that you can use boundary conditions, etc.).

    For the calcqtcp calculation, you need to set up a number of files before starting the program:

    1. Check that you have the comqum.dat file in the current directory (this is probably already the case)
      cp ../comqum.dat .

    2. If you will run also vertical (QM) energies (they are only needed for the start and end points), you need to check that you have all the standard Turbomole files in the current directory:


      cp ../alpha ../auxbasis ../basis ../beta ../coord ../control ../mos .
      cp alpha auxbasis basis beta coord control mos Qtcp

      Possibly, you may want to change the method or the basis sets to a cheeper one, before running QTCP.

      You should also copy the coord file to c0 (the coord file will be overwritten)
      cp coord c0

      Finally, you need a file with the original QM charges of the QM system (i.e. with unmodified charges on the junction atoms, so that the sum of the charges of the QM system is an integer).
      Currently, this file can be in free format with one charge on each line (no title) or a charmm streamfile format.
      It can be constructed from the reamul file by simply cutting out the column Fitted

    3. For calcqtcpfreee (but not calcqtcp) you also need a sander.in file (see here).

    4. Add QTCP keywords to the comqum.dat file (see below).

    5. Consequently, you need the following files:



    6. If you will scale down solvent-accessible charges (as you normally should), run program changeparm for one typical structure.


      Then, check the buried charges in this file thoroughly, so see that they really are buried (there often some problems). If not change them.
      Run changepdb, command bc on the pdb5 file to get a second opinion. Then check all unclear cases with a pdb viewer. Nothing directly connected to the QM system should be of type Charged.
      Save the file with the name solvacc

    7. Now, you are ready to run the program calcqtcp

      There are two versions of this program:
      The first (calcqtcpfreee) uses sander for the MM energy calculations.
      This means that you can employ boundary conditions, PME, etc. On the other hand, it may be too big for the computer memory.
      The input to this program is:


      The otherversion is calcqtcp. This is the preferred version normally.
      It calculates all MM energies with internal code (from changeparm):
      This means that it always uses a non-periodic calculation with an infinite cut-off.
      It also calculates the components of the MM energies (i.e. the contribution to the free energy from each QM atom and form each MM residue.
      The input file is comqum.dat, as discussed above.

    8. The output of these two programs are in the stdout file, as well as in the files: comp_qtcp, mmen_qtcp1, mmen_qtcp2, and qmen_qtcp.
      comp_qtcp contains the components of each energy difference in each snapshot (bonds, angles, dihedrals, van der Waals, and electrostatics).
      mmen_qtcp1 and mmen_qtcp2 contain the energy difference of the perturbation in each step, in the forward (1) and backward (2) direction.
      qmen_qtcp contains the MM->QM energy difference in each snapshot.

      In stdout, the free energy is given for the three perturbations.
      However, better statistics and energies can be obtained with the programs helmholtz.py and bennets.py, which directly reads the files mmen_qtcp1, mmen_qtcp2, and qmen_qtcp.

      For example:
      helmholtz.py de=mmen_qtcp1 kt=2.4930

      You can also use postqtcp for this.

    9. It is useful to check that you have made the proper links by checking the rows:
      Perturbation 1, average difference from 0:   0.0255 A; for junctions    0.0009 A
      Perturbation 2, average difference from 0:   0.0364 A; for junctions    0.0016 A
      Average absolute change:       0.0061           0.0105
      They should give the same values (within 0.0001, except for junctions) for the forward and backward perturbations. 

How to start a pKa calculation

We run such calculations in three separate steps: the charges, the vdWaals parameters, and the coordinates. Thus, we will assume that we will go from state H to state O (where the H state contains the extra H atom) and we will denote the state by a vector of three variables: (charges, vdW_params, coords). Note that the first two concerns the prmtop file and the last one the mdrest/prmcrd/mdcrd file.
Thus the initial and final states are (HHH) and (OOO) and we will run the simulations:
HHH -> OHH -> ODH -> OOH -> OOO
Here, D denotes a state with a dummy atom. The ODH->OOH step will not be simulated, but calculated analytical.
  1. Select a "central" state (e.g. HHH) and follow points 1-14 for that state.

  2. For the other stable state (e.g. OOO), you need to build up a new prmtop file (because there is one proton less). This is done in point 4-7 above.
    Then run the charge corrections in points 8-12 above and finally the MD simulations in points 14:5-8 above.
    Do not forget to include the deleted atom into the belly lists of sander.in4 and 5.

  3. Build the prmtop file for the (OHH) state.
    It should be identical to the HHH file, but with charges of the QM system set to those of the OOO state,  with a hydrogen atom zeroed.
    export odir= set it to the directory where the MD simulation of the OOO state was run
    export hdir= set it to the directory where the MD simulation of the HHH state was run (probably ../..)
    mkdir To_ooo
    cd To_ooo
    mkdir Ohh
    cd Oh

    cp $odir/pdb5_wrap  pdb5-ooo-dummy
    Insert the missing H atom at the right position in this pdb5-ooo-dummy file. The coordinates should be the same as in the $hdir/pdb5_wrap file but the charge should be 0.

    Run changeparm
    changeparm <<EOF


    Copy the coordinates from the HHH directory
    cp $hdir/comqum.dat $hdir/mdrest3 $hdir/q $hdir/qq $hdir/solvacc $hdir/sander.in? .

    Start the MD simulations:
    sander -i sander.in4 -o sander.out4 -r mdrest4 -c mdrest3
    sander -i sander.in5 -o sander.out5 -r mdrest5 -c mdrest4 -e mden5 -x mdcrd5

    If the perturbation involves a change in the net charge, you should split this step into several small steps, typicall 8.

    And then move each file to a separate directory, copy the needed files and start the two MD simulations for each.
    mkdir Q12 Q25 Q38 Q50 Q62 Q75 Q88
    mv prmtop_0.12 Q12/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.25 Q25/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.38 Q38/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.50 Q50/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.62 Q62/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.75 Q75/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.88 Q88/prmtop
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc Q12
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc Q25
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc Q38
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc Q50
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc Q62
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc Q75
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc Q88
    sbatch q
    cd Q12; sbatch q
    cd ../Q25; sbatch q
    cd ../Q38; sbatch q
    cd ../Q50; sbatch q
    cd ../Q62; sbatch q
    cd ../Q75; sbatch q
    cd ../Q88; sbatch q

  4. Build the prmtop files for the van der Waals OHH->ODH perturbation.
    QTCP works only if the dummy atom and its corresponding H atom have an unique atom type that changes during the perturbation. It may also be necessary to change its parameters slightly from any other avalable Amber atom type, otherwise QTCP will encounter problems.
    Therefore, new prmtop files have to be build from scratch using all the *.in and *.dat files.
    cd ..
    mkdir Oh-d
    cd Oh-d

    cp $hdir/*.in $hdir/*.dat $hdir/leapcom $hdir/pdb3_cq .
    Build a specific *in file for the group that will be deprotonated and use a specific parameter for the atom that will be deleted.
    Build a *dat file with the standard parameters for this atom type

    tleap -f leapcom

    Check that the number of atoms is the same as in the original prmtop file

    Modify the charges in the prmtop file with changeparm command m and the ../Oh/pdb5-ooo-dummy file


    Check that the energies are idential as for the original prmtop file (changeparm, command e, use the same coordinates)

    For this state, no MD simulation is needed (it is identical to that of the OH state), only the prmtop file.

    cp * ../Od
    cd ../Od
    modify the *dat file so that the vdW epsion (the second) parameter for the dummy atom is set to 0
    tleap -f leapcom

    Modify the charges in the prmtop file with changeparm command m and the ../pdb5-ooo-dummy file as above

    Copy the coordinates from the HH directory
    cp $hdir/comqum.dat $hdir/mdrest3 $hdir/transf $hdir/q $hdir/qq $hdir/solvacc $hdir/sander.in? .

    Start the MD simulations:
    sander -i sander.in4 -o sander.out4 -r mdrest4 -c mdrest3
    sander -i sander.in5 -o sander.out5 -r mdrest5 -c mdrest4 -e mden5 -x mdcrd5

  5. The prmtop file for the OOH state is identical to that of the OOO state, so it does not need to be built.

    However, the coordinates are somewhat more involved.
    cd ../Ooh
    cp $odir/prmtop .
    cp $hdir/comqum.dat $hdir/mdrest3 $hdir/transf $hdir/q $hdir/qq $hdir/solvacc $hdir/sander.in? .

    -6414  (the number of the atom to be deleted)

    Check that the junction atoms do not move more than 0.01 Å

    Delete the extra atom from the comqum.dat file
    Include the extra atom in the belly list in sander.in4 and sander.in5

  6. When all MD simulations are finished,
    wrap all the mdcrd5 files:
    ptraj prmtop ptraj.in

    This is the file ptraj.in:
    trajin mdcrd5
    trajout mdcrd5_wrap trajectory
    image origin center familiar com :411

    Then run 8 QTCP calculations (6 MM and 2 QM):
    HHH <-QM- HHH <-->OHH <--> ODH ; OOH<-->OOO -QM-> OOO

    For all perturbations, you need the
    comqum.dat and solvacc files
    Check the residue names in the solvacc file. They must be the same as in the prmtop file.

    For the QM perturbations, you also need the
    control coord basis energy mos alpha beta auxbasis files, as well as the
    c0 file, that is simply a copy of the coord file (cp coord c0), and the
    qm_charges file, which is a copy of the ESP fit file for this state, but, only the lines for the QM atoms, with the ESP charges in the first position (template).

Automatic procedure for pKa

Note that we use 200+400 ps productions here with a sampling frequency of 2 ps.
  1. Ensure that you have run qmmmpbsa-ptch for the HHH and OOO states, and that the results are in the Ptch subdirectories.

  2. Make a directory where you want to have all the calculations. It may be anywhere in the file system.

  3. Construct a leap.in file that works for the HHH, OOO, ODH states (i.e. it should contain *.in and *.dat files for the residue to be deprotonated in the protonated, deprotonate, and dummy-atom state).
    Sample of leap commants (for more information see the equilibration page).
    The file should be placed in the directory in point 2 and be called leap.in.
    Do not forget to include possible extra bond within the protein.

    The name of the pdb file should be pdb3-cq

    It should include a solvation command, like
    solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 3
    (which will be changed to
    solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 0 1000
    automatically for the other two files)

  4. Construct a file qtcp-input (in the directory in point 2) with the following lines:
    protdir=direcory of the QM/MM calculations of the protonated state (HHH; with a Ptch subdirectory).
    deprotdir=direcory of the QM/MM calculations of the deprotonated state (OOO; with a Ptch subdirectory).
    comres=number of the most central residue.
    solvacc=path and name of the solvacc file (if you already have a solvacc file for thsi protein)
    hatom= number of the atom to delete in the deprotonation
    dumres=the name of the residue with a dummy atom

    If you do not want to add TER within the protein, you can also include

  5. Run the script
    qtcp-pka-1 >qtcp-pka-1.out

    It will set up and run the first MD simulations for the HHH state.
    It will also set up the prmtop files for the OOO and ODH states.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from the directory in point 2.
    The script takes ~1 minute and should give no errors.
    After running the script, one job should be running (qred1).
    Check thoroughly the tleap outputs (Three times)

    tail -n 1 qtcp-pka-1.out
    grep Error qtcp-pka-1.out
    grep Added qtcp-pka-1.out
    grep usage qtcp-pka-1.out
    grep 'The charge on' qtcp-pka-1.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-pka-1.out
    grep 'More than one residue'

    "qtcp-pka-1 ended successfully" should be the last line
    No Error
    3*Added: First many residues, other two no residue
    No usage (problem with added bonds)
    Five lines, First and second with the number of QM atoms, 3rd-5th = first-1
    Five lines; First two with same charge before and after. The others one less (not for coupled reaction) and same before and after. It is also acceptable if the 1st, 3rd, and 5th lines are different before and after. All five lines should have the correct QM charge after, two first for the protonated state and three last for the deprotonated state.
    Normally, the should be no 'More than one residue', but it is allowed for coupled pKa and redox.

  6. When the MD simulations are finished (they typically take ~7 h), run the script
    It will set up all the other states and run the long MD simulations.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from the directory in point 2.
    mv: cannot stat `mdrest3-old': No such file or directory is a innocent warning.

    The script takes < 1 minute and should give no errors.
    After running the script, 15 jobs should be running (qhhh2, qooo2, qohh-md, q12-md, q25-md, q38-md, q50-md, q62-md, q75-md, q88-md. qodh, qooh, qc25-md, qc50-md, and c75-md).

    tail -n 1 qtcp-pka-2.out
    grep Error qtcp-pka-2.out
    grep 'Final RMS' qtcp-pka-2.out
    grep 'Maximum junction' qtcp-pka-2.out
    grep 'Total charge =' qtcp-pka-2.out
    grep 'charges will be modified' qtcp-pka-2.out
    grep 'The coordinates of' qtcp-pka-2.out

    "qtcp-pKa-2 ended successfully" should be the last line
    No Error
    Final RMS should be quite small (~0.1 Å)
    No junction atoms should move more than 0.5 Å twice
    The total charge: should decrease by 1 (if not coupled with redox).
    The QM atom charges only should be modified.
    Likewise the corrdinates of the QM atoms should move (two last times one less than the first time).

  7. When all the 15 MD simulations are finished (they typically take ~48 h), run the script
    It will set up and run all the QTCP calculations.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from that directory.
    It takes ~15 minutes without and ~1 hour with the solvacc calculation.
    After running the script, 17 jobs should be running: qhhh3, qhhh4, qooo3, qooo4, qohh4 qodh, 8 qq, and 4 qc.

    Some versions of ptraj give some silly output for each of the 15 calculations:
    Residue labels:
    Checking coordinates: mdcrd5-unwrap

    cp: cannot stat `mos': No such file or directory
    (or alpha/beta) twice is also OK.

    tail -n 1 qtcp-pka-3.out
    grep Error qtcp-pka-3.out
    grep octahedron qtcp-pka-3.out | wc
    grep 'Max dist' qtcp-pka-3.out

    qtcp-pka-3 ended successfully should be the last line
    No Error
    The grep should give 15
    The fourth one should give 15 similar values that are quite low <70 Å.

  8. Collect the results and tidy up with the script
    It will give you the file result with all results in tab-limited format
    It also removes unnecessary files (including mdcrd5-unwrap) and zip al files.

  9. You may rerun the MM perturbations with alternative long-range solvation using the script
    To run it, you add the following two keywords to file qtcp-input:
    # A suffix to be added to all new file names (good to start with a hyphen)
    igb=0          # Number of igb (0 = Born, 1,2,5,7 = GB, 10 = PB; 20 = Delphi)
    You run it by

    gunzip */*.gz
    . qtcp-input
    qtcp-pka-3n >qtcp-pka-3n$suffix.out

    It should set up all needed files and start 16 QTCP calculations.

    When all calculations are finished, you can collect the results with (note that suffix is read from qtcp-input):

How to start a redox-potential calculation

We run such calculations in two separate steps: the charge and the coordinate perturbation. We will assume that we go from state R (reduced) to state O (oxidised). We also assume that the two states have exactly the same atoms. If the reduction is coupled to a proton transfer, follow instead the pKa calculations. We will denote the state by a vector of two variables: (charges, coords). Note that the first concerns the prmtop file and the second one the mdrest/prmcrd/mdcrd (coordinate) file.
Thus the initial and final states are RR and OO and we will run the simulations:
RR -> OR -> OO
  1. Select a "central" state (e.g. RR and follow points 1-14 for that state.

  2. For the other state (e.g. OO) run the charge corrections in points 8-12 above and then the MD simulations in points 14:5-8 above.
    Do not forget to include the deleted atom into the belly lists of sander.in4 and 5.

  3. Start calculations for the OR state.
    The prmtop file is simply that of the OO state
    odir= set it to the directory where the MD simulation of the OO state was run
    rdir= set it to the directory where the MD simulation of the RR state was run
    mkdir To_oo
    cd To_oo
    mkdir Or
    cd Or

    cp $odir/prmtop  .

    Copy the coordinates from the RR directory
    cp $rdir/comqum.dat $rdir/mdrest3 $rdir/q $hdir/qq $rdir/solvacc $rdir/sander.in? .

    IYou should split this step into several small steps, typicall 8.
    changeparm <<EOF

    And then move each file to a separate directory, copy the needed files and start the two MD simulations for each.
    mkdir Q12 Q25 Q38 Q50 Q62 Q75 Q88
    mv prmtop_0.12 Q12/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.25 Q25/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.38 Q38/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.50 Q50/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.62 Q62/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.75 Q75/prmtop
    mv prmtop_0.88 Q88/prmtop
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc ptraj.in Q12
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc
    ptraj.in Q25
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc
    ptraj.in Q38
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc
    ptraj.in Q50
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc
    ptraj.in Q62
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc
    ptraj.in Q75
    cp comqum.dat mdrest3 q qq sander.in? solvacc
    ptraj.in Q88
    sbatch q
    cd Q12; sbatch q
    cd ../Q25; sbatch q
    cd ../Q38; sbatch q
    cd ../Q50; sbatch q
    cd ../Q62; sbatch q
    cd ../Q75; sbatch q
    cd ../Q88; sbatch q

  4. When the MD simulations are finished,
    wrap all the mdcrd5 files:
    ptraj prmtop ptraj.in

    This is the file ptraj.in:
    trajin mdcrd5
    trajout mdcrd5_wrap trajectory
    image origin center familiar com :411

    Then run 20 QTCP calculations (18 MM and 2 QM):
     RR <-QM- RR <-->OR <-->OO -QM-> OO

    For all perturbations, you need the
    comqum.dat and solvacc files
    Check the residue names in the solvacc file. They must be the same as in the prmtop file.

    For the QM perturbations, you also need the
    control coord basis energy mos alpha beta auxbasis files, as well as the
    c0 file, that is simply a copy of the coord file (cp coord c0), and the
    qm_charges file, which is a copy of the ESP fit file for this state, but, only the lines for the QM atoms, with the ESP charges in the first position (template).

    For the charge perturbation, $prmtop1 should be different
    For the coordinate perturbation $coord1 should be different.

Automatic procedure for redox calculations

This procedure is appropriate also for standard reactions, if you want to use intermediate steps for the charge and coordinate perturbations.
Note that we use 200+400 ps productions here with a sampling frequency of 2 ps.

  1. Ensure that you have run qmmmpbsa-ptch for the RR and OO states, and that the results are in the Ptch subdirectories.

  2. Make a directory where you want to have all the calculations.

  3. Construct a directory with all needed *in and *dat files, as well as a template leap.in file.
    Sample of leap commants (for more information see the equilibration page).
    The leap.in file should be placed in the directory in point 2 and it should contain a reference to this directory by the addPath command
    addPath directory
    It should read in all needed *in and *dat files
    And it should include a solvation command, like
    solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 3
    Do not forget to include possible extra bond within the protein.
    The name of the pdb file should be pdb3-cq.
    If you need a special leaprc file, put it in the same directory and ensure that the name starts with leaprc.

    You test it in the fourth point and you can clean up by simply removing the Red directory and deleting the job qred1.

  4. Construct a file qtcp-input (in the directory in point 2) with the following lines:
    reddir=directory of the QM/MM calculations of the reduced state (with Ptch subdirectory).
    oxdir=directory of the QM/MM calculations of the oxidised state (with Ptch subdirectory).
    comres=number of the most central residue.
    solvacc=path and name of the solvacc file (if you already have a solvacc file for thsi protein)

    Note that the paths must be absolute, not relative

    If you do not want to add TER within the protein, you can also include

    If you want to run several independent calculations with different starting velocities, you should set

  5. If you have Fe ions that may be swapped (nitrogenase and FeS clusters), run the program mkswaplist with $reddir/pdb3 as the first file and $oxdir/pdb3 as the second file and put the results in a file swap in the Qtcp directory.

  6. Run the script
    qtcp-redox-1 > qtcp-redox-1.out

    It will set up and run the first MD simulations for the Red state.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from that directory.
    The script takes < 1 minute and should give no errors.
    After running the script, one job should be running (qred1).
    Check thoroughly the tleap output

    tail -n 1 qtcp-redox-1.out
    grep Error qtcp-redox-1.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-redox-1.out

    The last line should be: qtcp-redox-1 ended successfully
    No errors
    Two lines: the charge should be the same before and after (and also the same on both lines.

    If there are water molecules or hydride ions in the QM system, these need to be explicitly (by hand) included in the restraint masks in the sander.in1 and 2 files:
    restraintmask="(!:WAT & !@H=) | :647,789,897,1556,1601"
    otherwise, they will move and give problems in the next step.

  7. When the MD simulations are finished (they typically take ~7 h), run the script
    It will set up all the other states and run the long MD simulations.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from that directory.

    The script takes < 1 minute and should give no errors.
    After running the script, 13 jobs should be running (qred2,, q12, q25, q38, q50, q62, q75, q88. qor, qc25, qc50, c75, and qox).

    tail -n 1 qtcp-redox-2.out
    grep Error qtcp-redox-2.out
    grep 'Final RMS' qtcp-redox-2.out
    grep 'Maximum junction' qtcp-redox-2.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-redox-2.out
    grep 'charges will be modified' qtcp-redox-2.out
    grep 'The coordinates of' qtcp-redox-2.out

    The last line should be qtcp-redox-2 ended successfully
    No errors
    The Final RMS should be rather small (~0.1 Å):
    Junction atoms do not move more than 0.01 Å twice (can sometimes be somewhat larger, up to 0.5 Å).
    Total charge: First and last entry should be integer.
    Only the QM atom charges and coordinates are changed.

  8. When all the 13 MD simulations are finished (they typically take ~48 h; you can check it by
    ll */mdcrd5-unwrap
    Run the script
    It will set up and run all the QTCP calculations.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from that directory.
    It takes ~15 minutes without and ~1 hour with the solvacc calculation.
    After running the script, 16 jobs should be running: qred3, qred4, qox3, qox4, 8 qq, and 4 qc.

    ptraj gives some silly output for each of the 13 calculations:
    Residue labels:
    Checking coordinates: mdcrd5-unwrap

    cp: cannot stat `mos': No such file or directory
    (or alpha/beta) twice is also OK.

    tail -n 1 qtcp-redox-3.out
    grep Error qtcp-redox-3.out
    grep octahedron qtcp-redox-3.out | wc
    grep 'Max dist' qtcp-redox-3.out

    The last line should be qtcp-redox-3 ended successfully
    No errors.
    The third grep should give 13
    The fourth one should give similar values that are quite low <70 Å.

  9. Collect the results and tidy up with the script
    qtcp-redox-4 -nozip
    The option -nozip avoids the zipping step.
    Vertical calculations are in Red and Ox/qtcp-qm.out
    MM calculations are in the following subdirectories
    Red/qtcp-ch.out, Q12, Q25, Q38, Q50, Q62, Q75, Q88, Or/qtcp-charge.out for charge perturbation (TI)
    Or/qtcp-coord.out, C25, C50, andC75/qtcp.out, and Ox/qtcp-ch.out for coordinate perturbation (FEP).
    It will give you the file result with all results in tab-limited format
    It also removes unnecessary files (including mdcrd5-unwrap) and zip al files.

  10. You may rerun the MM perturbations with alternative long-range solvation using the script
    To run it, you add the following two keywords to file qtcp-input:
    # A suffix to be added to all new file names
    igb=0            # Number of igb (0 = Born, 1,2,5,7 = GB, 10 = PB; 20 = Delphi)

    You run it by
    gunzip */*.gz
    . qtcp-input
    n >qtcp-redox-3n$suffix.out

    It should set up all needed files and start 11 QTCP calculations.

    When all calculations are finished, you can collect the results with (note that suffix is read from qtcp-input):

  11. Likewise, you may rerun the horizontal MM perturbations with alternative Ewald summation using the script

    To run it, you change the following keyword in file qtcp-input:
    # A suffix to be added to all new file names (good to start with a hyphen)

    Then, you run it by
    . qtcp-input
    qtcp-redox-3e >qtcp-redox-3$suffix.out

    It may give the innocent warning:
    mkdir: cannot create directory `../Orr': File exists

    It sets up all needed files and start 11 QTCP calculations. They typically take a few hours.

    When all calculations are finished, you can collect the results with (note that suffix is read from qtcp-input):
    which gives the results in the file results$suffix

Change the total simulation time:
cd Red; sed -i s/168/$new/ qred2; sbatch qred2
cd ../Ox; sed -i s/168/$new/ qox2; sbatch qox2
cd ../Or; sed -i s/168/$new/ qor-md; sbatch qor
cd ../C25; sed -i s/168/$new/ qc25-md; sbatch qc25-md
cd ../C50; sed -i s/168/$new/ qc50-md; sbatch qc50-md
cd ../C75; sed -i s/168/$new/ qc75-md; sbatch qc75-md
cd ../Q12; sed -i s/168/$new/ q12-md; sbatch q12-md
cd ../Q25; sed -i s/168/$new/ q25-md; sbatch q25-md
cd ../Q38; sed -i s/168/$new/ q38-md; sbatch q38-md
cd ../Q50; sed -i s/168/$new/ q50-md; sbatch q50-md
cd ../Q62; sed -i s/168/$new/ q62-md; sbatch q62-md
cd ../Q75; sed -i s/168/$new/ q75-md; sbatch q75-md
cd ../Q88; sed -i s/168/$new/ q88-md; sbatch q88-md

Automatic procedure for pKa2

This procedure is for the calculation of the reaction energy of a proton transfer from two sites within a single QM system, one that is protonated and the other one that is deprotonated.

We will use the following nomenclature with a four letter code:
State 1 is called A and has a proton in site 1, state 2 is called B and has a proton in site 2.
The first letter is the proton in site 1 (0=nothing; D=dummy vdW parameters; H=std H vdW parameters).
The second letter is the charges (A or B).
The third letter is the coordinates (A or B).
The fourth letter is the proton in site 2 (0=nothing; D=dummy vdW parameters; H=std H vdW parameters).
Thus, we go from the HAA0 state to the 0BBH state.

We will do it in the following steps:
HAA0 -> HAAD -> HAAH -> HBAH -> DBAH -> 0BAH ->0BBH
For the HAA0 state, we only do a QM perturbation.
The first arrow is done analytically.
The second arrow is a 1-step vdW perturbation
The third arrow is a 9-step charge perturbation
The fourth arrow is a second 1-step vdW perturbation
The fifth arrow is done analytically.
The last arrow is a 5-step coordinate perturbation.
Finally, we do a QM perturbation also for the 0BBH state

Six prmtop files are needed, viz. for states HAA0, HAAD, HAAH, HBAH, DBAH, and 0BAH=0BBH.
However, the HAAH and HBAH states are built by the same leap command (only the charges differ).
Three leap.in files are needed for each of the two protonatable residues, one protonated, one deprotonated, and one protonated, but with dummy vdW parameters for the proton.
  1. Ensure that you have run qmmmpbsa-ptch for the HAA0 and 0BBH states, and that the results are in the Ptch subdirectories.

  2. Make a directory where you want to have all the calculations. It may be anywhere in the file system.

  3. Construct a leap.in file that works for the HAA0, HAAD, HAAH, DBAH, and 0BBH states (i.e. it should contain *.in and *.dat files for three states of each of the protonated residues, i.e. protonated, deprotonated, and protonated with dummy vdW parameters for the proton).
    Sample of leap commants (for more information see the equilibration page).
    The *.in file with dummy parameters is constructed from the standard one by changing only the atom type of the H atom to DD and changing the residue name. You also need a *.dat file with MASS and NONB entires (typically from H) and BOND, ANGL, DIHE entries for all bonds, angles, and dihedrals involving the dummy atom. They should be simple copies with the atom type changed to DD (sample file).
    The file should be placed in the directory in point 2 and be called leap.in.
    Do not forget to include possible extra bond within the protein.

    The name of the pdb file should be pdb3-cq

    It should include a solvation command, like
    solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 3
    (which will be changed to
    solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 0 1000
    automatically for some files)

  4. Construct a file qtcp-input (in the directory in point 2) with the following lines:
    adir    =direcory of the QM/MM calculations of the A state (HAA0; with a Ptch subdirectory).
    bdir    =direcory of the QM/MM calculations of the B state (0BBH; with a Ptch subdirectory).
    comres  =number of the most central residue.
    solvacc =path and name of the solvacc file (if you already have a solvacc file for this protein). Note that the absolute path is always necessary (i.e. solvacc or ../solvacc is not OK).
    aextra   = number of the H atom in the A state
    bextra   = number of the H atom in the B state
    dumresa =the name of the first residue with a dummy atom
    dumresb =the name of the second residue with a dummy atom

    If you do not want to add TER within the protein, you can also include
    terval =3

  5. Run the script
    qtcp-pka2-1 >qtcp-pka
    It will set up and run the first MD simulations for the HAA0 state.
    It will also set up the prmtop files for the HAAD, HAAH, DBAH, and 0BBH states.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from the directory in point 2.
    The script takes ~1 minute and should give no errors.
    After running the script, one job should be running (qhaa01).
    Check thoroughly the tleap output.

    tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-1.out
    grep Error qtcp-pka2-1.out
    grep Added qtcp-pka2-1.out
    grep usage qtcp-pka2-1.out
    grep 'The charge on' qtcp-pka2-1.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-pka2-1.out
    grep 'More than one residue'

    "qtcp-pka2-1 ended successfully" should be the last line
    No Error
    Added many residues
    No usage (problem with added bonds)
    2 lines The charge on both with the total number of QM atoms (often less second time)
    2 lines Total charge should be same before and after at least the second time, or at least the same at the end both times
    Normally, there should be no 'More than one residue', but it is allowed for coupled pKa and redox.

  6. When the MD simulations are finished (they typically take ~7 h), run the script
    2-2 >qtcp-pka2-2.out
    It will set up all the other states and run the long MD simulations.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from the directory in point 2.
    mv: cannot stat `mdrest3-old': No such file or directory is a innocent warning.
    Check thoroughly the tleap outputs (4 times)

    The script takes ~1 minute and should give no errors.
    After running the script, 17 jobs should be running (qhaa02, qhaad-md, qhaah-md, q12-md, q25-md, q38-md, q50-md, q62-md, q75-md, q88-md, qhbah-md, qdbah-md, q0bah-md, qc25-md, qc50-md, c75-md, and q0bbh2).

    tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-2.out
    grep Error qtcp-pka2-2.out
    grep 'Final RMS' qtcp-pka2-2.out
    grep 'Maximum junction' qtcp-pka2-2.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-pka2-2.out
    grep 'charges will be modified' qtcp-pka2-2.out
    grep 'The coordinates of' qtcp-pka2-2.out
    grep Added qtcp-pka2-2.out
    grep usage qtcp-pka2-2.out
    grep 'The charge on' qtcp-pka2-2.out
    grep 'More than one residue'
    grep 'Atom dissimilar:' qtcp-pka2-2.out

    "qtcp-pKa2-2 ended successfully" should be the last line
    No Error
    Final RMS should be quite small (0.1-0.4 Å)
    5 lines Maximum junction; no junction should move more than 0.6 Å
    5 lines Total charge: The charges may change in all five lines but the final charge should be same in all cases.
    Charges of the QM system will be modified
    6 lines The coordinates of; 2*QM with a changed protonation (+-1), 2*QM (last one might be slightly lower)
    4 lines Added; no residue should be added
    No usage (problem with added bonds)
    5 lines The charge on; first and last with QM, the rest with one more (last one may be lower)
    No 'More than one residue', but it is allowed for coupled pKa and redox.
    No 'Atom dissimilar:'

  7. When all the 17 MD simulations are finished (they typically take ~48 h; check with ls -l */mdcrd5*; ls -l */mdcrd5* | wc), run the script
    It will set up and run all the QTCP calculations.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from that directory.
    It takes ~15 minutes without and ~1 hour with the solvacc calculation.
    After running the script, 20 jobs should be running: qhaa03, q0bbh3, qhaah-ch, 7 *qq, qhbah-ch, qhaad, qhaah-vdw, qhbah-vdw, qdbah, q0bbh4, q0bah, qc25, qc50, and qc75.

    Some versions of ptraj give some silly output for each of the 17 tleap calculations:
    Residue labels:
    Checking coordinates: mdcrd5-unwrap

    cp: cannot stat `mos': No such file or directory
    (or alpha/beta) twice is also OK.

    tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-3.out
    grep Error qtcp-pka2-3.out
    grep octahedron qtcp-pka
    2-3.out | wc
    grep 'Max dist' qtcp-pka2-3.out

    qtcp-pka2-3 ended successfully should be the last line
    No Error
    The grep should give 17 lines
    The Max dist = should give 17 similar values that are quite low <70 Å.

  8. Collect the results and tidy up with the script (note that the script is the same as for qm2)
    It will give you the file result with all results in tab-limited format
    When you are satisfied with the results, you can remove unnecessary files (including mdcrd5-unwrap) and zip al files with the command
    2-qm2-4 -dozip

    To check missing files:
    ls -l Haa0/qtcp.out 0bbh/qtcp-qm.out Haad/qtcp.out Haah/qtcp-vdw.out Haah/qtcp-ch.out Q12/qtcp.out Q25/qtcp.out Q38/qtcp.out Q50/qtcp.out Q62/qtcp.out Q75/qtcp.out Q88/qtcp.out Hbah/qtcp-ch.out Hbah/qtcp-vdw.out Dbah/qtcp.out 0bah/qtcp.out C25/qtcp.out C50/qtcp.out C75/qtcp.out 0bbh/qtcp-co.out;
    grep FINAL 0bah/qtcp.out 0bbh/qtcp-qm.out 0bbh/qtcp-co.out C25/qtcp.out C50/qtcp.out C75/qtcp.out Dbah/qtcp.out Haa0/qtcp.out Haad/qtcp.out Haah/qtcp-ch.out Haah/qtcp-vdw.out Hbah/qtcp-ch.out Hbah/qtcp-vdw.out Q12/qtcp.out Q25/qtcp.out Q38/qtcp.out Q50/qtcp.out Q62/qtcp.out Q75/qtcp.out Q88/qtcp.out

  9. You may rerun the horizontal MM perturbations with alternative long-range solvation using the script
    To run it, you add the following two keywords to file qtcp-input:
    # A suffix to be added to all new file names (good to start with a hyphen)
    igb=5          # Number of igb (0 = Born, 1,2,5,7 = GB, 10 = PB; 20 = Delphi PB)
    You run it by

    . qtcp-input
    qtcp-pka2-3n >qtcp-pka2-3n$suffix.out

    It should set up all needed files and start 18 QTCP calculations. They typically take 1-2 days for GB and a week for PB.

    When all calculations are finished, you can collect the results with (note that suffix is read from qtcp-input):
    which gives the results in the file results$suffix

  10. Likewise, you may rerun the horizontal MM perturbations with alternative Ewald summation using the script
    To run it, you add the following keyword to file qtcp-input:
    # A suffix to be added to all new file names (good to start with a hyphen)
    sed -i "s/gb5/ewald/" qtcp-input
    You run it by

    qtcp-pka2-3e >qtcp-pka2-3e.out

    It sets up all needed files and start 18 QTCP calculations. They typically take a few hours.

    When all calculations are finished, you can collect the results with (note that suffix is read from qtcp-input):
    which gives the results in the file results$suffix

Compact commands

qtcp-pka2-1 >qtcp-pka2-1.out; tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-1.out; grep Error qtcp-pka2-1.out; grep Added qtcp-pka2-1.out; grep usage qtcp-pka2-1.out; grep 'The charge on' qtcp-pka2-1.out; grep 'before and' qtcp-pka2-1.out; grep 'More than one residue' qtcp-pka2-1.out

ll Haa0/mdrest?

qtcp-pka2-2 >qtcp-pka2-2.out; tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep Error qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep 'Final RMS' qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep 'Maximum junction' qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep 'before and' qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep 'charges will be modified' qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep 'The coordinates of' qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep Added qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep usage qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep 'The charge on' qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep 'More than one residue' qtcp-pka2-2.out; grep 'Atom dissimilar:' qtcp-pka2-2.out

ll */mdcrd5-unwrap ; ll */mdcrd5-unwrap | wc

qtcp-pka2-3 >qtcp-pka2-3.out; tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-3.out; grep Error qtcp-pka2-3.out; grep octahedron qtcp-pka2-3.out | wc; grep 'Max dist' qtcp-pka2-3.out


qtcp-pka2-3e >qtcp-pka2-3e.out; less qtcp-pka2-3e.out


. qtcp-input; qtcp-pka2-3n >qtcp-pka2-3n$suffix.out; less qtcp-pka2-3n$suffix.out


qtcp-pka2-qm2-4 -dozip

QTCP free

In standard QTCP calculations, the QM system is fixed to the QM/MM structure and the QM/MM calculation is performed with fixed surroundings. This is normally necessary, because the MM->QM/MM perturbation is necessarily a single-step perturbation and it normally does not converge if the QM system is allowed to move.
However, this ignores the entropy of the QM system and it makes it no longer evident that a calculation with a larger QM system will be better than one with a small QM system.
In QTCP free, we release this approximation and let the QM system free during the MD simulation, except for a single reaction coordinate.

This means that the QM/MM optimisation is no longer needed.
  1. Set up the MD simulation with a fully solvated system in an octahedral box with particle-mesh Ewald. Since the QM system does not need to be fixed, we can use the Langevin thermostat.
    However, keep the reaction coordinate fixed in a proper way.
    Run at the end 200 ps equlibration and 400 ps production, sampling coordinates every 2 ps.

  2. Wrap the mdcrd5 file.

  3. Set up the comqum.dat file. It needs to define the QM system.
    Moreover, the following keywords are needed:
    $natom    40521  ! Specifies the number of coordinates in the prmtop file, but it also turns on QTCP free.
    $coord0   mdrest5
    $coord1   ../Rs/mdrest5
    $coord2   ../Ps/mdrest5
    $mdcrd    mdcrd5-wrap
    $prmtop   prmtop
    $prmtop1  ../Rs/prmtop
    $prmtop1  ../Ps/prmtop
    $born     cap
    $qmcharge doit

    For the QM charges, there are now (since 19/3-12) several options
    If a certain file name is given, a single file with QM charges is read at the beginning and it is used for all calculations. This is not optimal (and therefore not recommended), because the coordinates of the QM system change each step.

    doit - indicates that new QM charges are calculated in each step in the QTCP perturbation. You then have to set up the proper QM-charge calculation in the control file, e.g. add $esp_fit kollman. The calculations use the internal name logm for the qm-charges file.

    me - indicates that mechanical embedding is used, i.e. no pointcharges file is written. For standard QTCP-fixed this would give the same energy every time, i.e. it gives QM/MM-FE instead of QTCP.
    You have to ensure that there is no pointcharges file when you start the run or that the $pointcharges keyword is deleted in the control file.

    nocorr - indicates that no QTCP correction is performed. This makes sense also for QTCP-fixed.

  4. Run the QTCP calculation (calcqtcp >qtcp.out)

Anything done before 20/3-12 are incorrect (no internal MM energy calculated).

To restart the QTCP calculations without rerunning qtcp-redox-3 (wrapping):

cd Red
sbatch qred4
cd ../Ox
sbatch qox4
cd ../Q12
sbatch qq
cd ../Q25
sbatch qq
cd ../Q38
sbatch qq
cd ../Q50
sbatch qq
cd ../Q62
sbatch qq
cd ../Q75
sbatch qq
cd ../Q88
sbatch qq
cd ../Or
sbatch qq
cd ../C25
sbatch qc
cd ../C50
sbatch qc
cd ../C75
sbatch qc
cd ../Or
sbatch qc

Also QM:
cd ../Red
sbatch qred3
cd ../Ox
sbatch qox3

Automatic procedure for Redox 2QM

We run the calculations in two separate steps: the charge and the coordinate perturbation. We will assume that we go from state R (reduced) to state O (oxidised). We also assume that the two states have exactly the same atoms. If the reduction is coupled to a proton transfer, follow instead the pKa calculations. We will denote the state by a vector of two variables: (charges, coords). Note that the first concerns the prmtop file and the second one the mdrest/prmcrd/mdcrd (coordinate) file.
Thus the initial and final states are RR and OO and we will run the simulations:
RR -> OR -> OO

  1. Ensure that you have run qmmmpbsa-ptch-2qm for the RR and OO states, and that the results are in the Ptch subdirectories.

  2. Make a directory where you want to have all the calculations.

  3. Construct a leap.in file that works for both the reduced and oxidised states. (you also need to
    Sample of leap commants (for more information see the equilibration page).
    The leap.in file should be placed in the directory in point 2.
    If you use non-standard *in and *dat files , they should be put in a separate directory, which is specified by the addPath command in the leap.in file:
    addPath directory
    It should include a solvation command, like
    solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 3
    Do not forget to include possible extra bond within the protein.
    The name of the pdb file should be pdb3-cq.
    If you need a special leaprc file, put it in the directory in point 2 and ensure that the name starts with leaprc.

    You test the leap.in file in the fifth point and if it fails, you can clean up by simply removing the Red directory and possibly deleting the job qred1.

  4. Construct a file qtcp-input (in the directory in point 2) with the following lines:
    reddir=directory of the QM/MM calculations of the reduced state (with Ptch subdirectory).
    oxdir=directory of the QM/MM calculations of the oxidised state (with Ptch subdirectory).
    comres=number of the most central residue.
    solvacc=path and name of the solvacc file (if you already have a solvacc file for thsi protein)

    Note that the paths must be absolute, not relative

    If you do not want to add TER within the protein, you can also include

  5. If you have Fe ions that may be swapped, run the program mkswaplist with $reddir/pdb3 as the first file and $oxdir/pdb3 as the second file and put the results in a file swap in the Qtcp directory.

  6. Run the script
    qtcp-redox-qm2-1 >qtcp-redox

    tail -n 1 qtcp-redox-qm2-1.out
    grep Error qtcp-redox-qm2-1.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-redox-qm2-1.out

    The last line should be: qtcp-redox-qm2-1 ended successfully
    No errors
    Both lines: the charge should be the same before and after (and also the same on both lines.

  7. Run the script
    -qm2-2 >qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out

    tail -n 1 qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out
    grep Error qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out
    grep 'Final RMS' qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out
    grep 'Maximum junction' qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out
    grep 'charges will be modified' qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out
    grep 'The coordinates of' qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out

    The last line should be qtcp-redox-qm2-2 ended successfully
    No errors
    The Final RMS should be rather small (~0.1 Å):
    Junction atoms do not move more than 0.01 Å twice (can sometimes be somewhat larger, up to 0.5 Å).
    Total charge: First time it should be increased by 1, second time unchanged.
    Only the QM atom charges and coordinates are changed.

  8. When all the MD simulations are finished
    (check with
    ll */mdcrd5-unwrap ; ll */mdcrd5-unwrap | wc
    which should give 13 files of equal size)
    run the script
    -qm2-3 >qtcp-redox-qm2-3.out

    tail -n 1 qtcp-redox-qm2-3.out
    grep Error qtcp-redox-qm2-3.out
    grep octahedron qtcp-redox
    -qm2-3.out | wc
    grep 'Max dist' qtcp-redox-qm2-3.out

    The last line should be qtcp-redox-3-qm2 ended successfully
    No errors.
    The third grep should give 13
    The fourth one should give similar values that are quite low <70 Å.

  9. Collect the results and tidy up with the script
    qtcp-redox-4 -nozip
    The option -nozip avoids the zipping step.

  10. You may rerun the horizontal MM perturbations with alternative long-range solvation using the script
    To run it, you add the following two keywords to file qtcp-input:
    # A suffix to be added to all new file names (good to start with a hyphen)
    igb=5          # Number of igb (0 = Born, 1,2,5,7 = GB, 10 = PB; 20 = Delphi PB)
    You run it by

    . qtcp-input
    qtcp-redox-qm2-3n >qtcp-redox-qm2-3n$suffix.out

    It should set up all needed files and start 13 QTCP calculations. They typically take 1-2 days for GB and a week for PB.

    When all calculations are finished, you can collect the results with (note that suffix is read from qtcp-input):
    which gives the results in the file results$suffix

  11. Likewise, you may rerun the horizontal MM perturbations with alternative Ewald summation using the script
    To run it, you add the following keyword to file qtcp-input:
    # A suffix to be added to all new file names (good to start with a hyphen)
    sed -i "s/gb5/ewald/" qtcp-input
    You run it by

    qtcp-redox-qm2-3e >qtcp-redox-qm2-3e.out

    It sets up all needed files and start 13 QTCP calculations. They typically take a few hours.

    When all calculations are finished, you can collect the results with (note that suffix is read from qtcp-input):
    which gives the results in the file results$suffix

Compact commands

qtcp-redox-qm2-1 >qtcp-redox-qm2-1.out; tail -n 1 qtcp-redox-qm2-1.out; grep Error qtcp-redox-qm2-1.out; grep 'before and' qtcp-redox-qm2-1.out

ll Red/mdrest?

qtcp-redox-qm2-2 >qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out; tail -n 1 qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out; grep Error qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out; grep 'Final RMS' qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out; grep 'Maximum junction' qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out; grep 'before and' qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out; grep 'charges will be modified' qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out; grep 'The coordinates of' qtcp-redox-qm2-2.out

ll */mdcrd5-unwrap ; ll */mdcrd5-unwrap | wc

qtcp-redox-qm2-3 >qtcp-redox-qm2-3.out; tail -n 1 qtcp-redox-qm2-3.out; grep Error qtcp-redox-qm2-3.out; grep octahedron qtcp-redox-qm2-3.out | wc; grep 'Max dist' qtcp-redox-qm2-3.out

qtcp-redox-4 -nozip

qtcp-redox-qm2-3e >qtcp-redox-qm2-3e.out; less qtcp-redox-qm2-3e.out


. qtcp-input; qtcp-redox-qm2-3n >qtcp-redox-qm2-3n$suffix.out; less qtcp-redox-qm2-3n$suffix.out

Restart all QTCP calculations
cd Red; sbatch qred4
cd ../Q12; sbatch qq
cd ../Q25; sbatch qq
cd ../Q38; sbatch qq
cd ../Q50; sbatch qq
cd ../Q62; sbatch qq
cd ../Q75; sbatch qq
cd ../Q88; sbatch qq
cd ../Or; sbatch qq
cd ../C25;  sbatch qc
cd ../C50;  sbatch qc
cd ../C75;  sbatch qc
cd ../Or; sbatch qc
cd ../Ox; sbatch qox4

Also QM:
cd Red; sbatch qred3
cd ../Ox; sbatch qox3

Automatic procedure for pKa2 2QM

This procedure is for the calculation of pKa values with two separate QM systems, one that is protonated and the other one that is deprotonated.

We will use the following nomenclature with a four letter code:
State 1 is called A and has a proton in QM system 1, state 2 is called B and has a proton in QM system 2.
The first letter is the proton in QM system 1 (0=nothing; D=dummy vdW parameters; H=std H vdW parameters).
The second letter is the charges (A or B).
The third letter is the coordinates (A or B).
The fourth letter is the proton in QM system 2 (0=nothing; D=dummy vdW parameters; H=std H vdW parameters).
Thus, we go from the HAA0 state to the 0BBH state.

We will do it in the following steps:
HAA0 -> HAAD -> HAAH -> HBAH -> DBAH -> 0BAH ->0BBH
For the HAA0 state, we only do a QM perturbation.
The first arrow is done analytically.
The second arrow is a 1-step vdW perturbation
The third arrow is a 9-step charge perturbation
The fourth arrow is a second 1-step vdW perturbation
The fifth arrow is done analytically.
The last arrow is a 5-step coordinate perturbation.
Finally, we do a QM perturbation also for the 0BBH state

Six prmtop files are needed, viz. for states HAA0, HAAD, HAAH, HBAH, DBAH, and 0BAH=0BBH.
However, the HAAH and HBAH states are built by the same leap command (only the charges differ).
Three leap.in files are needed for each of the two protonatable residues, one protonated, one deprotonated, and one protonated, but with dummy vdW parameters for the proton.
  1. Ensure that you have run qmmmpbsa-ptch for the HAA0 and 0BBH states, and that the results are in the Ptch subdirectories.

  2. Make a directory where you want to have all the calculations. It may be anywhere in the file system.

  3. Construct a leap.in file that works for the HAA0, HAAD, HAAH, DBAH, and 0BBH states (i.e. it should contain *.in and *.dat files for three states of each of the protonated residues, i.e. protonated, deprotonated, and protonated with dummy vdW parameters for the proton).
    Sample of leap commants (for more information see the equilibration page).
    The *.in file with dummy parameters is constructed from the standard one by changing only the atom type of the H atom to DD and changing the residue name. You also need a *.dat file with MASS and NONB entires (typically from H) and BOND, ANGL, DIHE entries for all bonds, angles, and dihedrals involving the dummy atom. They should be simple copies with the atom type changed to DD (sample file).
    The file should be placed in the directory in point 2 and be called leap.in.
    Do not forget to include possible extra bond within the protein.

    The name of the pdb file should be pdb3-cq

    It should include a solvation command, like
    solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 3
    (which will be changed to
    solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 0 1000
    automatically for some files)

  4. Construct a file qtcp-input (in the directory in point 2) with the following lines:
    adir    =direcory of the QM/MM calculations of the A state (HAA0; with a Ptch subdirectory).
    bdir    =direcory of the QM/MM calculations of the B state (0BBH; with a Ptch subdirectory).
    comres  =number of the most central residue.
    solvacc =path and name of the solvacc file (if you already have a solvacc file for this protein). Note that the absolute path is always necessary (i.e. solvacc or ../solvacc is not OK).
    aextra   = number of the H atom in the A state
    bextra   = number of the H atom in the B state
    dumresa =the name of the first residue with a dummy atom
    dumresb =the name of the second residue with a dummy atom

    If you do not want to add TER within the protein, you can also include
    terval =3

  5. If you have restraints, set up a rst file for the A state. It should be in the base directory
    You may need to run changepdb chr and mkr commands to set it up.

  6. If you have Fe ions that may be swapped, run the program mkswaplist with $adir/pdb3 as the first file and $bdir/pdb3 as the second file and put the results in a file swap in the Qtcp directory.

  7. Run the script
    qtcp-pka2-qm2-1 >qtcp-pka
    It will set up and run the first MD simulations for the HAA0 state.
    It will also set up the prmtop files for the HAAD, HAAH, DBAH, and 0BBH states.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from the directory in point 2.
    The script takes ~1 minute and should give no errors.
    After running the script, one job should be running (qhaa01).
    Check thoroughly the tleap output.

    tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out
    grep Error qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out
    grep Added qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out
    grep usage qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out
    grep 'The charge on' qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out
    grep 'More than one residue'

    "qtcp-pka2-qm2-1 ended successfully" should be the last line
    No Error
    Added many residues
    No usage (problem with added bonds)
    2 lines The charge on both with the total number of QM atoms (often less second time)
    2 lines Total charge should be same before and after at least the second time, or at least the same at the end both times
    Normally, there should be no 'More than one residue', but it is allowed for coupled pKa and redox.

  8. When the MD simulations are finished (they typically take ~7 h), run the script
    2-qm2-2 >qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    It will set up all the other states and run the long MD simulations.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from the directory in point 2.
    mv: cannot stat `mdrest3-old': No such file or directory is a innocent warning.
    Check thoroughly the tleap outputs (4 times)

    The script takes ~1 minute and should give no errors.
    After running the script, 17 jobs should be running (qhaa02, qhaad-md, qhaah-md, q12-md, q25-md, q38-md, q50-md, q62-md, q75-md, q88-md, qhbah-md, qdbah-md, q0bah-md, qc25-md, qc50-md, c75-md, and q0bbh2).

    tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    grep Error qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    grep 'Final RMS' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    grep 'Maximum junction' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    grep 'before and' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    grep 'charges will be modified' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    grep 'The coordinates of' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    grep Added qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    grep usage qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    grep 'The charge on' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out
    grep 'More than one residue'
    grep 'Atom dissimilar:' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out

    "qtcp-pKa-2 ended successfully" should be the last line
    No Error
    Final RMS should be quite small (0.1-0.4 Å)
    5 lines Maximum junction; no junction should move more than 0.6 Å
    5 lines Total charge: The charges may change in all five lines but the final charge should be same in all cases.
    Charges of the QM system will be modified
    6 lines The coordinates of; 2*(QM1 and QM2) with a changed protonation (+-1), 2*(QM1+QM2) (last one might be slightly lower)
    4 lines Added; no residue should be added
    No usage (problem with added bonds)
    5 lines The charge on; first and last with QM1+QM2, the rest with one more (last one may be lower)
    No 'More than one residue', but it is allowed for coupled pKa and redox.
    No 'Atom dissimilar:'

  9. When all the 17 MD simulations are finished (they typically take ~48 h; check with ls -l */mdcrd5*; ls -l */mdcrd5* | wc), run the script
    It will set up and run all the QTCP calculations.
    It reads the qtcp-input file, so the job must be started from that directory.
    It takes ~15 minutes without and ~1 hour with the solvacc calculation.
    After running the script, 20 jobs should be running: qhaa03, q0bbh3, qhaah-ch, 7 *qq, qhbah-ch, qhaad, qhaah-vdw, qhbah-vdw, qdbah, 10bbh4, q0bah, qc25, qc50, and qc75.

    Some versions of ptraj give some silly output for each of the 17 tleap calculations:
    Residue labels:
    Checking coordinates: mdcrd5-unwrap

    cp: cannot stat `mos': No such file or directory

    (or alpha/beta) twice is also OK.

    tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-qm2-3.out
    grep Error qtcp-pka2-qm2-3.out
    grep octahedron qtcp-pka
    2-qm2-3.out | wc
    grep 'Max dist' qtcp-pka2-qm2-3.out

    qtcp-pka2-qm2-3 ended successfully should be the last line
    No Error
    The grep should give 17 lines
    The Max dist = should give 17 similar values that are quite low <70 Å.

  10. Collect the results and tidy up with the script
    It will give you the file result with all results in tab-limited format
    When you are satisfied with the results, you can remove unnecessary files (including mdcrd5-unwrap) and zip al files with the command
    2-qm2-4 -dozip

    To check missing files:
    ls -l Haa0/qtcp.out 0bbh/qtcp-qm.out Haad/qtcp.out Haah/qtcp-vdw.out Haah/qtcp-ch.out Q12/qtcp.out Q25/qtcp.out Q38/qtcp.out Q50/qtcp.out Q62/qtcp.out Q75/qtcp.out Q88/qtcp.out Hbah/qtcp-ch.out Hbah/qtcp-vdw.out Dbah/qtcp.out 0bah/qtcp.out C25/qtcp.out C50/qtcp.out C75/qtcp.out 0bbh/qtcp-co.out;
    grep FINAL 0bah/qtcp.out 0bbh/qtcp-qm.out 0bbh/qtcp-co.out C25/qtcp.out C50/qtcp.out C75/qtcp.out Dbah/qtcp.out Haa0/qtcp.out Haad/qtcp.out Haah/qtcp-ch.out Haah/qtcp-vdw.out Hbah/qtcp-ch.out Hbah/qtcp-vdw.out Q12/qtcp.out Q25/qtcp.out Q38/qtcp.out Q50/qtcp.out Q62/qtcp.out Q75/qtcp.out Q88/qtcp.out

  11. You may rerun the horizontal MM perturbations with alternative long-range solvation using the script
    To run it, you add the following two keywords to file qtcp-input:
    # A suffix to be added to all new file names (good to start with a hyphen)
    igb=5          # Number of igb (0 = Born, 1,2,5,7 = GB, 10 = PB; 20 = Delphi PB)
    You run it by

    . qtcp-input
    qtcp-pka2-qm2-3n >qtcp-pka2-qm2-3n$suffix.out

    It should set up all needed files and start 18 QTCP calculations. They typically take 1-2 days for GB and a week for PB.

    When all calculations are finished, you can collect the results with (note that suffix is read from qtcp-input):
    which gives the results in the file results$suffix

  12. Likewise, you may rerun the horizontal MM perturbations with alternative Ewald summation using the script
    To run it, you add the following keyword to file qtcp-input:
    # A suffix to be added to all new file names (good to start with a hyphen)
    sed -i "s/gb5/ewald/" qtcp-input
    You run it by

    qtcp-pka2-qm2-3e >qtcp-pka2-qm2-3e.out

    It sets up all needed files and start 18 QTCP calculations. They typically take a few hours.

    When all calculations are finished, you can collect the results with (note that suffix is read from qtcp-input):
    which gives the results in the file results$suffix

Compact commands

qtcp-pka2-qm2-1 >qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out; tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out; grep Error qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out; grep Added qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out; grep usage qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out; grep 'The charge on' qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out; grep 'before and' qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out; grep 'More than one residue' qtcp-pka2-qm2-1.out

ll Haa0/mdrest?

qtcp-pka2-qm2-2 >qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep Error qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep 'Final RMS' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep 'Maximum junction' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep 'before and' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep 'charges will be modified' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep 'The coordinates of' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep Added qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep usage qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep 'The charge on' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep 'More than one residue' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out; grep 'Atom dissimilar:' qtcp-pka2-qm2-2.out

ll */mdcrd5-unwrap ; ll */mdcrd5-unwrap | wc

qtcp-pka2-qm2-3 >qtcp-pka2-qm2-3.out; tail -n 1 qtcp-pka2-qm2-3.out; grep Error qtcp-pka2-qm2-3.out; grep octahedron qtcp-pka2-qm2-3.out | wc; grep 'Max dist' qtcp-pka2-qm2-3.out


qtcp-pka2-qm2-3e >qtcp-pka2-qm2-3e.out; less qtcp-pka2-qm2-3e.out


. qtcp-input; qtcp-pka2-qm2-3n >qtcp-pka2-qm2-3n$suffix.out; less qtcp-pka2-qm2-3n$suffix.out


qtcp-pka2-qm2-4 -dozip

Restart all MD simulations
cd 0bah; sbatch q0bah-md          
cd ../0bbh; sbatch q0bbh2
cd ../C25;  sbatch qc25-md
cd ../C50;  sbatch qc50-md
cd ../C75;  sbatch qc75-md
cd ../Dbah; sbatch qdbah-md
cd ../Haa0; sbatch qhaa02
cd ../Haad; sbatch qhaad-md
cd ../Haah; sbatch qhaah-md
cd ../Hbah; sbatch qhbah-md
cd ../Q12;  sbatch q12-md
cd ../Q25;  sbatch q25-md
cd ../Q38;  sbatch q38-md
cd ../Q50;  sbatch q50-md
cd ../Q62;  sbatch q62-md
cd ../Q75;  sbatch q75-md
cd ../Q88;  sbatch q88-md

Restart all QTCP calculations
cd 0bah; sbatch q0bah
cd ../0bbht; sbatch q0bbh4
cd ../C25;  sbatch qc25
cd ../C50;  sbatch qc50
cd ../C75;  sbatch qc75
cd ../Dbah; sbatch qdbah
cd ../Haad; sbatch qhaad
cd ../Haah; sbatch qhaah-ch
cd ../Haaht; sbatch qhaah-vdw
cd ../Hbah; sbatch qhbah-ch
cd ../Hbaht; sbatch qhbah-vdw
cd ../Q12; sbatch qq
cd ../Q25; sbatch qq
cd ../Q38; sbatch qq
cd ../Q50; sbatch qq
cd ../Q62; sbatch qq
cd ../Q75; sbatch qq
cd ../Q88; sbatch qq

Also QM
cd ../Haa0; sbatch qhaa03
cd ../0bbh; sbatch q0bbh3

Restart the qtcp redox calculations
cd $reddir/Qtcp; sbatch qred3; sbatch qred4
cd Or; sbatch qq; sbatch qc
cd ../Q12; sbatch qq
cd ../Q25; sbatch qq
cd ../Q38; sbatch qq
cd ../Q50; sbatch qq
cd ../Q62; sbatch qq
cd ../Q75; sbatch qq
cd ../Q88; sbatch qq
cd ../C25; sbatch qc
cd ../C50; sbatch qc
cd ../C75; sbatch qc
cd $oxdir/Qtcp; sbatch ox3; sbatch qox4

Expected QTCP output files:

Comments to the new (20/3-08) version of calcqtcp

I have implemented a statistical analysis using cumulants (cf. Kästner et al J. Chem. Theory Comput 2 (2006)452).
This means that we can get statistical estimates of both the FEP and TI estimates.
Moreover, we get a more stable FEP estimate.
So, the output now looks like this:

Confidence intervals for 0.95 level: 1.97
Perturbations                                  10          20          QM
Helmholz free energy chang (kJ/mole) =       7.3222     -7.1274     -4524392.0121
Cumulant FEP estimate:     (kJ/mole) =       7.3271     -7.1542     -4524392.1796
Cumulant s:                (kJ/mole) =       0.0856      0.1030            0.3222
Lower confidence interval  (kJ/mole) =       7.1588     -7.3567     -4524392.8131
Upper confidence interval  (kJ/mole) =       7.4953     -6.9518     -4524391.5461
Average (TI)               (kJ/mole) =       7.8017     -6.5135     -4524389.2865
TI s                       (kJ/mole) =       0.0769      0.0894            0.1900
Lower confidence interval  (kJ/mole) =       7.6504     -6.6892     -4524389.6599
Upper confidence interval  (kJ/mole) =       7.9530     -6.3377     -4524388.9131
TR Standard error          (kJ/mole) =       0.0886      0.0941            0.2525
Standard deviation         (kJ/mole) =       1.5388      1.7879            3.7990
Maximum value              (kJ/mole) =      12.6181     -0.0448     -4524379.2000
Minimum value              (kJ/mole) =       2.5184    -10.8723     -4524399.3000
Range                      (kJ/mole) =      10.0997     10.8275           20.1000
Weigth of minimum value    (kJ/mole) =       0.0172      0.0112            0.0464

Helmholz free energy change is the old FEP estimate
Cumulant FEP estimate:
is the new FEP estimate, and should be the preferred one.
Cumulant s
: is the standard deviation of this.
Lower and Upper confidence interval
give a 95% confidence interval for the FEP estimate.
Average (TI)
is the old average value and it is the TI estimate if the prmtop files are for lambda=0 and 1.
TI s
is the standard deviation of that estimate
Lower and Upper confidence interval
give a 95% confidence interval for the average (and TI estimate).
TR Standard error
is the old standard error
Standard deviation
is the raw standard deviation of the data.
The other four values are the same as before.

I want to warn you to use indiscriminatingly the "Final results" of calcqtcp after coarse-graining. It is very hard to automatise this procedure of selecting appropriate values for the coarse graining. What you normally should do is some experimenting with postqtcp to see that you get reasonable and stable results. In particular you need to check that the equilibration analysis (second part of the coarse graining) gives good results. Quite often it happen that it points out a single point not to be equilibrated, and I think that such points can safely be ignored (it is only 90% confidence, so every 10th test should be wrong). You should have several consecutive structures in a row to be non-equilibrated to ignore them.
Moreover, you should note that the program often has to increase the coarse-graining (nsamp) to get a maximum of 50 points in the equilibration analysis. This is a technical problem and does not mean that you should use this higher coarse graining in the final analysis (I have corrected this in the current version of calcqtcp).

Finally, and most importantly, I think that if you are doing FEP, you need to do the analysis by hand with postqtcp and using averaging over exponential energies (command e1 or e2). Otherwise, you get pure averages, which are strictly not correct for FEP.

Second, I have implemented the method of reverse cumulative averaging and coarse-graining by Karplus et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 120 (2004) 2618). It is somewhat involved, so it is good if you read that article. In principle, you first try to get an estimate of how correlated consecutive data points are and make a coarse-graining to get independent data points. This means that you take the average of nsamp consecutive points and treat them as new data (with fewer sampled points). Next, you try to estimate at what point the data is equilibrated, by making a test if the points are normal distributed. The first point from the end that is not normal distributed is considered as the last point in the equilibration.
The QTCP program tries to automatically select the ideal nsamp and first equilibrated points, using the TI estimate (average) of perturbation 1 and 2 and also prints out an analysis of the QM perturbation, if present. Then it writes out a new, updated analysis of the results at the very end of the output file.
However, you can continue to do more analysis and try other values with the postqtcp program, which is interactive and more versatile. In particular, you should try to remove the unequilibrated points by setting the number of structures to skip and redo the coarse-graining. This will typically give you a lower number of nsamp and therefore a smaller confidence interval.

Third, I have changed the input section of calcqtcp so that it is no longer interactive, but it reads keywords in the file comqum.dat.
Thereby, all data is forced to be in a file and it is easier for me to change the program and add more options.

Fourth, I have added the possibility to scale down the interaction between the QM system and solvent-accessible surface charges. As most of you knows, we have found that these groups often add a large and probably dubious contribution to the free energy.
Our suggestion is to delete all interactions between the QM system and solvent-accessible charges.
However, see the warning at the end of this section.

This can now be done by adding the keywords

$solvskip 4
$solveps  infinite
$solvacc  solvacc

to the comqum.dat file.
$solvskip takes an integer argument, which can be:
0 - no residues are scaled down
4 - solvent accessible charges are scaled (default)
3 - all solvent-accessible groups are scaled
2 - 3+buried charges are scaled
1 - all residues are scaled
5 - all charges are scaled, but no neutral groups

$solveps is the scaling constant (the effective dielectric constant). It can be any number or the text infinite (which is default).

$solvacc is the name of a file with a list of the solvent accessible residues.
It can be generated from the prmtop and mdcrd files with changeparm, command sa. Note that it goes through all coordinates in the mdcrd file, so it typically takes several hours.
Note that this calculation should only be done ONCE for each protein and the same file should be used for all QTCP calculations.

The output looks like this:
    # Residue  Status        %SolvAcc  Charge Distance
    1 THR    1 Charged          1.000   1.000  13.450
    2 LYS    2 Charged          1.000   1.000   9.919
    3 GLU    3 Charged          1.000  -1.000   8.969
    4 GLN    4 Exposed          1.000   0.000  13.779
    5 ARG    5 Charged          1.000   1.000  15.502
    6 ILE    6                  0.000   0.000  10.427
    7 LEU    7 Exposed          0.955   0.000  13.332
    8 ARG    8 Charged          1.000   1.000  16.671
   61 GLU   61 Buried charge    0.000  -1.000   5.163
 Here, is a list of all residues in the protein (not water)
%SolvAcc is the fraction of snapshots in which the residue is solvent accessible.
Charge is the total charge of the residue in the prmtop file.
Distance is the closest distance between that residue and the QM system (read from the comqum.dat file). It is an average over all snapshots.
Finally, status is the suggested status of that residue: Charged = solvent-accessible charge, Exposed = solvent-exposed neutral group; Buried charge, or nothing, meaning a buried neutral group.
The status is currently based on abs(charge)>0.3 and solvacc<0.4, but it is free for you to manually change this choice by changing the status - calcqtcp only reads this status field (the other fields are also read and echoed to the output, but whether the residue is scaled or not is determined entirely by the status field and $solvskip.
The solvent accessibility is determined by dividing the water molecules into five groups: bulk = those not in contact (3 Å) with any protein atom, surface = in contact with protein and bulk water (2.5 Å), deep surface = in contact with surface, but not bulk, channel = in contact with deep surface, and cavity = remaining waters (such an algorithm was used to find cavities in cytochrome P450 [Rydberg et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 111 (2007) 5445-5457]. In this case, we define solvent-exposed residues as those in contact (3 Å) with surface, deep-surface, or channel waters. It seems to work quite well.
changepdb bc can do the same thing on a single structure, but these results are much less accurate.

If $solvskip>0, the output is change so that both the results with scaled charges and unscaled electrostatics are given, e.g.

Confidence intervals for 0.95 level: 4.30
Perturbations                                  10          20                QM        SA 10       SA 20
Helmholz free energy chang (kJ/mol) =       0.7753      0.7492            0.0000      7.6232     -6.3224
Cumulant FEP estimate:     (kJ/mol) =       0.6517      0.4496            0.0000      7.4985     -6.6882
Cumulant s:                (kJ/mol) =          inf         nan               nan         inf         inf
Lower confidence interval  (kJ/mol) =         -inf         nan               nan        -inf        -inf
Upper confidence interval  (kJ/mol) =          inf         nan               nan         inf         inf
Average (TI)               (kJ/mol) =       1.0877      1.2208            0.0000      7.8435     -5.8855
TI s                       (kJ/mol) =       0.8515      1.1324            0.0000      0.7573      1.1553
Lower confidence interval  (kJ/mol) =      -2.5738     -3.6487            0.0000      4.5869    -10.8535
Upper confidence interval  (kJ/mol) =       4.7493      6.0903            0.0000     11.1001     -0.9175
TR Standard error          (kJ/mol) =       0.9287      0.9982            0.0000      0.7107      0.8329
Standard deviation         (kJ/mol) =       1.4749      1.9614            0.0000      1.3118      2.0011
Maximum value              (kJ/mol) =       2.0264      3.2770            0.0000      9.2052     -3.5751
Minimum value              (kJ/mol) =      -0.6122     -0.6297            0.0000      6.5882     -7.0696
Range                      (kJ/mol) =       2.6387      3.9067            0.0000      2.6170      3.4945
Weigth of minimum value    (kJ/mol) =       0.5814      0.5794            0.3333      0.5048      0.4497

Here, the first results (10 and 20) are with some electrostatics scaled away, whereas the last two columns (SA10 and SA20) are the corresponding results without any scaling (i.e. the old results). Therefore, there is no reason not to use this option (likewise, you should always turn on the Born option).

UR 10/6-10: Unfortunately, this turned out to be a quite inaccurate approach: If solvent-accessible charges are deleted only after the MD simulation, water molecules will have adapted themselves to screen the surface charges. If the latter are removed, the water molecules will remain in geometries for screening and the compensating effects will be grossly overestimated (e.g. by 700 kJ/mol in a test system with a net charge of -17). On the other hand, the protein contribution was quite well reproduced (within 4 kJ/mol).

It is probably better to delete the solvent-accessible charges already before the MD simulation.
This can done with changepdb, command ns, using the solvacc file.
You should also avoid charged groups at the termini of the protein:

  1. cp $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.ff03 .
  2. Remove all the rows under addPdbResMap, or only the few rows actually used.

The QTCP input file

A typical input file is (in addition to the standard data in the comqum.dat file, read by comqum):
#QTCP data
This is a title, 10/3-09
$temp     300
$first    280
$coord1 /temp1/ulf/Backup/Comt/Comqum/Fix/Prod/Qtcp/mdrest5
$coord2 /temp1/ulf/Backup/Comt/Comqum/Fix/180/Qtcp/mdrest5
$mdcrd /temp1/ulf/Backup/Comt/Comqum/Fix/165/Qtcp/mdcrd5_wrap
$prmtop /temp1/ulf/Backup/Comt/Comqum/Fix/165/Qtcp/prmtop
$prmtop1 /temp1/ulf/Backup/Comt/Comqum/Fix/Prod/Qtcp/prmtop
$prmtop2 /temp1/ulf/Backup/Comt/Comqum/Fix/180/Qtcp/prmtop
$qmcharge /temp1/ulf/Backup/Comt/Comqum/Fix/165/Qtcp/qm_charges
$compfile comp_qtcp1
$thres    0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.5
$resthres 0.0
$watthres 5.0
$born     cap
$solvskip 4
$solveps  infinite
$solvacc  solvacc


The keywords (starting with $) are compulsory
Numerical data is read in free format, but it must be in the same line as the keyword

Currently, the following are the allowed keywords and default values:
Note that you cannot turn off a logical keyword by setting it to .false. Instead you should NOT include it. If it is present, it is set to true.

Allowed keywords and default values
$qtitle     ' ' (one title line)
$temp       300.0 (temperature)
$test       (this keyword gives only input testing)
$first      1 (the first snapshot to consider)
$mdcrd      mdcrd5_wrap (name of the mdcrd file)
$prmtop0    prmtop (name of the unperturbed prmtop file)
$prmtop1    prmtop_qtcp1 (name of the first  perturbed prmtop file)
$prmtop2    prmtop_qtcp2 (name of the second perturbed prmtop file)
$thres      1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 (thresholds for write out of large terms for bonds, angles, dihedrals, 1,4 and other non-bonded interactions; old: 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.0 5.0)
$resthres   0.0 (threshold to write out residue interactions; use 0 for all)
$watthres   5.0 (threshold to write out water interactions; use 0 for all)
$compfile   comp_qtcp (name of the components output file)

$coord1     mdrest_qtcp1
(name of the file with the first perturbed QM coordinates; not used if $natom is read)
$coord2     mdrest_qtcp2 (name of the file with the second perturbed QM coordinates; indicates two perturbations also; not used if $natom is read)
$natom      0 (total number of atoms in the prmtop and mdcrd files; only used if QM coordinates change; i.e. if QM system if free to move; do NOT include this keyword, unless you know what you are doing)

$born       cap (or box or prmtop or input or test or pb or delphi or no) (method for Born correction)
$bornradius 0     (only read if $born input)
$borncentre 0,0,0 (only read if $born input)

$solvskip   4 (0=no,1=all,4=SA ch,3=all SA,5=all ch,2=also bur ch) (method to treat solvent-exposed charged residues)
$solveps    infinity (if solvskip>0; scaling constant for solv acc residues)
$solvacc    solvacc (if solvskip>0; file with solvent-accessibility data)

$qmfep      (indicates that you will do vertical = QM perturbation)
$nori       (only qmfep; this keyword indicate that you want to use dscf instead of ridft)
$qmskip     1 (only qmfep; QM perturbations are done every qmskip step)
$coord      c0 (only qmfep; name of the QM atom name file, i.e. a copy of coord)
$qmcharge   qm_charges (only qmfep; name of the file with the charges on the QM atoms with H junctions)
                        There are some additional options (aimed primarily for QM free):
                        doit: Calculate new QM charges every step
                        me:  Do a mechanical embedding calculation (i.e. without QM charges - it will give the same results every step)
                        nocorr: Skip the QTCP correction for the junction atoms 
$charmm     (only qmfep; indicates that you have charmm format of QM-charges file)
$qmenfile   qmen_qtcp (qmfep only; name of the QM energies output file)

Lines not starting with $ are ignored (except the title line after $qmtitle)
Lines after $end are ignored

Born corrections from a sander PB or GB calculation

It is now possible to run QTCP with an explicit generalised Born (GB) or Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) correction for long-range solvation effects, using the specific geometry of each snapshot.

This is done by running sander twice or three times with the current coordinates and charges in each step (i.e. rather time consuming). It should give a significant effect only for perturbations in which the total charge is changed and when the radius of the simulated system is rather small.

To run these calculations, you set in the comqum.dat file.
$born pb

You also have to set up a sander input file, called pbsa.in with the desired PB or GB calculation and options. For time being, I recommend a GBn calculation (because PB is sensitive to the origin and is slower), i.e. setting igb=7. Sample input files are found below both for GB and PB.

Moreover, you have to set up modified parmtop files for all three states, called pt0, pt1, and pt2.
For PB, you simply copy the prmtop, prmtop1, and prmtop2 files.
For all GB methods,
you need to remove the periodic box (this is done with changeparm, command bo). In fact, this does not seem to be necessary - it does not affect the energies.
For Gbn (igb=7) you should also replace the default radii with Bondi radii, and for GB(OBC) (igb=2 or 5), you should replace the radii with the mbondi2 radii. For GB(HCT) (igb=1), the default mbondi radii are OK.
This is done with changeparm for each of the three files, e.g.
For bondi (igb=7)
changeparm <<EOF

For mbondi2:
changeparm <<EOF

Then, calcqtcp is run as normal.

Sample GB input file (pbsa.in):
GBSA calculation, UR 24/4-08
ntf = 1, ntb = 0,
igb = 7, dielc = 1.0,
cut = 999.0, nsnb = 99999,
scnb = 2.0, scee = 1.2,
imin = 1, maxcyc = 0, ntmin = 2,
intdiel= 1.0, extdiel=80.0,
rgbmax = 999.0, gbsa = 0, saltcon = 0.0

Sample PB input file (pbsa.in):
PBSA calculation, UR 24/4-08
ntf = 1, ntb = 0,
igb = 10, dielc = 1.0,
cut = 999.0, nsnb = 99999,
scnb = 2.0, scee = 1.2,
imin = 1, maxcyc = 0, ntmin = 2,
epsin = 1.0, epsout = 80.0,
istrng = 0, radiopt = 0, npopt=0, sprob = 1.6,
space = 0.5,
maxitn = 500, npbverb= 1, cutres = 12

Sander command within calcqtcp:
sander -O -i pbsa.in -o pbsa.out -r mdrest_dum -c mdrest_pbsa -p pt0

Alternatively, you can also run these calculations with Delphi (only PB).
Then, you set
$born delphi

and construct a file delphi.in with the delphi control variables, e.g.:


The sander.in0 file

1000 steps of MM minimisation with all heavy atoms restrained to the original QM/MM structure and QM system fixed.
  restraintmask="!:WAT & !@H="
ATOM    2    4
ATOM    6    6

Note that the moved atoms are given in the belly, i.e. those NOT in the QM system!

(calculations with   ntb=2,ntp=1,pres0=1.0,taup=1.0 give exactly the same result).

The sander.in1 file

20 ps MD simulation at constant volume (to get correct temperature), still with heavy atoms restrained.
  restraintmask="!:WAT & !@H="


The sander.in2 file

20 ps MD simulation at constant pressure, still with heavy atoms restrained.
  restraintmask="!:WAT & !@H="


The sander.in3 file

50 ps MD equilibration with only the non-hydrogen quantum system atoms restrained (to the mdrest2 input file), constant pressure
If also QM H-atoms are restrained, you often get SHAKE problems.


If the restraint list is too long, you can use the old format:


ATOM 2167
ATOM 2170 2172
ATOM 2639
ATOM 2642 2644
ATOM 2651
ATOM 2654 2658
ATOM 3366
ATOM 3376
ATOM 3379 3390
ATOM 3417 3432

The sander.in4 file

200 ps MD equilibration with constant volume; QM system fixed
Note that the moved atoms are given in the belly, i.e. those NOT in the QM system!
This is the same as in sander.in0 above.

ATOM    2    4
ATOM    6    6

The sander.in5 file

200 ps data collection at constant volume; QM system fixed

ATOM    2    4
ATOM    6    6

Note that the theoretically better Langevine dynamics (ntt=3,gamma_ln=3) does not work, because it seems to be inconsisten with the belly (it is not keep fixed).

Sample input file for charge fit for CHELP-BOW:

Input that can be copied and pasted directly into chargefit






Sample of tleap commands

source leaprc.ff99
addPath /platon/nobackup/users/ulf/Mnsod/Leap
loadAmberPrep wam.in
loadAmberPrep oh.in
loadAmberPrep ohd.in
loadAmberParams wam.dat
loadAmberParams oh.dat
loadAmberParams ohd.dat
x=loadpdb pdb3-cq
deleteBond x.634.C x.635.N
solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 3
saveamberparm x prmtop prmcrd

Sander.in file for calcqtcpfree

A sander_qtcp.in file for single-point energy with PBC (constant volume), Ewald, and the MM system (i.e. the complement of the QM system) in the belly:
cp /away/bio/Data/Qtcp/sander_qtcp.in .

ATOM     1   233
ATOM   235   236
ATOM   245 10074
ATOM 10079 10081
ATOM 10084 10086
ATOM 10088 10094
ATOM 10098 10107
ATOM 10111 10113
ATOM 10118 10120
ATOM 10122 10128
ATOM 10132 10141
ATOM 10149 10151
ATOM 10153 10155
ATOM 10159 10168
ATOM 10172 10174
ATOM 10182 10188
ATOM 10191 10193
ATOM 10195 10253
ATOM 10284 46421

Sample dat file with dummy atoms

Parameters for WAM (water molecule with vdW parameters also on Hydrogen (H), UR, 19/5-03; Dummy parameters for atom H2, DD, UR 10/3-09

DD 1.008         0.161               H bonded to nitrogen atoms

OH-DD  553.0    0.9572    ! TIP3P water

H -OH-H     100.      104.52    from Hw-OW-HW
H -OH-DD    100.      104.52    from Hw-OW-HW

DD           0.0000  0.0157           ! From H

Sample of a qm_charges file

  0.175373   1 h 
 -0.035509   2 c 
 -0.242220   3 n 
  0.424163   4 h 
  0.034844   5 c 
  0.153550   6 h 
 -0.070669   7 n 
 -0.243235   8 c 
  0.189118   9 h 
  0.186237  10 h 
 -0.131165  11 c 
 -0.213148  12 n 
  0.370744  13 h 
 -0.074556  14 c 
  0.178622  15 h 
  0.133718  16 n 
 -0.222172  17 c 
  0.213494  18 h 
  0.160588  19 h 
 -0.626880  20 c 
  0.202188  21 h 
  0.133751  22 h 
  0.804903  23 c 
 -0.558272  24 o 
 -0.431022  25 o 
  0.181371  26 h 
 -0.155611  27 c 
 -0.122195  28 n 
  0.409543  29 h 
 -0.174569  30 c 
  0.214561  31 h 
  0.196937  32 n 
 -0.251915  33 c 
  0.237260  34 h 
  0.111025  35 mn
 -0.586425  36 o 
  0.427573  37 h 

This is from the logm file in /disk/global/ulf/Mnsod/Oo/Small_qm/Ptch
The Mn charge has bin slightly corrected from  0.111022 to  0.111025
UR 12/3-09
The last lines of the file are not read, and can therefore be an explanation.

Script to insert postqtcp calculations into the qtcp_qm.out file (Mehdi 16/9-24):

I prepared the following script, which inserts the output of postqtcp into the qtcp-qm.out file, replacing the corresponding lines. Then, qtcp-redox-4 can read the file and extract the results.

# POST QTCP calculations
cd Ox
# cd Red
postqtcp << EOF > postqtcp.out
\cp qtcp-qm.out qtcp-qm.out0
# Extract lines 10 to 43 from postqtcp.out
sed -n '10,43p' postqtcp.out > temp_lines.txt
# Replace lines 5582 to 5615 in qtcp-qm.out with the extracted lines
sed '5582,5615d' qtcp-qm.out | sed '5581r temp_lines.txt' > qtcp-qm_temp.out
# Move the temporary file to the original file
\mv qtcp-qm_temp.out qtcp-qm.out
# Clean up temporary file
\rm temp_lines.txt
cd ..
qtcp-redox-4 -nozip

Thomas' suggestions

For all structures for which we want free energies (that will be protonated and deprotonated) do the following:

The QM/MM calculations can be made with ComQum or as independent Turbomole and Amber calculations. If ComQum is used, a link atom fix should be implemented (I think Ulf would implement it)

Constant pressure versus constant volume:

We are calculating Helmholz free energy, which is interesting for constant volume processes. If this is what we want, we should therefore ensure that we are using the same volume, meaning the same box. The best way to do that is to make a constant pressure simulation of a system intermediate of the two end points, and then use the box size and solvent configuration from the last snapshot for all subsequent simulations. This intermediate simulation can be made as the very first simulation or immediately after the ComQum calculation. I think the latter is the best option. If we follow this procedure, we need to figure out where information about the box size is saved so we can change that.

Alternatively, we can run all simulations as constant pressure simulations, which is more 'real life' like. Then it is Gibbs free energy, which governs the process, and not Helmholtz, but we can probably convert to Gibbs free energies if we have information about the unit cell volume of each snapshot or otherwise just stick to the Helmholtz free energies. I am not very religious here, I think the constant volume is the cleanest approach. On the other hand, the constant pressure is the simplest, since we don't have to make a simulation in order to determine the best volume for all other simulations. I think the best thing to do is to run constant pressure and keep an eye on volume changes. We should probably discuss this, particularly since we want to run Amber 8 using a spherical solvent box with a reaction field. I am not really sure if this kind of simulation is a constant volume or pressure or neither.

Anyway, I will expand my AmberTopology Python module, so we can manipulate charges (and everything else) easily. Note, however, that using the above procedure does not demand manipulation of prmtop files (as Pär noted), unless we want to scale charges (and I want to do that).

Problems with Amber

  1. Cannot avoid Shake in quantum system

  2. Cannot fix quantum system in constant pressure

Small molecules in water solution

For small molecules in water solution, I think we should use a spherical system and Amber's reaction field correction, instead of PBC and PME. To make this work, you need to ensure that the waters come first and the fixed molecule last among the coordinates. This is somewhat involved.
You first run tleap the normal way, but with
solvateCap x TIP3PBOX {0 0 0} 20 (or something similar)
Then, you build a pdb file from this, moves the solute to the end of the file,change the name of all water molecules to WAU and insert TER between all waters (replace all HETATM with ATOM and then run changepdb command ter).
Then, you run tleap again, reding in /away/bio/Data/Amber/wau.in
Once you get the prmtop file, you have to copy the cap rows in the first prmtop file (from the first tleap run) into the new prmtop file:
First you set the second last number in the FLAG POINTERS  entry (almost first in the file) to 1
     977       6     975       1      12       0       9       0       0       0   
    1321     324       1       0       0       5       4       1       6       1
       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       8      
and then you copy these lines (or something similar)
  1.40000000E+01  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00  0.00000000E+00
just before the line
I think you can do this also with changeparm, command c.

Then, you can run the simulations with an input file similar to this:


ATOM     1  

Note that you use igb=10, which turns on the reaction field and you need to have fcap=10 to ensure that all molecules stay inside the cap. You also need all the parameters in &pb, because Amber is set up for single-point PB calculations by default.
You should change the belly to fit your system.
You run one equilibration  and then a production run, e.g. with


ATOM     1  

Thus, the simulations are simpler than with PBE.
Finally, you run calcqtcpfreee2 with Born corrections.
In this case, you can also run calcqtcpfreee with a sander_qtcp.in file like this:


ATOM     1   969

CHARMM version

  1. (Same as for AMBER)
    Start from a set of QM/MM structures (with protein fixed or free) along a reaction pathway.
    See the ComQum page for details.
    The final data is in prmtop3 and prmcrd3, as well as in the Turbomole files.

  2. (Same as for AMBER)
    For each structure, calculate CHELP-BOW charges for the quantum system:

    1. Start from the QM wavefunction, obtained in QM/MM with point charges.

    2. If it is an UHF calculation, you need to have natural orbitals. If you do not:
      Insert into the control file the following keywords and rerun ridft (dscf):
      $natural orbitals  file=natural
      $natural orbital occupation  file=natural

    3. Run makepoints to get the points where you will calculate the electrostatic potential (ESP).
      Select Turbomole (t), Random (r), No seed, 10000, 8 Å, and Turbomole (non-default values highlighted).
      This gives the file esppoints.
      Note that moloch only writes out at the most 10 000 ESP points. If you want more than that, you need to construct several files and concatenate the results.

    4. Insert the suggested rows into the control file (in the beginning to avoid already existing keywords).

    5. Run moloch (RHF) or moloch2 (UHF) to get the potentials and also the Mulliken charges.
      moloch2 is stupid and does not copy the file esppoints to the new directory. Therefore, you have to do:
      cd moloch_n_dir
      cp ../esppoints .
      The calculation takes ~10 minutes and the result is in moloch_n_dir/moloch.out.

    6. Run chargefit to get the CHELP-BOW charges. Do the default choices, except
      Enter the type of input file (Gaussian, t=Turbomole) t
      Enter the name of the file with the potential (log) moloch.out
      Constrain to quadrupole moment? (n) y
      Constrain charges of hydrogens bonded to the same atom? (y) n
      Restrain to octapole moment with which weight? (  1.00    , 0=No) 0
      Restrain to potential points with which weight?(0) b
      Sample input file.

  3. (Same as for AMBER)
    Build a pdb file from the QM/MM calculations using changeparm

  4. Divide the file into one for the protein and one for water (e.g. with emacs).
    The files should have the same basis name and end with .pdb, e.g. proj_prot.pdb and proj_wat.pdb
    For each file, convert the file to Charmm format and ensure that the residues in two files are consecutively numbered, starting from 1 in the first file and the numbers in the second file follows those in the first.
    Preferably, also insert a segid identifer; otherwise, charmm will use the file name and if it is longer than 4 characters, there will be a mismatch between the psf and pdb files generated:


    <file name>
    1 in the first file, n+1 in the second, if n is the number of residues in the first file
    <give a max 4-character segid>
    <{new}file name>

  5. Set up the psf file for the system:
    First copy all *top and *par files for the non-standard residues files to your own directories (to make the results reproducible - files in cp /away/bio/charmm/input may be changed/corrected afterwards).
    cp /away/bio/charmm/input/*.top .
    cp /away/bio/charmm/input/*.par .

    Then check the generatepsf.charmm script:
    cp /away/bio/Charmm/scripts/generatepsf.charmm .
    and edit it by a word processor (see the sample file)
    Sample CHARMM generate psf file

    Finally, run this script:
    charmm_c30b1_gnu <generatepsf.charmm >generatepsf.out pdb=proj
    This gives the files proj.pdb and proj.psf

  6. Set up a rtfparam.stream file for the project.
    This file reads in all the topology files needed for the project and it is used by all the standard charmm scripts.
    Sample rtfparam.stream file

  7. Ensure that the whole protein is fully solvated with solvent molecules reaching at least 9 Å outside the protein.
    If this is not the case, add more water molecules using charmm: We will solvate it in an octahedral waterbox, using the script solvate_octa.inp

    cp /away/bio/charmm/scripts/solvate_octa.inp .
    You normally do not need to change anything in this script.

    Then, run the script
    charmm_c30b1_gnu <solvate_octa.inp >solvate_octa.out version=0 pdbfile=proj psf=true shape=octahedral cutoff=1 solvate=true seqname=segid

    Strangely, cutoff=1 typically gives the same number of waters as an Amber solvateOct x TIP3PBOX 9 command.

    charmm 31b2 (the current version) works very slowly for solvation calculations. Therefore, it is normally better to use the old 30b1 version (charmm_c30b1_gnu) instead. However, then you  need to rerun the generate section also with this program (as indicated above).

    solvate_octa.inp generates four files:
    They are used by the equilibrate scripts.

  8. Now, we will change the charges in the proj.psf file.
    Copy the file comqum.dat from the ComQum calculation.

    Then, run changepdb on the pdb3 file

  9. Fhfm8hg.

  10. qcc


    Check thoroughly that the total charge of the two files pdbout and pdbnew are the same (changepdb, command cc). If not, insert into comqum.dat the residual charge of each of the quantum residues (the first number is the number of residues, then the residue number and residual charge of each residue is given). Then rerun the previous point.
     652 -1

    Check that the total charge is an integer. If not add the residual charge (owing to rounding-off errors) to one or several atoms.

  11. Change the charges in the *psf file changepsf:



  12. We will use calculations with constant pressure and PME in truncated ocahedron.
    Start the sander calculations (see template files below):
    You can automatically get the belly group by changepdb, command be (from $correspondance_list in comqum.dat).

    1. 100 steps of steepest decent MM minimisation with all heavy atoms restrained to the original QM/MM structure.
      sander -i sander.in1 -o sander.out1 -r mdrest1 -c prmcrd -ref prmcrd

    2. 20 ps MD simulation at constant pressure, still with heavy atoms restrained.
      sander -i sander.in2 -o sander.out2 -r mdrest2 -c mdrest1 -ref prmcrd

    3. 50 ps MD equilibration with only the quantum system restrained, constant pressure
      sander -i sander.in3 -o sander.out3 -r mdrest3 -c mdrest2 -ref prmcrd

    4. Move the quantum system back to the coordinates of mdrest1 (constant pressure calculations violate the belly):

    5. Copy the PBC box size from the mdrest3 file (last row) to the mdrest_corr file.

    6. 180 ps MD equilibration with constant volume + 200 ps data collection;
      sander -i sander.in4 -o sander.out4 -r mdrest4 -e mden4 -x mdcrd4 -c mdrest3_corr

    7. This is not fully tested yet. We want to get the same box size for all systems by running 1-3 only for one system. Then 4 is run for all and a short minimisation should preceed 6.

  13. Check that all jobs have the same number of atoms. If not, delete the most distant water molecules (the two most distant are found by changepdb, command cap) by:
    remove x x.residue_number

  14. When all the simulations are run, free energies should be calculated.
    These calculations depend somewhat on the system.
    For a standard reaction-path calculation, a program is present, calcqtcpfreee, which calculates the needed energies by calling sander and Turbomole a great number of times.
    For other perturbations, you may need to modify the code slightly.

    For the calcqtcpfreee calculation, you need to set up a number of files before starting the program (note that you must use exactly the suggested file names):

    1. A sander_qtcp.in file for single-point energy with PBC (constant volume), Ewald, and the quantum system in the belly:
      cp /away/bio/Data/Qtcp/sander_qtcp.in .

      ATOM     1   233
      ATOM   235   236
      ATOM   245 10074
      ATOM 10079 10081
      ATOM 10084 10086
      ATOM 10088 10094
      ATOM 10098 10107
      ATOM 10111 10113
      ATOM 10118 10120
      ATOM 10122 10128
      ATOM 10132 10141
      ATOM 10149 10151
      ATOM 10153 10155
      ATOM 10159 10168
      ATOM 10172 10174
      ATOM 10182 10188
      ATOM 10191 10193
      ATOM 10195 10253
      ATOM 10284 46421

    2. Make links to the mdrest and prmtop files of the next and previous step in the reaction pathway.
      The prmtop files should be called prmtop_qtcp1 and  (optionally) prmtop_qtcp2.
      The mdrest files should be called mdrest_qtcp1 and mdrest_qtcp2
      ln ../../220/coord coord1
      ln ../../220/Md/prmtop prmtop_qtcp1

    3. Ensure that you have the comqum.dat file in the current directory
      cp ../comqum.dat .

    4. You also need to wrap all molecules into the primary periodic box (if you did not use iwrap=1 in the sander simulation).
      This is done for the whole mdcrd file using ptraj (the name of the trajectory file and the residues of the quantum system may be changed):
      new2oldparm <prmtop >prmtop.old
      ptraj prmtop.old ptraj.in

      This is the file ptraj.in:
       trajin mdcrd3
       trajout mdcrd3_wrap trajectory
       image center :WAT byres familiar com "!:WAT"

    5. Finally, you need to check that you have all the standard Turbomole files in the current directory:


      cp ../alpha ../auxbasis ../basis ../beta ../coord ../control ../mos .
      cp alpha auxbasis basis beta coord control mos Qtcp

    6. Now, you are ready to run the program calcqtcpfreee:

Differences in the PDB file between Amber and CHARMM

Changepdb can correct this, command cn (remember to write out the file)

  1. Different atom names (e.g. HB3 vs. HB1; O vs OH2 in WAT;
    in particular ILE CD, HD123 and SER/CYS HG1 in CHARMM )

  2. Format 1HG2 is not allowed.

  3. Residue numbers starts in one position later in CHARMM, at least if there are >1000 residues.

  4. ?HETATM is not allowed?

  5. ?Residue number must start on 1?

Note that the stupid CHARMM request that all directories and file names do not include any capital letters!

Sample Charmm generatepsf file

Entries that may be changed are highlighted.

* General script to generate a PSF from a PDB file. Undefined heavy atoms are built from force field
* parameters and hydrogen atoms from hbuild. Atoms that are not defined in the pdb file are listed
* in standard output so please check.

! Thomas H. Rod, Lund University, August 2005
! Modified by UR, 23/5-05
! charmm < generatepsf.charmm pdb=
! Where:
!    pdb: is the firstname of the pdb file, which defines the sequence. Be sure that the naming corresponds
!         to CHARMM format.
! OUTPUT: psf file named after pdb, i.e. @pdb.psf.
!         coordinate file:               @pdb+solv.pdb

! Read the Amber 94 topology files
open unit 1 read form name @INPUT/
read rtf card unit 1
close unit 1
!stream amber94.stream

! Read non-standard topology files (note the append keyword)
!set DIR /away/bio/charmm/input_bio
open unit 1 read form name
read rtf card unit 1 append
close unit 1
open unit 1 read form name
read rtf card unit 1 append
close unit 1

! Read Amber 94 parameter file
open unit 1 read form name @INPUT/
read param card unit 1
close unit 1

! Read non-standard parameter files (note the append keyword)
open unit 1 read form name <
read param card unit 1 append
close unit 1

! Read the sequence and generate the topology; protein
open unit 1 read form name @
read sequ pdb unit 1
close unit 1
generate @pdb  first nmet last none setup angles dihedrals
patch nmet @pdb 138
patch nasp @pdb 621
patch cglu @pdb 137
patch cglu @pdb 620
patch cgln @pdb 651

! Define bonds between Co and HIK-16 and 5AD
patch cobonds @pdb 652 @pdb 16 @pdb 653

! Delete bonds in the protein
patch del1 @pdb 137 @pdb 138
patch del1 @pdb 620 @pdb 621
patch del1 @pdb 634 @pdb 635
!This could probably have been better done with
!delete conn select resid 137 end select resid 138 end

! Regenerate the bonds and angles so that new are defined around Co
! and angles around deleted bonds are removed
autogen angle dihed

! Water
open unit 1 read form name @
read sequ pdb unit 1
close unit 1
generate water  first none last none setup noangles nodihedrals
join @pdb water renumber

! Read the coordinates
open unit 1 read form name @
read coor pdb unit 1
close unit 1

open unit 1 read form name @
read coor pdb unit 1
close unit 1

! Build missing heavy atoms
ic fill
ic param
ic build
define missing select .not. hydrogen .and. .not. init show end
hbuild select hydrogen .and. .not. init end

define missing select .not. init show end
if ?nsel .gt. 0 stop ! stop if all atoms are not defined at this point

! Write out coordinates
open unit 1 write form name @
write coor pdb unit 1
* Coordinates for @PDB to be used for CHARMM
close unit 1

! Write out the psf file
open unit 1 write form name @pdb.psf
write psf card unit 1
* PSF for @PDB
close unit 1


Sample Charmm Patch file

* Special patches for GluMut
* UR 26/8-05

! Define bonds between Co and HIK-16 and 5AD
PRES Cobonds

pres Del1

pres Del2


Sample rtfparam.stream file

This file reads in all the topology and parameter files for the current project.

* File rftparam.stream
* Stream file to read in parameters and topology for project

! Read the Amber 94 topology files
set INPUT /away/bio/Charmm/input/non_charmm
open unit 1 read form name
read rtf card unit 1
close unit 1
!stream amber94.stream

! Read non-standard topology files (note the append keyword)
open unit 1 read form name
read rtf card unit 1 append
close unit 1

! Read Amber 94 parameter file
open unit 1 read form name
read param card unit 1
close unit 1

! Read non-standard parameter files (note the append keyword)
open unit 1 read form name
read param card unit 1 append
close unit 1


Sample qmcons.stream file

* file to be streamed. Contain definition of qmatoms

define qmatoms select -
   resid  138 .and. ( type   CB .or. type   CG .or. type  OD1 -
               .or.   type  OD2 ) .or. -
   resid  166 .and. ( type   CB .or. type   CG .or. type  OD1 -
               .or.   type  OD2 ) .or. -
   resid  167 .and. ( type   CB .or. type   CG .or. type  OD1 -
               .or.   type  ND2 .or. type HD21 .or. type HD22 ) .or. -
   resid  214 .and. ( type   MG ) .or. -
   resid  215 .and. ( type   CB .or. type   CG .or. type HG3  -
               .or.   type  HG2 .or. type   SD .or. type  CE  -
               .or.   type  HE1 .or. type  HE2 .or. type HE3  -
               .or.   type  C5' .or. type 1H5' .or. type 2H5' -
               .or.   type  C4' ) .or. -
   resid  216 .and. ( type   C1 .or. type   O1 .or. type   H1 -
               .or.   type   C2 .or. type   O2 .or. type   C3 -
               .or.   type   H3 .or. type   C4 .or. type   H4 -
               .or.   type   C5 .or. type   H5 .or. type   C6 -
               .or.   type   H6 ) .or. -
   resid  217 .and. ( type    O .or. type   H1 .or. type   H2 ) -
end ! select
define qmatoms select qmatoms .and. .not. resn tip3 end

Unfortunately, solvate_octa.inp does not build up a psf file for the full system, so you need to do this in a seperate run:

* Build up the final psf file.
* Parameters:
*    old    = name of original psf file
*    nwat   = number of water residues
*    new    = name of new psf file
*    segid  = segid for the protein in the old psf file
* Usage:
*    charmm <build_full_psf.charmm >buld_full_psf.out old=old new=new nwat=3000 segid=COMT
* UR 13/9-06

! Set default values
if @?old   .eq. 0 then set old old
if @?new   .eq. 0 then set new new
if @?old   .eq. 0 then set nwat 0
if @?segid .eq. 0 then set segid " "

! Read in the parameter and topology files
stream rtfparam.stream

! Read in the protein psf file
open unit 1 read form name @old.psf
read psf card unit 1
close unit 1

! Generate the water residues and join to the previous psf file
read sequ tip3 @nwat
generate wat setup noangl nodihe
join @segid wat

! Write out the psf file
open unit 1 write form name @new.psf
write psf card unit 1
* PSF for @NEW
close unit 1

Old suggestions for point 13 above:

  1. Move the quantum system back to the coordinates of mdrest1 (constant pressure calculations violate the belly):

  2. Copy the PBC box size from the mdrest3 file (last row) to the mdrest_corr file.

  3. 180 ps MD equilibration with constant volume + 200 ps data collection;
    sander -i sander.in4 -o sander.out4 -r mdrest4 -e mden4 -x mdcrd4 -c mdrest3_corr

  4. Jimmy's suggestions (19/5-06):

    wrap mdrest3 --> mdrest3_wrap via ptraj prmtop ptraj.in

    ptraj.in:    trajin mdrest3
                   trajout mdrest3_wrap restart
                   image center byres :WAT familiar com :1-217

    Make ref.pdb from mdrest3_wrap with changeparm
    Make move.pdb from desired qm-structure i.e apropate mdrest file.

    Rms fit and move with vmd, use the following commands in vmd console (posible to paste).

    mol new ref.pdb
    mol new move.pdb
    set ref_sel [atomselect 0 "(mass > 1.2) and (not waters) and ((resname CAT SAM WAM MG) or (resid 138 166 167))"]
    set move_sel [atomselect 1 "(mass > 1.2) and (not waters) and ((resname CAT SAM WAM MG) or (resid 138 166 167))"]
    set trans_mat [measure fit $move_sel $ref_sel]
    set move_sel [atomselect 1 "all"]
    $move_sel move $trans_mat
    $move_sel writepdb moved.pdb

    Make mdrest file from moved.pdb (obtained from rms fit with vmd)

    Use modrest to insert qm coordinates, according to

    Then finally put box info from mdrest3_wrap into mdrest3_newqm.

Instructions for helmholtz.py

Compute the Helmholtz free energy change by means of free energy perturbation, i.e.
Delta A = -kT*ln sum exp(-(de)/kT), where de = e1 - e0, e1 being the energy of the perturbed state, and e0 the energy of the non-perturbed state. The standard errors calculated by progression of error and by bootstrapping are reported together with the 1st and 2nd order perturbation terms.

>> helmholtz.py e0=<file0> e1=<file1> kt=<kt> [offset=<offset> bootstrap=<ncycles>]
>> helmholtz.py de=<file>  kt=<kt> [offset=<offset> bootstrap=<ncycles>]

  file0:   contains a list of the energies of the non-perturbed state
  file1:   contains corresponding energies for the perturbed state
  file:    (if used) contains a list of the perturbation, i.e. e1-e0
  kt:      Temperature in energy units (e.g. 2.4943533 for kJ/mole)
  ncycles: The number of cycles in the bootstrap procedure (the bootstrap standard error should converge with an increasing number of ncycles. If bootstrap is not given at the command line, a bootstrap calculation is not performed, i.e. the default is zero.
  offset:  The number of data points, which should be omitted from the beginning of the data sets. Default: zero.

  e0, e1, de, and kt should all be given in the same energy units. The computed free energies and errors are reported in the same unit.

Thomas H. Rod, Lund University, August 2005

helmholtz.py de=mmen_qtcp1  kt=2.4943533 offset=200

Thomas Rod wrote 29/8-05:

I have added the two scripts 'helmholtz.py' and 'helmholtz_var.py' to '/away/bio/Python/bin

Note that Helmholtz is now spelled correctly and that the scripts are documented. Look at the beginning of the file or type the commands without arguments. Also, note that e1 and e2 have been changed to e0 and e1, and temp to kt (see documentation). I have also removed the default parameter for kt (previous temp).

The script helmholtz_var.py computes the free energy change between two states from a simulation of each of the states (see documentation). I suggest we use this script to report the final free energy changes.




Compute the Helmholtz free energy change based on simulations of both of the two end states by means of Bennet's acceptance ratio method. The free change computed by free energy perturbation for forward and reverse process as well as by the overlap method proposed by Kophke and coworkers are reported as well.

>> bennets.py de1=<file1> de2=<file2> kt=<kt> [offset=<offset>]

  file1:   contains a list of the de1 energies
  file2:   contains a list of the de2 energies
  kt:      Temperature in energy units
  offset:  The number of data points, which should be omitted from the beginning of the data sets. Default: 0

  de1, de1, and kt should all be given in the same energy units. The computed free energies are reported in the same unit.

Keywords of the dynamic command

     dynamics leap @status timestep 0.002 nstep 10000 nprint 1000 iprfrq 1000 -
        firstt @T finalt @T twindl -5.0 twindh 5.0 iseed @seed  -
        ichecw 1 teminc 30.0 ihtfrq 20 ieqfrq 200 -
        iasors 1 iasvel 1 iscvel 0 isvfrq 1000 -
        nsavc 50 iuncrd 10 nsavv 0 iunvel 0 -
        iunwri 3 iunread 4 kunit 20   - !{* Nonbond options *}
        inbfrq -1 imgfrq -1 ilbfrq 0 bycb - !use bycube image nonbond list generator
        eps 1.0 cutnb @cutoff cutim @cutoff ctofnb @ctofnb ctonnb @ctonnb vswi -
        Ewald kappa 0.440 pmEwald order 6 fftx @fft ffty @fft fftz @fft ntrfq 200 -
        qcor 0!PME

     dynamics cpt leap @status timestep 0.002 nstep 10000 nprint 1000 iprfrq 1000 -
        firstt @T finalt @T twindl -5.0 twindh 5.0 iseed 823 -
        ichecw 1 teminc 30.0 ihtfrq 100 ieqfrq 200 echeck 10000 -
        iasors 1 iasvel 1 iscvel 0 isvfrq 1000 -
        iunwri 3 nsavc 50 nsavv 0 iunvel 0 -
        iunread 4 iuncrd 10 kunit 20   - !{* Nonbond options *}
        inbfrq -1 imgfrq -1 ilbfrq 0 bycb - !use bycube image nonbond list generator
        eps 1.0 cutnb @cutoff cutim @cutoff ctofnb @ctofnb ctonnb @ctonnb vswi -
        Ewald kappa 0.320 pmEwald order 4 fftx @fft ffty @fft fftz @fft ntrfq 200 - ! PME
        pconstant pmass 100 pref 1 pgamma 10 !  Constant pressure

Obsolete version of charge fitting (with charge fit)
Obsolete (you need to have many more points for stable results):
CHELP-BOW charges for the quantum system.
  1. Start from the QM wavefunction, obtained in QM/MM with point charges.

  2. If it is an UHF calculation, you need to have natural orbitals. If you do not:
    Insert into the control file the following keywords and rerun ridft (dscf):
    $natural orbitals  file=natural
    $natural orbital occupation  file=natural

  3. Run makepoints to get the points where you will calculate the electrostatic potential (ESP).
    Select Turbomole (
    t), Random (r), No seed, 10000, 8 Å, and Turbomole (non-default values highlighted).
    This gives the file
    Note that moloch only writes out at the most 10 000 ESP points. If you want more than that, you need to construct several files and concatenate the results.

  4. Insert the suggested rows into the control file (in the beginning to avoid already existing keywords).

  5. Run moloch (RHF) or moloch2 (UHF) to get the potentials and also the Mulliken charges.
    moloch2 is stupid and does not copy the file esppoints to the new directory. Therefore, you have to do:
    cd moloch_n_dir
    cp ../esppoints .
    The calculation takes ~10 minutes and the result is in moloch_n_dir/moloch.out.

  6. Run chargefit to get the CHELP-BOW charges. Do the default choices, except
    Enter the type of input file (Gaussian, t=TurboFomole) t
    Enter the name of the file with the potential (log) moloch.out
    Constrain to quadrupole moment? (n) y
    Constrain charges of hydrogens bonded to the same atom? (y) n
    Restrain to octapole moment with which weight? (  1.00    , 0=No) 0
    Restrain to potential points with which weight?(0) b
    Sample input file.

Markus' IPS input

The ips keyword is the only difference to an Ewald calculation.

TI from ox to red
  temp0=300.0, ntt=3, gamma_ln=5.0,
  icfe=1, clambda=0.0
ATOM   531   531
ATOM   534   536
ATOM   538   538
ATOM   540   540
ATOM  1229  1229
ATOM  1231  1231
ATOM  1234  1234
ATOM  1266  1266
ATOM  1269  1271
ATOM  1273  1273
ATOM  1275  1275
ATOM  1324  1324
ATOM  1327  1327
ATOM  1330  1331
ATOM  1443  1443

Usuful help with running standard TI Ewald calculations (for pKa):

  1. Start från QTCP calculation
  2. Run mkfepfiles to generate the needed files
  3. Start all simulations:
    for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do sbatch q$i ; don
  4. When calculations finished, extract the results with rdti:
    for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do rdti<<EOF ; hhh.step$x.out ; EOF ; done
  5. Insert results in a spread sheed and evaluate.

  6. To make pdb files of all restart files:
    for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do

  7. To wrap all calculations:
    for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
    echo "trajin hhh_step$x.mdcrd" >ptraj.in
    echo "trajout mdcrd$x-wrap trajectory" >>ptraj.in
    #echo "center :1 origin" >>ptraj.in
    echo "image origin center :WAT byres familiar com :1" >>ptraj.in
    echo "go" >>ptraj.in
    ptraj ../Hhh/prmtop ptraj.in

  8. Note that QTCP must be run with free QM:
    for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
    echo Running calculation $x
    echo "\$title" >comqum.dat
    echo "MeNH3(+), HF/6-31G*, Dummy comqum.dat file, -10" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$protein fixed" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$correspondance_list" >>comqum.dat
    echo "    8" >>comqum.dat
    echo "     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8" >>comqum.dat
    echo "#***|****1****|****2****|****3****|****4****|****5****|****6" >>comqum.dat
    echo "#QTCP input" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$qtitle" >>comqum.dat
    echo "This is the TI charge HHH->OHH perturbation " >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$temp     300" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$natom    3119" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$mdcrd    mdcrd$x-wrap" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$prmtop0  ../Hhh/prmtop" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$prmtop1  ../Ohh/prmtop" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$compfile comp-qtcp$x" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$born     cap" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$solvskip 0" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$thres    1000 1000 1000 1000 1000" >>comqum.dat
    echo "#***|****1****|****2****|****3****|****4****|****5****|****6" >>comqum.dat
    echo "\$end" >>comqum.dat
    calcqtcp >qtcp$x.out

    grep 'Average (TI)' qtcp?.out
    grep 'TI s' qtcp?.out

  9. Run calqfep-corr
    Make files in*, sander_fep, sander_fepq, prmtop0, prmtop1, prmtopq0, prmtopq1
    for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
    echo Running calculation $x
    calcfep-corr <in$x >out$x
