Hem Artlista Nyckel
Rubus soendrumensis Ryde [Ryde:11]

Blad lika R. eluxatus, men
  1. Stipler breda, 3-12 mm, stundom flikiga.
  2. Blommor nästan vita, mer lika R. hallandicus.
  3. Blomställning med rikligt med glandler.
  4. Blad ofta tydligt dubbelsågade.
  5. Blad mycket fint sågade.
  6. Taggar på uddbladet ej rakt nedåtriktade, ofta 5-6.
  7. Bladform otypisk.
  8. Bladspets avsatt.
  9. Något mer taggig.
  10. Stundom pruinös.
  11. Årsstam vanligen fårad.
  12. Blad ganska jämt gleshåriga på ovansidan.

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Blomknoppar, blomma, blomma i tvärsnitt med stiftsamling framopererad, ung frukt och mogen frukt:
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Känd från tre närbelägna lokaler i Söndrum, Halland, samt en lokal några km längre V ut (Flaggberget, Tylösand) [Ryde:11]. Karta i Ryde:09. R. eluxatus finns inte i trakten (den slutar i Harplinge (Särdal) och finns sedan bara på en enda ruderatlokal i Halmstad, samt på Sk, Kullaberg.

Holotype (LD, isotypes: GB, S, UPS) Halland, Söndrum: Tylösand, Flaggberget, in a shallow cleft in cliff terrain close to the sea, Swedish Grid RT90 6283501 1311305, leg. U. Ryde, 4 Jul 2009 [Ryde:11].


Bilder från Hl, Söndrum, vid Bäckagårds sjukhem, 6285791 1314539 och Hl, Söndrum: Flaggberget Tylösand, i amfybolitgång, 6283501 1311305.

Ganska lik och kanske besläktad med R. eluxatus. Den ger intryck av att vara hybriden mellan R. caesius och R. eluxatus, men kromosomtalet, 2n = 28, motsäger detta.

Kromosomtal 2n = 28 [Ryde:11].

Description of the type [Ryde:11] The stem is procumbent, angled, 5-6 mm in diameter, with occasional hairs and few glands. The internodes are 7-9 cm. The prickles are bent at the tip, ~8-13 per 5 cm, 4-5 mm, with a base of 3-4 mm. The stipules are wide, 3-12 mm. The leaves are 17-22 cm long, normally with only 3 leaflets, often yellowish green and rather thin. The leaf stalk is 6-8 cm, with 8-19 falcate prickles, 1-2 mm. The terminal leaflet is narrowly ovate with a weakly cordate base, 9-12 x 6-10 cm, widest around the middle, sparsely hairy above and with hairs only on nerves below, and with a green colour below; its petiolule is 2-3 cm, with 3-6 prickles. The serration is periodical and the leaf apex is mucronate. The lateral leaflets are 9-11 cm with a petiolule of 2-4 mm. The inflorescence is rather short and the rachis is densely hairy with quite numerous stalked glands. The prickles in the inflorescence are ~2 mm and bent. The pedicels are ~1 cm with ~3 prickles of ~0.6 mm that are falcate. The upper leaves are integer or three-lobed and grey-green beneath. The flowers are rather small (~2 cm). The petals are mostly white, but palely pink in the buds. The filaments and styles are white. The sepals are grey-green with a white margin and numerous short-stalked glands, but without prickles; they often have elongated tips and are patent in the fruit. The stamens exceed the styles and the anthers are glabrous. The fruits are usually aborted.


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Hem Artlista Nyckel