Hem Artlista Nyckel

Rubus rugulosus
Ryde [Ryde:11]

Distinkt art från Hl: Onsala. Erinrar mest om R. norvergicus, men med drag av gothicus.
  1. Blad hjärtlika.
  2. Blad gröna under.
  3. Blommor svagt rosa, även i blom.
  4. Stift ofta svagt rosa.
  5. Foderblad upprättstående i frukt.

  6. Årsstam rännformig.
  7. Blad mest 3-fingrade.
  8. Blad buckliga.
  9. Blad finsågade.
  10. Bladspets utdragen.
  11. Stipler rikligt glandulösa.
  12. Blomskaftstaggar kloböjda.
  13. Blombotten täthårig.
  14. Taggar med bred bas, > 4 mm.
  15. Bladskaft med <12 taggar.
  16. Uddbladskaft långt, >2.9 cm.
  17. Uddblad brett, > 9 cm.
  18. Blommor långskaftade (längsta skaftet >1.2 cm).
  19. Blommor ganska stora, >2.5 cm.
  20. Årsstam med mycket glander.
  21. Blomställning med mycket glandler.

Årsstam med tvärsnitt:
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Blad (ovansida, undersida, med detaljbilder):
ovansida  undersida
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Blomskott, högblad (ovansida på blad långt ner och undersida på blad högt upp); Stam i blomskott med detalj:
Blomskott   Blomskott   Blomskott   Blomskott   Blomskott   Blomskott   Blomskott   ovansida  undersida
blomskott  blomskott, detalj

Blomknoppar, blomma, blomma i tvärsnitt med stiftsamling framopererad, ung frukt och mogen frukt:
knopp  blomma  en blomma till  en blomma till  en blomma till  en blomma till  en blomma till  tvärsnitt av blomma  Ung frukt  Mogen frukt

Känd från 7 lokaler kring Rydet i Hl: Onsala [Ryde:11]. Karta i Ryde:09.

Holotype (LD, isotypes: GB, S, UPS): Halland, Onsala: the parking lot of Rydet sports field on the western side in the middle, Swedish Grid RT90 6369897 1271104, leg. U. Ryde, 30 Jun 2009 [Ryde:11].

Scannade ex från: Hl, Onsala: P-platsen till Rydets idrottsplats i V på mitten, 6369897 1271104, 2007-06-23, 30/6-09.

Ingen variation noterad.

En karateristisk art som mest liknar R. norvergicus, men med drag av gothicus.

Kromosomtal 2n = 28 [Ryde:11].

Description of type [Ryde:11]: The stem is low-arched, with distinctly furrowed sides, 4-7 mm in diameter, glabrous and with occasional to rather many glands. The internodes are 7-11 cm. The prickles are bent at the tip, 9-19 per 5 cm, 3-5 mm, with a base of 3-5 mm. The stipules are 1-2 mm with many glands. The leaves are 16-22 cm long, with 3-5 leaflets, purely green. The leaf stalk is 5-8 cm, with 5-12 prickles that are ~2 mm and falcate. The terminal leaflet is cordate, 8-11 x 7-11 cm, widest below the middle, sparsely hairy on both sides, grey-green below, with a tendency to hairs pectinately arranged on the veins; its petiolule is 2-4 cm, with 3-8 prickles. The serration is weakly periodic and fine. The leaf apex is acuminate, 11-17 mm. The surface of the leaves is bullate with impressed veins. The lateral leaflets are 7-10 cm long with a petiolule of 2-7 mm. The basal leaflets are 4-7 cm long and sessile. The rachis is densely hairy with many glands. The prickles of the inflorescence are 2-4 mm and bent in the tip. The pedicels are 1-2 cm with 3-10 prickles of 1-2 mm that are bent. 1-6 of the upper leaves are integer, coarsely serrated, and grey below. The flowers are large (2-3 cm), rarely monstrous. The petals are palely pink. The filaments are white and the styles are white or often palely pink at the base. The sepals are often elongated and erect to patent in the fruit, normally with many stalked glands. The hypanthium is densely hairy. The carpels are glabrous. The stamens exceed the styles and the anthers are glabrous. The fruits are mostly aborted.


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Hem Artlista Nyckel